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Clear or nuclear: Will Saudi Arabia get the bomb?

Now only one country in the world needs nuclear power which is Iran.
To counter USA there is Russia.
To counter Pk China there is India.
To counter Israel( who is a potential threat to neighbouring countries) there is no one.........??
There is a misbalace of power there. Iran wont ever attack on KSA. So KSA should support that.
All the countries together cant counter the US,so your point is invalid.
By this statement,all Israel has to do is strike Iran and the US will have to engage.
Why didnt they then untill now?
Dont you find that strange?

Clearly, imposing more economic sanctions on Iran is an act of war at this point. No, Israel can't destroy the entire nuclear infrastructure of Iran ,but it surly can delay their program. Still, we need to wait and see what they're gonna come up with.

Now only one country in the world needs nuclear power which is Iran.
To counter USA there is Russia.
To counter Pk China there is India.
To counter Israel( who is a potential threat to neighbouring countries) there is no one.........??
There is a misbalace of power there. Iran wont ever attack on KSA. So KSA should support that.
It's not about KSA attacking Iran or the other way around. But, if Iran is willing to pursue its nuclear ambitions then be it. We had enough on our plate.

All the countries together cant counter the US,so your point is invalid.
There's no such things as countering but rather deterring.
Clearly, imposing more economic sanctions on Iran is an act of war at this point. No, Israel can't destroy the entire nuclear infrastructure of Iran ,but it surly can delay their program. Still, we need to wait and see what they're gonna come up with.

Where have you been my friend?
You could have said something,i thought they got you.
I was about to take the first plane with my:guns:
Eeh. Iran wants to go nuclear so it can guarantee the survival of its mullah regime. The US has been trying its hardest to overthrow the current Iranian for ages now ,therefore they believe that with a nuclear weapon nobody will come around them.
That is just a make believe...The USA have never tried to overthrow the Iranian government, but to put a stick in its wheels. Iran is useful card in the hand of the USA and they are not going to do anything to change the way things are now. Iran is contained by american forces all the around Iran. The American nightmare is Pakistan now.
For the nuclear question, They are not a threat either and the rest of the world will accomodate with a nuclear Iran.
Iran vowing to wipe Israel off the map or Iran being a friend with Israel or Iran giving Israel money is a matter of no concern for us. By the same token, Israel saying that we have been treated like Kings and Queens or saying Iran is a threat to the world peace

Yzd Khalifa...That is, just rethoric destined for internal consumption... You are from the area, and you know very well that Moslem country in their vast majority excel in it...

I'm not going to argue wether KSA possess WMDs or not. The bottom line is the bottom line and that's KSA reserves the right to protect its people. And let me tell you that the survival of the Kingdom lies at no one's hand but the Saudi people.
nobody is arguing on that or faulting KSA to use any means to protect itself and it citizens.

Or Israel arming Iran is also a matter of no concern to us. KSA never threatened any country in the region nor did KSA wage a war against another nation, all what matters to us is our national security ,but if anybody tried to play with us ,I can assure you that they won't get away with what they did.
A little of chauvinistic nationalism...:cheers: we are no expert on the matter, just exchanging opinions... One of each of us role, is to to defend our respective homeland...no argument about that..
That is just a make believe...The USA have never tried to overthrow the Iranian government, but to put a stick in its wheels. Iran is useful card in the hand of the USA and they are not going to do anything to change the way things are now. Iran is contained by american forces all the around Iran. The American nightmare is Pakistan now.
For the nuclear question, They are not a threat either and the rest of the world will accomodate with a nuclear Iran.

Yes, I fully agree on the fact that the world can live with a nuclear Iran ,but the issue is that neither Israel or the US are willing to let go. I mean Israel will never stop its campaign against Iran for some reasons. I don't believe that Pakistan is the ultimate American nightmare, China is surly the biggest fear the US has for the 21st centuary, it's a country with a very strong economy that has been grown by leap and bounds over the years, and a military might as well. Pakistan is different, look the west is trying to denuke them but they will keep trying and they will fail ,at the end of the tunnel.

I would still argue though that the US has been trying to overthrow the Iranian regime. Even Jimmy Carter openly admitted it. You may also check out Ron Paul and Noam Chomsky, both of those spoke about the US numerous attempts to overthrow the Iranian regime.

Yzd Khalifa...That is, just rethoric destined for internal consumption... You are from the area, and you know very well that Moslem country in their vast majority excel in it...
Yeah I know! Iran talks big :lol: but the West and Israel is taking them seriously.

A little of chauvinistic nationalism... we are no expert on the matter, just exchanging opinions... One of each of us role, is to to defend our respective homeland...no argument about that..

This has nothing to do with nationalism or Saudi Arabia solely sir. We are also concerned about the security of other fallows and friends like Jordan ,Morocco ,and Algeria sir. What harm them harms KSA ,and please allow me to remind you that KSA backed Algeria over the years ,and we diplomatically endorsed the action the government had taken against the terrorists who kidnaped 20-something foreigners a few months ago. You guys had taught them a good lesson :sniper: not to play with the Algerian Special Forces :sniper:

I understand that you don't agree with KSA foreign policy ,and I respect your opinion.
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