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Clean Coal Power



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Dec 23, 2008
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Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) clean coal technology is a proven underground combustion process, which produces a synthetic gas or syngas at the surface that can be economically used for a variety of purposes including:

* Production of liquid fuels using Coal To Liquids technology
* Electricity generation using gas turbines / combined cycles
* As feedstock in different petrochemical processes

U.C.G clean coal technology has been successfully operating commercially at a number of sites in the ex-Soviet Union for more than 40 years, where two plants are still in operation. In this application the syn gas is used primarily for power generation and heating.

Linc Energy through an extensive R&D programme, which included government support, has developed a benchmark U.C.G facility at Chinchilla in Queensland, Australia. This is the first facility of its kind to have achieved sustained success in the western world.

Follow the Link:lincenergy.us/

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