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Making Diesel from Thar coal

Either way, my answer is not going to help you.

You know what, you are running out sane of arguments.

Well, only those running out of arguments resort to personal attacks.

The water powered car is a hoax. Hydroelectric power projects require huge amounts of capital, and good planning and implementation, which Pakistan does not have at the moment.

Whatever you meant, it is not working for Pakistan, is it?

It is not me who needs help, I assure you.
Not necessarily. I am sure China can provide the help needed for establishing more nuclear power generation.

ha! Our Chinese "brothers" the higher than himalaya friends are actually buying huge nuclear plants from the USA.


There own tech is 50 years old and thus not suitable.

If Chinese reject their own stuff for their own use, why us the Pakistanis be the sacrificial lambs for Chinese?

Why us the "Qurbani ka bakra".

See my post #27 to get a bit more lighthearted taken on this very topic.

Thank you
ha! Our Chinese "brothers" the higher than himalaya friends are actually buying huge nuclear plants from the USA.


There own tech is 50 years old and thus not suitable.

If Chinese reject their own stuff for their own use, why us the Pakistanis be the sacrificial lambs for Chinese?

Why us the "Qurbani ka bakra".

See my post #27 to get a bit more lighthearted taken on this very topic.

Thank you

I read that post already.

What the Chinese are getting from the west are the mega power plants. The basic 300MW PWR design from China is pretty robust and suitable for Pakistan.
CommOn batman yara. These news sound good if you are sitting in European apartment, and cold/hot air blows on your "soft and lovely" face while you furiously type these precious words and emotionally thumping the keyboard.
So does this means, we shall stop reading or quoting news?
Come out of your camo. Mr. Fauji. don't be jealous of Pakistani Europeans.

I'm sorry but this is the dilemma of Pakistanis, they get jealous only of each other!

For us in Pakistan, such news are like a beautiful and sexy woman standing 10 meters away behind a thick glass wall. We can see her but cannot touch.

And she teases us, and teases us day and night. driving us mad, driving us crazy while Mullahs f our nation from behind.

Are you gona do some thing about it?
I feel sorry, if your demoncratic govt. is busy trading your development with foreign passports.

Anyhow, natural resources had been developed in past and you need to get rid of foreigners sitting in assemblies in order to make decisions for your self.

So don't tell us about discoveries, show us the natural gas, and not the hot gas one omits after eating lots and lots and lots of daal

Don't read about discoveries.... don't switch ON TV.. this way you can save your self.

Mehrabani yara. Dil na dukhao. Do not tease us please.,

Do you have a choice?
A lot of people are ignoring the economics of this, which is more important than the technology.
This is economics generally, and those pertaining to pakistan.

Nuclear waste disposal is expensive in the west because it is labour-intensive, in Pakistan it might not be such a problem.

The cost of producing diesel from coal is the same. Currently, the costs quoted are higher than other countries; I am sure that with experience and economies of scale, this will change. Remember, at present this technology is imported and thus expensive. Future home grown alternatives will change the cost per barrel.

Home produced diesel means a great relief on the balance of payments, this might even justify higher production costs.

Both china and the US produce up to 50% of their power through coal, if Pakistan did the same using Thar coal it will fundamentally change Pakistan's economic situation.

Utilizing Thar coal is too great an oppertunity to miss.
I read that post already.

What the Chinese are getting from the west are the mega power plants. The basic 300MW PWR design from China is pretty robust and suitable for Pakistan.

I respectfully disagree.

I personally know families (both military and civilian) who have died at these Chinese plants installed you know where. Typical Pak government baboo response is "sub acha hai" everything is good.

These plants do not produce close to their advertised capacity, they are accident prone, and their contribution to Pakistan is only to increase the load shedding and not decrease it.

So I urge you and many other Paks that please do not accept the qissa kahani about Chinese plants. As I said Chinese themselves are hesitant.

Moreover Chinese are not going to give us for free. We cannot sell any service or product to them. This is true for Russians too. We cannot sell any product or service to them either.

The only country where our services have value are in the West. Hope you know what I mean.

Every other country wants to see our money first. And as a nation we do not earn extra cash (cold hard dollars) to pay to Chinese or Ruskies or Iranians or Timbuktuins.

ha! Our Chinese "brothers" the higher than himalaya friends are actually buying huge nuclear plants from the USA.


There own tech is 50 years old and thus not suitable.

If Chinese reject their own stuff for their own use, why us the Pakistanis be the sacrificial lambs for Chinese?

Why us the "Qurbani ka bakra".

See my post #27 to get a bit more lighthearted taken on this very topic.

Thank you

Now you are unhappy again!

This time its nuclear power has broken your heart!

No Gas, No nuclear power ........ how else, would you like to get served?
So does this means, we shall stop reading or quoting news?
Come out of your camo. Mr. Fauji. don't be jealous of Pakistani Europeans.

I'm sorry but this is the dilemma of Pakistanis, they get jealous only of each other!

Are you gona do some thing about it?
I feel sorry, if your demoncratic govt. is busy trading your development with foreign passports.

Anyhow, natural resources had been developed in past and you need to get rid of foreigners sitting in assemblies in order to make decisions for your self.


Don't read about discoveries.... don't switch ON TV.. this way you can save your self.

Do you have a choice?

typical response from people who sit 1000s of miles away and lecture us on what our country is.

Comeon batman, serve with our jawans for few days deployed in hot zones like Wazirastan and I'll see who knows Pakistan better and who is really shooting hot air from a distance.

peace to you, peace to all,.
Well, only those running out of arguments resort to personal attacks.

Apparently, not true when you start making pointless inquiries!

The water powered car is a hoax. Hydroelectric power projects require huge amounts of capital, and good planning and implementation, which Pakistan does not have at the moment.

Water power car is on your nerves.... Discussion was never about capital still, I believe Pakistan loose squarely in every flash floods.
It hints, problem lies some where else than merely shortage of capital.

Whatever you meant, it is not working for Pakistan, is it?

I fail to see the point, yet again! or are you teasing?

Don't you realize, we all are discussing some thing, which yet have to work for Pakistan?
Are we not exploring the potentials of Pakistan?

It is not me who needs help, I assure you.

You clearly are confused with your identity and this needs attention ad help, trust me.
typical response from people who sit 1000s of miles away and lecture us on what our country is.

Lets continue on Pakistan's untapped natural reserves

Comeon batman, serve with our jawans for few days deployed in hot zones like Wazirastan and I'll see who knows Pakistan better and who is really shooting hot air from a distance.

peace to you, peace to all,.

Do not go astray.
I respectfully disagree.

I personally know families (both military and civilian) who have died at these Chinese plants installed you know where. Typical Pak government baboo response is "sub acha hai" everything is good.

These plants do not produce close to their advertised capacity, they are accident prone, and their contribution to Pakistan is only to increase the load shedding and not decrease it.

So I urge you and many other Paks that please do not accept the qissa kahani about Chinese plants. As I said Chinese themselves are hesitant.

Moreover Chinese are not going to give us for free. We cannot sell any service or product to them. This is true for Russians too. We cannot sell any product or service to them either.

The only country where our services have value are in the West. Hope you know what I mean.

Every other country wants to see our money first. And as a nation we do not earn extra cash (cold hard dollars) to pay to Chinese or Ruskies or Iranians or Timbuktuins.


All good points, but I will only add that Pakistan does have the expertise necessary to reliably and safely run the Chinese 300MW design well into the future. They may not be the latest or greatest, but they are better than anything else available to Pakistan, due to the reasons you clearly mention.
This has reference to the post by Honourable Mughaljee where the article by Vice Chancellor of Punjab University is quoted.

I am flabbergasted at this preposterous claim. This is how intellectually dishonest persons try to make fool of the naïve public.The good VC, whoever he is, has wished away the following facts.

-Saudi Arabia and all the countries mentioned above have proven oil reserves that are usable as soon as the same come out of the ground. Some countries such as Japan and also Saudi Arabia burn crude to generate power, without going thru the refining process.

-Thar Coal deposits were discovered in 1991 that was 21 years ago. To date we have not seen any benefit from this. Letters at the bottom is a political slogan, saying “Come change this worst possible system in the world”.

-How many persons realise that reason why the alleged huge deposits of Thar coal have not so been exploited is because this coal cannot be used as it is. It will require huge investment that Pakistan doesn’t have.

-A controversial pilot project of UCG has been underway for a couple of years but we have not yet produced a singly Watt of electricity from it. UCG project may or may not succeed.

-After UCG has been proven to be commercially viable, huge funding and technical expertise (Which Pakistan would have to buy from South Africa) will be needed before we start producing a single barrel of petroleum.

South Africa, which has been making synfuels since 1955 is only producing about 180,000 barrels per day of oil from Coal gasification. Our good VC by saying that we have potentially twice the size of Saudi Arabia gives the impression that Pakistan can produce 10-miliom barrels per day of oil from Thar coal!

In my earlier post I have mentioned that I am all for the UCG project but assuming that it is successful, we would only generate about 100 MW electricity from it in next couple of years.
Production of synthetic diesel is far way in the future.

How long would Pakistanis live in cuckoo land? For heaven’s sake stop being fooled by nefarious hypocrites. Let us keep everything in proper perspective.
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