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Claims of some North Korean starving individuals are eating own kids

What about the humanity of Americans a million dead in Iraq. Children's are being born disformed from Vietnam to Kosovo to Iraq because of the crap you throw over there during you're wars. For every one dollar the US spend on foreign aid America spends another 2 to 3 dollars on wars abroad. Killing people from Yemen to Pakistan to Afghanistan to Libya etc.

And isn't one of the problems in North Korea the sanctions that makes it hard for North Korea to trade and invest and develop their economy. So Americans are placing sanctions on starving people not only in North Korea but also in Gaza and other parts of the world. And what about the US led sanctions against Iraq in the 1990's that killed 500,000 children's in Iraq that according to former secretary of state Madeline Albright was worth it. And what about the sanctions against Iran that has caused medicine shortages and other hardships to the 75 million Iranian people.

This is the humanity of Americans who keeps electing and re-electing warmongers like these. Because the American people either agree with what their leaders are doing or because they don't care or are ignorent to what their leaders and country is doing to people around the world. I don't know which one is worse.
This is about how a government treats its people. No comparison with inter-state relations. For Iraq, there was the Oil-For-Food program that allowed the Iraqi government purchase humanitarian goods. The program was managed by the UN, not US. The money went into a UN managed escrow account. During that program, the US was the singular largest buyer of Iraqi oil, even though we did not need it. Saddam Hussein funneled much, if not most, of the OFF program to support his army and to build palaces repleted with gold plated toilet fixtures. China, Russia, France, Germany, and several other smaller countries, got under the table deals from Saddam Hussein. How Saddam Hussein was before sanctions on Iraq, the same Saddam Hussein during sanctions: a brutal dictator. How much medicines could be bought with billions of OFF money? So if you want to blame US for those Iraqi children deaths, then also blame China because China was fully complicit in the corruption that went all the way to the office of the UN SecGen itself.
This is about how a government treats its people. No comparison with inter-state relations. For Iraq, there was the Oil-For-Food program that allowed the Iraqi government purchase humanitarian goods. The program was managed by the UN, not US. The money went into a UN managed escrow account. During that program, the US was the singular largest buyer of Iraqi oil, even though we did not need it. Saddam Hussein funneled much, if not most, of the OFF program to support his army and to build palaces repleted with gold plated toilet fixtures. China, Russia, France, Germany, and several other smaller countries, got under the table deals from Saddam Hussein. How Saddam Hussein was before sanctions on Iraq, the same Saddam Hussein during sanctions: a brutal dictator. How much medicines could be bought with billions of OFF money? So if you want to blame US for those Iraqi children deaths, then also blame China because China was fully complicit in the corruption that went all the way to the office of the UN SecGen itself.

This is about how a government treats its people. No comparison with inter-state relations.

Since when are North Koreans China's own people ? Doesn't North Korea fall under inter-state relations for China ?

China, Russia and France wanted those sanctions on Iraq lifted while it's America and Brittain that opposed the idea. Oil for food is only about humanitarian goods like food and medicine. A nation cannot live off of medicine and food imports alone. The sanctions against Iraq was choken off the infrastructure of the country that supported the people. Iraq couldn't import spare parts and to maintain its industry and infrastructure that's the problem with the sanctions.

And isn't America complicité to suffering of the North Korean people too ? Placing sanctions on hungry people of North Korea. Playing politics with aid. And if you want to talk about mad dogs on leashes. What about israel that recieve American weapons, American finance and American diplomatic support. And Israel throws a tantum all over the region from bombing Gaza, Lebanon, Syrian and the West-Bank. Isn't America in you're logic responsible for the actions of Israel and the suffering of the palestinians. If you want to blame China for North Korea because it is a "ally" then America too must be held responsible for the conduct of its allies too. And what about those other things i mentioned in my post using poisoned weapons in war etc. Nothing to say about that ? And what about my other question. And you have also indirectly answered my other question. Why do Americans keep re-electing warmongers. Mental gymnastics nothing is America's faults its always the other guy. In other words self deceit.
Since when are North Koreans China's own people ? Doesn't North Korea fall under inter-state relations for China ?

China, Russia and France wanted those sanctions on Iraq lifted while it's America and Brittain that opposed the idea. Oil for food is only about humanitarian goods like food and medicine. A nation cannot live off of medicine and food imports alone. The sanctions against Iraq was choken off the infrastructure of the country that supported the people. Iraq couldn't import spare parts and to maintain its industry and infrastructure that's the problem with the sanctions.

And isn't America complicité to suffering of the North Korean people too ? Placing sanctions on hungry people of North Korea. Playing politics with aid. And if you want to talk about mad dogs on leashes. What about israel that recieve American weapons, American finance and American diplomatic support. And Israel throws a tantum all over the region from bombing Gaza, Lebanon, Syrian and the West-Bank. Isn't America in you're logic responsible for the actions of Israel and the suffering of the palestinians. If you want to blame China for North Korea because it is a "ally" then America too must be held responsible for the conduct of its allies too. And what about those other things i mentioned in my post using poisoned weapons in war etc. Nothing to say about that ? And what about my other question. And you have also indirectly answered my other question. Why do Americans keep re-electing warmongers. Mental gymnastics nothing is America's faults its always the other guy. In other words self deceit.
Apparently you have a problem distinguishing a 'sanction' from a 'blockade'. Look them up.
Hunger can force a person into anything. Such things did happen in Bengal famine. If in a modern state starvation is reached to such an extent then => rulers are a failure and should not rule anymore.
Apparently you have a problem distinguishing a 'sanction' from a 'blockade'. Look them up.

Sanctions are blockades, its blockade by law. Its prevents people and nations from getting what they needs and there for causes suffering. China cannot be blamed for the mad economic policies of the North Koreans. America however is directly to blame for the suffering of the sanctions that it chooses to impose on other nations.
Sanctions are blockades, its blockade by law. Its prevents people and nations from getting what they needs and there for causes suffering.
Geez...:lol:...The Chinese members here often tout that 'high Chinese IQ'. I ain't yet seen any.

American laws are not applicable to British or French or South Korean companies. When Viet Nam was under American sanctions, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Russia, Cuba, and a list of smaller countries traded with Viet Nam.

China cannot be blamed for the mad economic policies of the North Koreans.
Good. Then you should have no problems blaming North Korea?

America however is directly to blame for the suffering of the sanctions that it chooses to impose on other nations.
Utter BS.
This is what happens when you have china as your ally.
Where as see where south korea is having USA as a ally.

then in this case China must be a 'royal ally' of India too``because in reality 90% indians as dead poor as N.koreans, plus raping, slaving and discrimination has free ride in India..and the 'evil' China must be held accountable for the barbarism in India
and now this little viets start applying his maintenance 'experiences' on international issues, or 'defining' some terminologies```quite entertaining, guess the basement life is really bored
Geez...:lol:...The Chinese members here often tout that 'high Chinese IQ'. I ain't yet seen any.

American laws are not applicable to British or French or South Korean companies. When Viet Nam was under American sanctions, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Russia, Cuba, and a list of smaller countries traded with Viet Nam.

Good. Then you should have no problems blaming North Korea?

Utter BS.

To you're first point. When it comes to Iraq its comes down to a blockade when you have America using the UN platform for her own political agenda that's not shared by other members of the security council. The US has effectivly had a 13 year blockade on Iraq using her veto to maintain it. And what is this whole thing with the "Chinese IQ" having problems keeping a conversation civil ?

To you're second point. Exactly the North Koreans are to blame for her own situation.

To you're third point. America is responsible for the effects of her actions. Placing economic sanctions on other nations hurt the common man. Even if it is just America doing it the effect is still being felt.
To you're first point. When it comes to Iraq its comes down to a blockade when you have America using the UN platform for her own political agenda that's not shared by other members of the security council. The US has effectivly had a 13 year blockade on Iraq using her veto to maintain it. And what is this whole thing with the "Chinese IQ" having problems keeping a conversation civil ?
Right...:lol:...So that give China the latitude to oily deals under the table with Saddam Hussein knowing full well that money from legit sales were not going to the Iraqi people?

Am willing to bet yuan to rice cakes (instead of dollars to doughnuts) that this is the first time you ever heard of the OFF program and how China was active in its corruption.

To you're second point. Exactly the North Koreans are to blame for her own situation.

To you're third point. America is responsible for the effects of her actions. Placing economic sanctions on other nations hurt the common man. Even if it is just America doing it the effect is still being felt.
Trade is a privilege, not a right. At most, I have the right to PROPOSE trade, but not IMPOSE it. So if you claim that right to deny me access to your country, the corollary is that I have the same right to deny you access to mine, correct? You or any other country, correct?

So explain to us (not US) what right were claimed by Viet Nam to allow access to the Soviets, South Korea, Japan, and Canada, during the US sanction regime.

and now this little viets start applying his maintenance 'experiences' on international issues, or 'defining' some terminologies```quite entertaining, guess the basement life is really bored
Then what experiences do you have, conscript reject, to justify your participation on a military oriented forum?
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