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Claims of some North Korean starving individuals are eating own kids

wtf:angry:, kill those bast@rds...... who killed their own children....

dude they did it out of hunger not in rage or anger, they were starving to death what would u have done? may be the parents cried alot before taking this heinous step ?

hope some sunshine that tiny country gets. death to its leadership.

wtf:angry:, kill those bast@rds...... who killed their own children....

dude they did it out of hunger not in rage or anger, they were starving to death what would u have done? may be the parents cried alot before taking this heinous step ?

hope some sunshine that tiny country gets. death to its leadership.
Looking at at objectively every nation in the Six-party talks shares blame for the current plight of ordinary North Koreans, because each member could help improve the situation considerably in a constructive way, but choose not to, from North Korea not making substantial reforms to the other 5 nations preferring the status quo over any huge upheaval. Make no mistake though, North Korea shares the largest blame and responsibility for its current situation.

On another (related) note, I'll respond to some posts from KingMamba93 :laugh:

The Chinese have no humanity, people will bash North Korea but anyone with even a little bit of knowledge about the situation know that the day the Chinese stop supporting the Kims North Korea will accept change with open arms. Of course it doesn't matter for the CCP if a couple of common koreans die as long as they have a buffer state between them and a thriving democracy.

Oh please, the South Koreans would have no problem reuniting the Korean peninsula. Just stop supporting the Kims and the Southerners will save what little is left of the poor people in the North.

Not sure if naïve or serious...but in any case I'll give you the benefit of the doubt with a quote from below (though I can't be bothered recopying & pasting the whole article again so you'll have to click the quote)

The 2010 Wikileaks debacle regarding North Korea seems to have been conveniently forgotten / overlooked, so I'll help jolt some memories.

It is a common misconception that China holds a lot of leverage over North Korea, when in reality the only real leverage they hold basically consists of double-edged swords.

You give food to the elite not the commoners who are being reduced to inhuman savagery. Americans donate more than any other country on this planet for various humanitarian causes. It is not our fault you Chinese raised a psycho dog and now have lost the grip on its leash.

Well to be fair North Korea was by and large mostly propped up by the (now defunct) USSR for nearly 40 years until the end of the Cold War, so significant support from PRC to North Korea (excluding the Korean War) is a relatively recent phenomenon.

The Chinese are the crutch that hold up the Kims. If they remove their financial support the Kims would openly accept change or be overthrown by the military itself. Or China can just say they will not interfere on North Koreas behalf militarily and the South Koreans can take it from there.

==> Points to the Wikileaks article about China - North Korea in my earlier quote.

China props up the commies in North Korea because they are insecure about having a thriving democracy which happens to be a huge US ally on their direct borders. North Korea is their buffer satellite state.

No, nowadays the PRC does it because if they don't it means that North Korea collapses, which will result in millions of refugees streaming across the Chinese border. Any marginal strategic value that North Korea has (or may have had) for China is completely offset (and then some) by the large strategic and economic liability that North Korea represents (in case your wondering, yes, North Korea having nukes is a HUGE strategic liability).

While your lofty liberal optimism is rather admirable (from a personal point of view), it is also important not to neglect the cold, hard reality of geopolitics.

==> Points again to the Wikileaks article about China - North Korea in my earlier quote.

We say you are keeping the N Koreans as puppets while the South lives free.

Quite frankly, in general North Korea does not accede to the whims of any nation, China included.
Non-aggression pact - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
During negotiations between the United States and North Korea in 2003, North Korea offered to eventually eliminate its nuclear weapons program if both sides signed a non-aggression treaty (along with multiple other conditions). As of this date, however, a nonaggression treaty between the two has yet to be formulated
that is your indian version of arrogance and ignorance. dont keep repeating these indian trashes here. we know these long before all trolls

If you give an informed and logical response to posts here instead of nation bashing, we may learn about, respect and eventually eventually possibly admire the PRC's stance on North Korea. You should take a lesson from Plexyre and certain of your other fellow countrymen who adopt a much more mature stance in responding. It is heartwrenching to read about people digging up the bodies of their family members or parents killing their children to eat them out of starvation. People are purely questioning what is the cause of this. This is not a peeing contest between China and India or China and any other country. It is a humanitarian disaster. I for one after reading this thread and some of the sensible responses from Chinese members here just logged onto a UNO site and signed a petition calling for the removal of sanctions against North Korea in respect of food and medicinal items. I personally believe that if China didn't intervene in North Korea then the situation would be much more bleak for the average citizen there. I didn't draw this conclusion by reading irresponsible posts such as yours. I drew this conclusion after reading posts by intelligent people from your country.

Any idea why the pact wasnt concluded ? If the US and North Korea cant break ground then is it not possible for them to get a mediator such as China to hedge them forward ?
As long as 'dear' leader has something to eat, there is no problem.
N.korean regime is a lunatic regime but america also has its share in the suffering of N.koreans. Can N.K Bomb US? Then why the sanctions? Force these lunneys to open up and they will naturally integrate into S.korea dismembering the nukes. Or they can allow china take over the territory.Common N.Koreans will accept any of those 2 scenarios with open arms for prosperity & freedom.
If you give an informed and logical response to posts here instead of nation bashing, we may learn about, respect and eventually eventually possibly admire the PRC's stance on North Korea. You should take a lesson from Plexyre and certain of your other fellow countrymen who adopt a much more mature stance in responding. It is heartwrenching to read about people digging up the bodies of their family members or parents killing their children to eat them out of starvation. People are purely questioning what is the cause of this. This is not a peeing contest between China and India or China and any other country. It is a humanitarian disaster. I for one after reading this thread and some of the sensible responses from Chinese members here just logged onto a UNO site and signed a petition calling for the removal of sanctions against North Korea in respect of food and medicinal items. I personally believe that if China didn't intervene in North Korea then the situation would be much more bleak for the average citizen there. I didn't draw this conclusion by reading irresponsible posts such as yours. I drew this conclusion after reading posts by intelligent people from your country.

nation bashing - depends on which nation. on this thread, bashing indian cheerleaders and their clones are definitely worthwhile

we are not asking for fame. we are saviing human lives here. simple and clear. cut out all those indian cheerleading "humanitarian highhorsing humility" b/s!
Looking at at objectively every nation in the Six-party talks shares blame for the current plight of ordinary North Koreans, because each member could help improve the situation considerably in a constructive way, but choose not to, from North Korea not making substantial reforms to the other 5 nations preferring the status quo over any huge upheaval. Make no mistake though, North Korea shares the largest blame and responsibility for its current situation.

On another (related) note, I'll respond to some posts from KingMamba93 :laugh:

Not sure if naïve or serious...but in any case I'll give you the benefit of the doubt with a quote from below (though I can't be bothered recopying & pasting the whole article again so you'll have to click the quote)

Well to be fair North Korea was by and large mostly propped up by the (now defunct) USSR for nearly 40 years until the end of the Cold War, so significant support from PRC to North Korea (excluding the Korean War) is a relatively recent phenomenon.

==> Points to the Wikileaks article about China - North Korea in my earlier quote.

No, nowadays the PRC does it because if they don't it means that North Korea collapses, which will result in millions of refugees streaming across the Chinese border. Any marginal strategic value that North Korea has (or may have had) for China is completely offset (and then some) by the large strategic and economic liability that North Korea represents (in case your wondering, yes, North Korea having nukes is a HUGE strategic liability).

While your lofty liberal optimism is rather admirable (from a personal point of view), it is also important not to neglect the cold, hard reality of geopolitics.

==> Points again to the Wikileaks article about China - North Korea in my earlier quote.

Quite frankly, in general North Korea does not accede to the whims of any nation, China included.

I never said China should ask them to calm down because quite frankly you guys have lost control of the rabid dog, what I did say was that if you stopped their economic and food aid which only serves the Kim family than change may be accepted by the North Koreans because of necessity or the military itself may turn on the family and adopt changes (like the Myanmar situation). As long as fluff boy Kim is getting fed I don't see why he would care if a couple thousand of his people starve every so often. China may not have as much leverage over the North Koreans as it used to but then I ask you this, which country on this planet has more leverage over NK than China??
N.korean regime is a lunatic regime but america also has its share in the suffering of N.koreans. Can N.K Bomb US? Then why the sanctions? Force these lunneys to open up and they will naturally integrate into S.korea dismembering the nukes. Or they can allow china take over the territory.Common N.Koreans will accept any of those 2 scenarios with open arms for prosperity & freedom.

I don't see how the US can be blamed here if the Chinese are considered free of all blame. Also the Chinese do not want NK as part of China they just want them next to them.
N.korean regime is a lunatic regime but america also has its share in the suffering of N.koreans. Can N.K Bomb US? Then why the sanctions? Force these lunneys to open up and they will naturally integrate into S.korea dismembering the nukes. Or they can allow china take over the territory.Common N.Koreans will accept any of those 2 scenarios with open arms for prosperity & freedom.
North Korea may not be able to attack US directly, but North Korea can attack South Korea, our ally, therefore, attack US indirectly.

A sanction is not a blockade and this is where there is a constant misleading argument. There is no naval, ground, or air access denial regime to North Korea supported by military resources. That would be a blockade and is an act of ACTIVE WARFARE.

A sanction regime is about persuasion and how we persuade other countries from dealing with North Korea is for another discussion. But the reality is that if China can defy a US led sanction regime against North Korea, then what is preventing Russia from said same defiance? Nothing. We trade with China. Can we say to China: 'Stop supporting North Korea. Else we impose high punitive tariffs on Chinese imports into the US.' ? Absolutely we can. Another reality is that when Viet Nam was under US sanctions, our allies Japan, South Korea, Canada, and several more defied US and entered Viet Nam long before US President Bill Clinton removed that sanction regime. And how long has Clinton been out of office now? That should tell you how long US allies ignored our persuasions and defied US sanctions regarding Viet Nam.

Everywhere communism was imposed since the end of WW II, poverty, social misery, shortages of goods and food, famine, and even cannibalism followed. It was a good thing that horror never occurred in Eastern Europe but did in China and now North Korea. We never traded with East Germany or Yugoslavia and no cannibalism occurred there. So why the convenient blame on US for cannibalism in North Korea but not for China when that horror occurred?

Intellectual consistency. Ever heard of it?
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