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CJ Iftikhar Chaudhary strikes back at COAS Kiyani's Threat to SC !!

army have to published thier social walfare activities to get support from the people of pakistan,
The Issue is REAL my friend !!

SC has also ordered to present a copy of threat release, I mean ISPR press release in court next time.

It has become a habit for CJ to satisfy his ego by running all over the Army, but guess what, the Army still remains clear of any charges. If CJ was this concerned about trying terrorism suspects that appeal their case to the SC and get freed, maybe he would have grown a pair and actually ordered a terrorist to the gallows by now. But the guy's just on a power trip, one that will end soon enough.

and no not for a single day, army or kiyani had been non political, they have tried to detail the system or kept threats of national government of technocrats all the time, they did formulate the foreign policy, they did try to cash in memogate and OBL operation in their favour...

Just a rant or do you have proof of any of the above?

when army interfere, the likes of Nawaz,Gilani becomes politicians...

Now that they aren't interfering, they are being pushed around. What message does that give?

the only credit in Army's history is being American boot licker,

Yeah, that's right. ONLY the Army took benefit from America. Next time don't use electricity made from American Funded Dams, Drive on American Funded roads or buy American brands? The Hypocrisy!

giving bases to America,

And CJ ordered them to leave the bases? No
When Imran comes to power (probably never will) he's not going to do anything either, because Foreign Policy is not your playground ki kachi pakki. You lack the exposure to understand that. You have limited understanding of geo-politics.

killing Leaders, giving us ayub, yahya,zia and musharraf types

The Nation longed for them, each was a popular ruler.

breaking the country,

Since when did ZA Bhutto become a Soldier. Last I remember, it was him and his posse that locked the NA to stop Mujib from attending Parliament.

losing territory, losing wars,

Only one war was a decisive success for India, if you don't know that, then you are on the wrong forum.

killing its own people,

The TTP may be your and Imran's people, they certainly aren't my people or of the 50,000 odd people killed at their hands.

creating mullahs,

They are made in a factory?

becomnig land mafia... ????

By buying land instead of grabbing it like the rest of the country? Shame on you, it's one thing to levy points but that's just a plain lie!

what you wanna talk about !!! Huh !

Quite right, there is nothing to talk about since your post lacks all evidence of logic or historical accuracy. It's just another mindless rant.

power greed is beyond country, nation, belief or anything... that is why army would give up easily on that,unless a man of character !!

The Army is made out of our own people they are a reflection of our nation. You and me, they will only ever be as good as we are. As they say, jaisi awam, waisay hukmaran. Our hypocrisy of criticizing others while considering ourselves as saints is why we continue to get ourselves into problems and PTI seems hell bent in making denial, blame throwing and patsying our national policy.
^^ desperate and still putting up nonsense rants :lol:

on a positive note Aitzaz Ahsan said that both Chiefs should not give political statements, as its beyond their roles defined in constitution...
Army is not to monitor Scumbags, Judiciary should...

Agr yeh samj huti tu yeh hal kartay mulk ka. judiciary has all the rights in world under present constitution to monitor and stop any one crossing the red line. If there is no active judiciary these poiticians and generals would sell pakistan to even india if right amount is paid.
mujhay tu samjh nai ati ghareeb pakistani kahan jaye because yeh tu mulk hi fouj ka ha. humara tu ha hi nai kuj.
^^ desperate and still putting up nonsense rants :lol:

on a positive note Aitzaz Ahsan said that both Chiefs should not give political statements, as its beyond their roles defined in constitution...

Please, define how constitutional is appointment of Asif Zardari? and how much constitutional is his executive order?
^^ desperate and still putting up nonsense rants :lol:

Whereas you are doing both from the start rather than just concede a point where it's due.

on a positive note Aitzaz Ahsan said that both Chiefs should not give political statements, as its beyond their roles defined in constitution...

A more balanced statement.
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