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The circus gang can gather in a field like Abahani Math in Dhanmondi...oh sorry...that's never gonna happen...our politics is for causing some havoc to general people in their daily life :azn: !!

Another very important post, politicians should take all their idiotic and murderous political theaters, shows and violence and keep it limited to some fields and absolutely away from people's economic life line, the streets, roads and highways. But that kind of sanity is too much to ask from this anti-people group.
Another very important post, politicians should take all their idiotic and murderous political theaters, shows and violence and keep it limited to some fields and absolutely away from people's economic life line, the streets, roads and highways. But that kind of sanity is too much to ask from this anti-people group.

While agreed in principle, NOT UNTIL fascist and NASTIK Awami League, commies and indian dalals are completely rolled back.
The situation has suddenly turned in favour of Jamaat. Devout Muslims in BD are now calling for the lynching and hanging of the leaders of the goons at Shahbag. On Friday from 450000 mosques in BD people are going to bring out processions against the thugs at Shahbag. If Jamaat calls for uninterrupted hartals people are going to enforce that. Let's see what Jamaat does. I hope they do what most people are expecting from them, something that Khaleda miserably failed to do. Only this will save the country from another civil war.
The situation has suddenly turned in favour of Jamaat. Devout Muslims in BD are now calling for the lynching and hanging of the leaders of the goons at Shahbag. On Friday from 450000 mosques in BD people are going to bring out processions against the thugs at Shahbag. If Jamaat calls for uninterrupted hartals people are going to enforce that. Let's see what Jamaat does. I hope they do what most people are expecting from them, something that Khaleda miserably failed to do. Only this will save the country from another civil war.

Have to make sure no khaki even dare to step out of their 4 wall and act aginst peoples will.
Have to make sure no khaki even dare to step out of their 4 wall and act aginst peoples will.

I think it's going to be a bloody victory for Jamaat in the end. Many Jamaatis are going to die along with many of those rawami terrorists but surley, Jamaatis are going to win. I had my doubts a few days back but after the mask of those thugs at Shahbag came off I have no doubts whatsoever, about the impending victory of Jamaat.
While agreed in principle, NOT UNTIL fascist and NASTIK Awami League, commies and indian dalals are completely rolled back.

I understand your feeling, but if BNP led alliance members, including Jamat follow a better example, and not hurt the people's livelihood and property during their political agitation and protests, I believe they will win even more support from the people. Let Awami League destroy people's livelihood and property when they are in opposition, that way they can be shown as even more anti-people, which is reality anyways. Just a suggestion, as I remember how tired people were about hartals/strikes when I was living in Bangladesh.
if Jamat can mobilize Alem samaj of Bangladesh against the Shabagi atheist would be a key victory for jamat . jamat have to effectively use defaming of Islam and prophet by the so called bloger to turn both the alem ulema in Jamat's favor. most of the time tis alem samaj were against Jamat or keep mum about whatever happening against Islamic party's which in fact keep both Jamat and Alem Samaj in weak position . now they have to take a crucial step.

I understand your feeling, but if BNP led alliance members, including Jamat follow a better example, and not hurt the people's livelihood and property during their political agitation and protests, I believe they will win even more support from the people. Let Awami League destroy people's livelihood and property when they are in opposition, that way they can be shown as even more anti-people, which is reality anyways. Just a suggestion, as I remember how tired people were about hartals/strikes when I was living in Bangladesh.

What Jamat and BNP did in their agitation is penny compare to BAL from 2001-2007. but of course i condemn the destruction of private properties by Jamat shibir worker . this act must be berry little compare to bal yet cannot justify by at least a Islamic party.
Loos like many people are mistaken here. The Mullahs are not supporting Jamat, infact they want war crime judgement but also want Nastik bloggers to be punished. People are saying that Jamat won, Jamat got support, stop these foolish propaganda campaign.
I understand your feeling, but if BNP led alliance members, including Jamat follow a better example, and not hurt the people's livelihood and property during their political agitation and protests, I believe they will win even more support from the people. Let Awami League destroy people's livelihood and property when they are in opposition, that way they can be shown as even more anti-people, which is reality anyways. Just a suggestion, as I remember how tired people were about hartals/strikes when I was living in Bangladesh.

That was not an emotional statement. There is strategic reason why that needs to happen to rid Bangladesh from indian stooges and clutch.
if Jamat can mobilize Alem samaj of Bangladesh against the Shabagi atheist would be a key victory for jamat . jamat have to effectively use defaming of Islam and prophet by the so called bloger to turn both the alem ulema in Jamat's favor. most of the time tis alem samaj were against Jamat or keep mum about whatever happening against Islamic party's which in fact keep both Jamat and Alem Samaj in weak position . now they have to take a crucial step.

What Jamat and BNP did in their agitation is penny compare to BAL from 2001-2007. but of course i condemn the destruction of private properties by Jamat shibir worker . this act must be berry little compare to bal yet cannot justify by at least a Islamic party.

but of course i condemn the destruction of private properties by Jamat shibir worker . this act must be berry little compare to bal yet cannot justify by at least a Islamic party.
How can U be so sure that JI/SHIBIR has been destroying people's property not AL goons in the name of JI/SHIBIR? Doesn't AL have the history of doing such and later to accuse others falsely? Didn't AL accuse others on what Sheikh Selim later confessed in the following video....

1. Sheikh Selim Confesses Setting Fire on Bus Part 1 - YouTube

2. Sheikh Selim Confesses Setting Fire on Bus Part 2 - YouTube

Aren't AL's Goons/Polices shooting unarmed SHIBIR/JI activists and denying it afterwards? Having said that I just want to ask if ALers forcefully take the vehicles out on the street during Hartal then DOESN'T JI/Shibir have the right to encounter it? With the hell that AL has unleashed against them, what else can they do to create significant impact against it? They can't even arrange indoor meeting because Tik tikis track, arrest and torture them. So, what can they do? Over 27,000 of their leaders and activists are illegaly being kept in jail. Have the civilians come out against it but they have once accepted all the fruits from JI's MPs and ministers? So, we the Bengalis are collectively guilty, cowards and deserve such hardships. But obviously every action has to have justification and merrit. If JI/SHIBIR commits unjust then they definitely deserve punishment.
Loos like many people are mistaken here. The Mullahs are not supporting Jamat, infact they want war crime judgement but also want Nastik bloggers to be punished. People are saying that Jamat won, Jamat got support, stop these foolish propaganda campaign.

In this conflict between the heretic bloggers and the mullahs who do you think the BAL government supports? Can you figure that out in your thick head brainwashed by rawami propaganda? Yes, it has transformed into a battle between the leftist heretics and the mullahs but of course, as you are wearing those rawami coloured glasses you cannot see the reality. You just might see more of the reality tomorrow when the mullahs are going to invade Dhaka.

In this conflict between the heretic bloggers and the mullahs who do you think the BAL government supports? Can you figure that out in your thick head brainwashed by rawami propaganda? Yes, it has transformed into a battle between the leftist heretics and the mullahs but of course, as you are wearing those rawami coloured glasses you cannot see the reality. You just might see more of the reality tomorrow when the mullahs are going to invade Dhaka.

:rolleyes: thanks for a stupid post, you did a great job for humanity
Loos like many people are mistaken here. The Mullahs are not supporting Jamat, infact they want war crime judgement but also want Nastik bloggers to be punished. People are saying that Jamat won, Jamat got support, stop these foolish propaganda campaign.

Bro, the bloggers lost their credibility when it was proved that they were atheists. In a third world muslim country, being an atheist is frowned upon, it is simply a taboo.
The faith of the bloggers simply puts a big question mark over the shahbag movement and Mullahs are there to neutralize and send the kids back home. It has nothing to do with jamaat, it is an atheist movement and the muslims have risen to put an end to it.
Jamaat won in the sense that the movement was created to finish jamaat off, since the movement's objectives are questionable and public are made aware of this, Jamaat has come on top. I hope it explains your doubts.

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