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CIA chief Petraeus resigns over extramarital affair

No. She should have been a better woman.

lol, seriously, guy had an affair and you are making it "non-civilized". Clutching at straws to defend the antique principles you believe in. Epic.

Ive had an affair too. Does it make me less civilized then you?
lol, seriously, guy had an affair and you are making it "non-civilized". Clutching at straws to defend the antique principles you believe in. Epic.
This is just one bit of revelation of the ugliness that prevails in a so-called civilized society.

You guys should be role models for other uncivilized people. Unfortunately, actions speak louder then words.

I am deciding to smack down your other response to me as well in a different thread which went unanswered due to its closure. Do not worry.
In the US Army, if you committed adultery, you are liable for "Conduct unbecoming (of an officer)" basically any wrong doing will get you that charge, Trust me, i was an officer in the US Army

Most basic punishment for this would be a fine, sometime some detention time and rarely a relieve of post of seperation.

There are many reason why Petraeus resign range from bad health or just call it a day, but the most creditible reson is he may have share his personal e-mail or have unauthorised personnel access his private e-mail address (ie his mistress)

IN the CIA, everyone you know will be vetted, allowing an unvetted individual to have access to personal contact (and hence may gain access to secure information) is instantly seperable offence, he may wanted to call it a day before he is publicily shame of the result of his affair. Once he resign, there will be no investigation you will know (There will still be internal investigation tho)
lol, Islamic men would be all psychologically castrated if that happened! :lol: They repressed already as it is...

it would not only disturb the muslims, but it would also disturb any normal human being alive, imagine your wife, sharing bed with your brother and you, in shifts :lol: how would you feel then?
CIA chief couldn't hide his affair?

LOL. Definitely not a good candidate to head the intelligence agency.
Are you trying to justify extra-marital affairs here? The guy is not just married but a key figure in USA. If he was unhappy, he would have divorced his wife and then looked at other woman. Can you imagine the pain he would have caused to his wife by this? Instead of retiring with pride and honor, he went out with shame.

This isn't how civilized people supposed to behave when they brag about being civilized to others.

Maybe the **** was about to hit the fan and he decided to act. Also, media is becoming very powerful even in the so-called 3rd world countries. It isn't easy to threaten or kill a reporter in a country where media is strong.

And who is going to challenge a CIA Director and key US military figure in this manner?

Also, last time I checked; this website is up and running; Nawaz Sharif Scandals

Their are more of these. And their creators/owners haven't been killed yet. So do not generalize.

Death threats are given even in USA. Their are lot of cases. Do some digging on your own. Difference is that Western media sources are controlled and very selective about what they reveal and how they reveal.

This whole propaganda of WEST being "civilized" is a sham. The treatment of Julian Assange is in front of you who exposed WESTERN hypocrisy and propaganda. He is now facing charges of even rape (his character assassination is being done on purpose). So much for freedom of speech and expression and free media.

I am not justifying it, i am just saying that happening of it has little to do with 'civilized' or 'un-civilized' it could have happened anywhere. You dont have to go into full biting mode.
He could have turned Muslim and practiced polygamy :D or kept a secret wife in Morocco or Tunisia!

On the serious note how an idiot like this be entrusted to guard nation secret ??
This Jewish Gen was the favorite of Israel in the US hierarchy. Obama's defeat to a pro-Israel Romney must be a factor. This saucy revelation could be a cover up for actually firing him.

Islam asks of a woman to dress in (non-revealing) loose clothing and cover her head with a piece of cloth when going out in the public. Purpose is to safeguard females from objectification and unwanted attention.

In short, Islam discourages promotion of female as a sex object, which is common in civilized WEST.

How come in the Western world women can walk around relatively safe- except in neighbourhoods with a high Muslim concentration- even if they choose to dress lightly?

But modest Islamic women in most Islamic countries, even if they are forced to wrap their selves up in a burka, are a constant target of sexual harassment, groping and stalking on the street, in public transportation and at the workplace, targeted by highly moral and civilised Muslim men?
Agencies keeps files on all major people. This would NOT be new information to agencies.
They just bring it out if-&-when needed.

Real reason must be something else, for which it was decided to let him go,,, but a cover-story was to be brought out.

Like cita-white was brought out at a moment when some corridors felt threatened by IK.

They also use such clandestine incidences to blackmail such people too. I'm pretty sure they have "Rang-Raliyaan" that Pakistani politicians indulge in on files too & thus such politicians cannot refuse to follow dictation from Dajjali-America.

Remember this General fainted once in a meeting, he just collapsed.

When he was made CIA's head,,, it was widely reported that he would bring war inside Pakistan... He couldn't. Now they would try someone else... Better luck next time Dajjalis ...

Search "Blackmail Petraeus" every other forum/news is talking of a blackmail,,, I'd say it's actually an outcome of "FAILED-BLACKMAIL" attempts. They couldn't make him do what they wanted him to be scape-goat for...

Also look at timing,,, immediately after election... Now it's time to bring-in someone who could show results on Pakistan...;)

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