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Chinese Weapon Exports

Does the new Chinese AA missile system sale to Turkey count?
Here's a question for you guys. Besides profit driven, what is the advantage of exporting your latest military weapons to other countries? Today's buying country may be is your ally, tomorrow may be your enemy.
Here's a question for you guys. Besides profit driven, what is the advantage of exporting your latest military weapons to other countries? Today's buying country may be is your ally, tomorrow may be your enemy.
Relax, usually do not export PLA's currently equipped weapons, they r special export version weapons for foreign country. Or exported defensive weapons.
Here's a question for you guys. Besides profit driven, what is the advantage of exporting your latest military weapons to other countries? Today's buying country may be is your ally, tomorrow may be your enemy.

Chinese sell to countries that are far far away geographically, Africa... Arab nations. And chinese media has stated, the exported FD-2000 is different to the HQ9 currently used by the PLA.
Here's a question for you guys. Besides profit driven, what is the advantage of exporting your latest military weapons to other countries? Today's buying country may be is your ally, tomorrow may be your enemy.

China gives them the less advance weapons.

A good example is JF-17 or MBT-2000.

The JF-17 has performance similar to J-7/MiG-21, and not as airworthy as J-10, while MBT-2000 uses less advance armor than Type 96G.
A first look at my T97NSR, a quick tear down and re-assembly.
The T97NSR just hit the Canadian market, it's a non-restricted 5.56 NATO bullpup rifle.

Finally had a chance to test my T97, and other then one feeding issue (possibly need to break in my LAR15 mags a bit more) no other issues were observed.

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More opinions about T97.
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Malaysia interest in China LY-80 anti-aircraft missile system (export version of HQ-16)

News from Malaysia Chinese newspaper:

China LY-80 anti-aircraft missile:




LY-80's tracking/illumination vehicle:

LY-80's search radar vehicle:

PLA HQ-16A (export version LY-80) anti-aircraft missile launch:
China Norinco CQ-A 5.56 carbin(M4 clone) shoot:
This is Norinco's M4 clone the CQ-A 5.56. this can be purchase for 699$ CDN. I think this is a huge value and i recomend the riffle to any shooter. i was extremely impresed with the accuracy right out of the box, and the gun fucntins without fault. this shoot was done in -20C and i had no failures
Youku video: [video]http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNDk0MDM1NTY0/v.swf[/video]

CQ-A 5.56 testing
Youku video: [video]http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMzc3MTQ2ODMy/v.swf[/video]

China Norinco QBZ97 rifile shoot:
Chinese Type 97 bullpup rifle. Originally video'd in July 2007.
Now that this rifle looks as though it will be available for purchase in early 2013, it is worth revisiting the original video.
Youku video:[video]http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNTU0NzkxMTY4/v.swf[/video]

Testing our Norinco T-97a's single, burst and full auto capabilities. Fairly easy to shoot, target acquisition was easy, accuracy is great, no failure to feed with different ammo types, and shoots the abundant 5.56 nato rounds. Over all, its a fun weapon to shoot
Youku video:[video]http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNDkyMDAwNTE2/v.swf[/video]

QBZ97 / T-97 shoot test in Canada
Youku video:[video]http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNjE4NzgyNjA0/v.swf[/video]
You should have learnt the facts before spewing BS,If you look at India & Pakistan,India have a population 1.2 billion and much higher per capita income than Pakistan,and Pakistan have population of 180 million.Take a look at defence spending and the size of army and airforce,Pakistan has propotionately higher numbers.

And continue to dream of collapsing India,as though everything in Pakistan is alright.

Mr Muppet a few dollars is not alot ! and it took you 4 decades to catch upto the same per capita income with Pakistan... thanks to russia etc in the 90s when Pakistan was sanctioned by USA... Not to forget the WOT tht has crippled our economy in the last decade... another funny fact is ur "punny" non existing middle class... compare tht with 45+ % or 80 million strong middle class in Pakistan... i can pull alot of stats and rub them in your face.... hell half ur country doesnt even have electric connections... so spare us ur bs.
When jf-17s are going to attend next air show?
I think Pakistan take charge of JF-17 fighter's airshow and sales, China just focus on design & update. Anyway JF-17 targets Mig21/F5/F4 replacement for foreign airforce.
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