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Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden

when chinese sub surfaces, it is an intentional 'strong political statement', while in case of indian sub, 'it was forced to surface'.
seems like a double standard!:disagree:

That's because that Song was never detected.

The Indian sub was pinged furiously by Chinese warships. In which case, you either surface and raise the white flag or get blasted out of the water.

No Fennecus it is peace time the fact is that they were blissfully unaware of them getting trailed. This sort of games were common when in Cold War scenario. The same can be applied in this story also.

I don't agree with your premise. When your sub is discovered and pinged like that, you are done for.

I will agree that these practices are not uncommon, but still provocative nonetheless.
how exactly you know that your sub was not at all detected? And Indian sub was detected?
how exactly you know that your sub was not at all detected? And Indian sub was detected?

A Chinese submarine stalked a U.S. aircraft carrier battle group in the Pacific last month and surfaced within firing range of its torpedoes and missiles before being detected, The Washington Times has learned.

Washington Times - China sub stalked U.S. fleet

An unexpected visit by a Chinese Submarine that went undetected in the middle of a Pacific Ocean Naval exercise and came extremely close to the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk, has American military chiefs looking for answers.

The sub was apparently able to slip past at least a dozen U.S. warships, two U.S. submarines and a vast array of advanced technology, which failed to detect it.

When the Navy deploys a battle fleet on exercises, they take the security of the aircraft carriers very seriously. At least a dozen warships are used to provide a physical guard, and using advanced technology they are able to detect and deter any potential intruders.

By the time the Chinese sub surfaced, the 160ft Song Class diesel-electric attack submarine sailed within viable range for launching torpedoes or missiles at the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk, a 1,000ft. super carrier with 4,500 military personnel on-board.

According to senior NATO officials, the incident caused a sense of sudden fear in the U.S. Navy, as officials realized the seriousness of the encounter. The U.S. apparently had no idea just how sophisticated China’s fast-growing submarine fleet had become, or that they even posed such a threat.

Analysts believe that China was sending a message to the United States and the West by demonstrating their rapidly growing military capability to threaten foreign powers that might try to interfere in their own “backyard.”

The U.S. Navy and Nato are now forced to re-think their strategy, and reconsider the level of threat posed from potentially hostile Chinese submarines.

Homeland Security News Chinese Sub Pops Up Undetected Near U.S.S. Kitty Hawk During Exercise

American military chiefs have been left dumbstruck by an undetected Chinese submarine popping up at the heart of a recent Pacific exercise and close to the vast U.S.S. Kitty Hawk - a 1,000ft supercarrier with 4,500 personnel on board.

By the time it surfaced the 160ft Song Class diesel-electric attack submarine is understood to have sailed within viable range for launching torpedoes or missiles at the carrier.
According to senior Nato officials the incident caused consternation in the U.S. Navy.

The incident, which took place in the ocean between southern Japan and Taiwan, is a major embarrassment for the Pentagon.

The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced | Mail Online
Boss this news I know from a US source about US mismanagement (Normally US does forces does it to get more funding).

IN has officially denied anything happened at all.

So either the whole news is fake or the news is made to looks like Chinese navy is great although they were unaware of getting trailed.

It is simple (if at all it has happened)

IN trailed them gathered the info and then just got in to there range to show them that IN is there surfaced and gone just like happened in case of US incident.
Boss this news I know from a US source about US mismanagement (Normally US does forces does it to get more funding).

IN has officially denied anything happened at all.

So either the whole news is fake or the news is made to looks like Chinese navy is great although they were unaware of getting trailed.

It is simple (if at all it has happened)

IN trailed them gathered the info and then just got in to there range to show them that IN is there surfaced and gone just like happened in case of US incident.

Much more different.

If the purpose of the mission was to gather SIGNIT and ELINT, you do not surface to "show off." These types of missions are extremely clandestine, and the mere fact that it's spreading on the internet means that it was not successful. All sources reporting on this incident point to the fact that both warships pinged the submarine and forced it to surface.

The Kitty Hawk incident was a political statement to show China's displeasure over a CVBG conducting such large naval exercises in China's backyard. The Song slipped pass through layers of defense (it was an entire battlegroup afterall) and surfaced on its own will to send a message.
ha ha ha

everybody is quoting the news report that came in Chinese media there is no other version coming out.
Boss this news I know from a US source about US mismanagement (Normally US does forces does it to get more funding).

IN has officially denied anything happened at all.

So either the whole news is fake or the news is made to looks like Chinese navy is great although they were unaware of getting trailed.

It is simple (if at all it has happened)

IN trailed them gathered the info and then just got in to there range to show them that IN is there surfaced and gone just like happened in case of US incident.

Just like the Red Flag exercise with India??To get funding for Raptors.:what:
What do you mean? I can't understand which incident you are referring to
well well well , good morning from me :cheers:

well the whole thread is moving somewhere else . so i will also move with the thread . :smokin:

i think US China meet was different scenario , but you guys mix it up here . ok fine .

if chinese subs can show off USN A/C that we was trailing you , then why not us ????? when you was there you said oo yea we show you what we have , when we show you ooo we cought you when we cross the indian ocean ... o comeone these statements are looking fake and one sided media report .....

Did you guys remember ???

In 2004 a US nuke was hacking a PLAN sub that was hacking an IN sub. The US knew that both subs didn't have sensitive gear on board as they started to detect the beginnings of the Tsunami and sent an alert - the IN and PLAN subs continued on as the Tsunami evolved.

There has been a view that the PLAN sub got caught in an event and was severely damaged. It was in USN Proceedings early 2005.
Of course the INDIAN NAVY will DENY such a shameful incident! Better denial then public humiliation!
I hope Indian navy learn from this mistake and mr epool i agree Indian navy should learn from pakistan navy how to save their subs. Only if pakistan had any subs.
sarcastic statement sir,

INDIAN NAVY will DENY such a shameful incident! Better denial then public humiliation!
there is no shameful act Indian navy did here. They will never back down even if it comes to complete face off and navy have to hit and run situation.
Indian navy is not that far behind in line- Indian navy is making its own subs and other equipments unlike many Countries.
where as this situation is - i doubt any such incident happened because navy official deny it straight forward.

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