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Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden

Frankly, the authenticity of the entire article is at doubt.

Secondly, even if we agree, that the incident happened, what is there to say that the IN sub did not just pop out to show its presence and sail away. Maybe the Chinese admiral is trying to save his hide by saying that he pinged the sub! Knowing the state controlled media of China, the Chinese are pulling a 'face-saver'. Authoritarian countries in particular do have that problem in a greater degree than the rest.

Mastan-you are assuming that the Chinese ship active pinged the sub. Its just as possible that they never did, and this is a face saving PR excercise of the PLAN. We are very well aware of the Chinese military's training standards already.
And here's the shocker!

China-India Naval Duel? Not Quite

It had the makings of a pretty good story. Three Chinese warships patrolling against pirates in the Gulf of Aden--an unusually remote mission for the Chinese navy--were stalked by an Indian submarine. The Indian interloper is discovered, pursued and eventually forced to surface by the Chinese convoy. You have two rising powers squaring off "Hunt for Red October" style, with China proving that its navy can handle more than a gang of pirates.

There's one small problem though. The story is apparently fiction. While there are reports of some jostling between the two navies, which would be expected given China's high-profile mission far beyond its waters, the story of the submarine surfacing appears to have come from a faked news report. The original source was a piece in a Chinese publication called the Qingdao Chenbao. The Feb. 3 story was republished by some mainland web portals, and picked up the next day by the South China Morning Post. (The subscription-only story is here, complete with an editorial cartoon that says, "Captain Singh! I think they're on to us.") The Indian military denied the report.

One poster on a Chinese bulletin board soon pointed out that story lifted several parts verbatim from a 2008 story about a training mission in PLA Life magazine. Then the official media jumped in, noting that details of the Chinese ships' location on the date of the alleged confrontation don't match what was recorded in the state press. And it turns out that there is no publication called the Chenbao listed for Qingdao.

I discussed the item earlier today with Andrei Chang who edits a military news publication called Kanwa Asian Defence. "I'm sure it's a fake news story," Chang says. He notes that some details of the piece don't make sense, including why exactly the Indian sub would be forced to surface. He says fake military stories have appeared in China both under his name and Jane's Defence News. Fake products "are not just shoes or clothes," he says. "It includes stories."

China-India Naval Duel? Not Quite :: The China Blog - TIME.com
There's that fantastic Chinese reporting, and even more fantastic were the responses of our members here:

The Chinese ship 'pinged hard' the Indian sub, and ofcourse, the webmaster giving out the usual technical details by saying 'Indian subs are dead meat'.
There's that fantastic Chinese reporting, and even more fantastic were the responses of our members here:

The Chinese ship 'pinged hard' the Indian sub, and ofcourse, the webmaster giving out the usual technical details by saying 'Indian subs are dead meat'.
According to webmaster of bharat rakshak as well as many other Indians, Chinese and Pakistani subs are dead meat. So maybe he is just returning the favour? :tongue:
According to webmaster of bharat rakshak as well as many other Indians, Chinese and Pakistani subs are dead meat. So maybe he is just returning the favour? :tongue:

interesting to see illiterate paksitanis are commenting on sea battle of india and china .and there army cant fight even taliban and USA army on land
read Asia Times: Pakistan walks a bed of nails By Syed Saleem Shahzad ...:P
Indian members here like to pick and choose what they want to hear.

Everytime I made a comment about this "incident," I had always said that "Assuming this article is true."

Right now, the validity is debatable with no definite proof coming from either side.
interesting to see illiterate paksitanis are commenting on sea battle of india and china .and there army cant fight even taliban and USA army on land
read Asia Times: Pakistan walks a bed of nails By Syed Saleem Shahzad ...:P

This is coming from a illiterate [mod edit] that doesn't even know how to properly spell Pakistan.
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interesting to see illiterate paksitanis are commenting on sea battle of india and china .and there army cant fight even taliban and USA army on land
read Asia Times: Pakistan walks a bed of nails By Syed Saleem Shahzad ...

LMAO. :lol: First you call me illiterate "paksitani" even though you can't type using full sentences, proper grammar or proper spellings.

"... and there army cant fight..." There is a difference between "there" and "their". Read up on it before you call me illiterate, stupid troll.

Then you come here saying Pakistan Army can't fight Taliban? LOL. Remind yourself - how long did the big bad elite Indian unit take to free India's famous city held hostage by a bunch of kids with guns?

Keep up the trolling kid, hopfully you will be banned soon and back to BRF or somewhere similar.
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Indian members here like to pick and choose what they want to hear.

Everytime I made a comment about this "incident," I had always said that "Assuming this article is true."

Right now, the validity is debatable with no definite proof coming from either side.

Better to believe statement from indian navy that no such incident has happened rather than publicity from chinese media. Chinese media is a closed and regulated media. Last year they started reporting that Indian moon mission accuracy is fake, etc etc.

Really disgusting. Not at all right to blame someone else to save own ***.

India rubbishes reports of Navy submarine 'forced' to surface- Hindustan Times
Better to believe statement from indian navy that no such incident has happened rather than publicity from chinese media. Chinese media is a closed and regulated media. Last year they started reporting that Indian moon mission accuracy is fake, etc etc.

Really disgusting. Not at all right to blame someone else to save own ***.

India rubbishes reports of Navy submarine 'forced' to surface- Hindustan Times

Indian news sources are unreliable.

So-called pirate "mother-ship" was in fact a Thai trawler, and that news wouldn't have even surfaced if not for a single survivor.

Also, it was like the imaginary Chinese coco island SIGNIT base that never actually existed, which Indian media thought it did for over a decade.
Pakistan has some problem with Russia, Pakistan with India, India with China, Iran with %30-%40 of the world! God help us all! I think Russia-China should approve Iran and Pakistan as members to Shanghai defensive pact.

BTW sunk some pirate ships if you have seen any! and say my hello to that Iranian battleship "Tabar"!

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