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Chinese Warships Fill Indian Ocean Ports

I agree, Gwadar port is really good strategically and has many plus points.
what i meant was if in future the need arises for china to operate the Gwadar port than chinese leadership should come forward and ask for it, not other way round that a minister of foreign affairs of pakistan offers it by highlighting the same Plus points.

From what i see and read i think people of pakistan must give one chance to Imran khan.

I have no idea why bringing in Imran Khan ?? he is not worth for such seat right now. he is running his own party as one man show, no democracy in his own party, then what democracy and politics he will bring to Pakistan, a supporter of Taliban and their actions. Plzzz think rationally.

Chinese were the first ones to have shown interest in Gwadar and acted upon it for its development. Problem is there are some strategic things which are making China not come to Gwadar at this stage. Their main objective in developing Gwadar was as a future port for their own usage.

So any Pakistani invites them or not, they already have plans for this port, but not right now.
Plus, its sad to say that, but we have not much for now to be on equal footing with China or other developed countries, even though we are blessed with everything nature has to offer, but sadly we have found no leader capable enough to steer this nation to a status where it can talk in equal footing with other countries.
Answer to why i brought Imran khan in discussion.
Even though you dont like him, now sit and for a minute think and compare him with other available options..
In punjabi they say " aanya ch kaana raja"
I gave my view and he is best available option. Rest its your land, your country, live the way you want.
中华人民共和国;987087 said:
NO such thing as India, in the 1950's, A small portion of Pakistan broke away and named itself India. Soon though, the people of the Islamic nation of Pakistan will re-take what is rightfully theirs and end the illegal land of India.

Did you really skip all your geography lessons in school? Bad boy.

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