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It is very surprising to see this form of Communist state media.

I was expecting a very silent sort of all-action-no-bluster situation and even wondering whether we should prepare ourselves for a skirmish (the place is barely about 200 Km from my place).

Turns out, this entire exercise was such a waste of energy for our and Bhutanese troops.

Nothing surprise. It is an International border, no the regular LOC where the skirmishes usually happened. Chinese government can't afford to have foreign troops in its land. China will not let this issue go away. 900 million internet users will not allow it to happen.
Before this incident we tool China more seriously than Pakistan. But I think Pakistan is much better when it comes to action than chinese. All talk..no balls. Infact they created a n unbreakable record of warnings. Like seriously man... Cmon please stop those empty warnings and have some shame and some balls.

China has lost it's face big time.
Now every country has realized China is all talk and no courage.

Wait for the backlash in SCS against these commies.
Chini one child army is too scared to fight India in the Himalayas in the absence his mom and his mobile phone .

Had it been Pakistan , she would have started the war on the same day and finished it next day after a call from Washington .
Now you start worrying because we are not listening to Washington any longer. And our start will be very hot our strategist don't believe on cold start.
Two weeks and two days ago I posted this thread:


The Chinese had said on the 7th of August that a limited war "within 2 weeks" was possible, that time has come and gone and still the most the Chinese have done is create cringe-worthy prpoganda videos and throw some stones at ITBP police officers.

At first I was a little wary of the Chinese but with the endless "warnings" and their childish antics I cannot put it any other way- the Chinese have utterly humiliated themselves and their credibility is totally gone. Never again will any Indian military planner fear the Chinese nor will India ever again back down in front of these thugs when threatened.

The constant barrage of threats was amusing to begin with but now it is just boring, all the while the Indian side has remain silent, quietly confident. What is it they say- empty vessels make the loudest sounds?

The Chinese wanted the world to believe they were the next global superpower....... :woot::woot:

LMAO you think you really know what is going on there? as what I know India is so scare and start to beg China to negotiate but China has shown Indians the way to leave before any talk, Bhutan is standing up against India, and China has not need to warn India about water data sharing :lol:...all these has indicate that something is interesting happened. as I said many times, there is no point to have useless argument because your best argument is "come attack us if you dare, coward", I will wait China to start war and slap India so hard then I will give Indians some of my conclusive arguments :lol:
Just look at the Indians lol. They were really counting the days to make the thread with all Capital letters to show the world that they are happy because china didn't start battle with them lol.

Shit on your face buddy, it stinks yeah we get it. Still waiting for the troops to enter.
What we also look deeply is a slave mentality of a certain population.
the only slaves here are the veggie indians who were licking boots of the british raj for 100's of years until Muhammed Ali jinnah decided to break Hindustan into 3 parts :omghaha:
Shit on your face buddy, it stinks yeah we get it. Still waiting for the troops to enter.
I know you guys are good at it lol. When you can't do anything just do your best thing. This is the best you can do? This is PDF not your Indian streets.
I know you guys are good at it lol. When you can't do anything just do your best thing. This is the best you can do? This is PDF not your Indian streets.

We learn from the best, the Pakistanis itself!
LMAO you think you really know what is going on there? as what I know India is so scare and start to beg China to negotiate but China has shown Indians the way to leave before any talk, Bhutan is standing up against India, and China has not need to warn India about water data sharing :lol:...all these has indicate that something is interesting happened. as I said many times, there is no point to have useless argument because your best argument is "come attack us if you dare, coward", I will wait China to start war and slap India so hard then I will give Indians some of my conclusive arguments :lol:

Whole world is now witnessing the grand nakedness of Xi.
You can spew what ever crap you want here but the TRUTH is hurting all of you and we Indians are loving the impotency of Communists.
Whole world is now witnessing the grand nakedness of Xi.
You can spew what ever crap you want here but the TRUTH is hurting all of you and we Indians are loving the impotency of Communists.

I know how a perverted guy like you is so anger by our great Xi's move, he has molested Indian gorverment on every level: Moosad, NSG, CPEC and Donglang, you have my sympathy as victim of Great Xi's undertaken :lol:
It is very surprising to see this form of Communist state media.

I was expecting a very silent sort of all-action-no-bluster situation and even wondering whether we should prepare ourselves for a skirmish (the place is barely about 200 Km from my place).

Turns out, this entire exercise was such a waste of energy for our and Bhutanese troops.
True. I too was expecting some action considering the kind of aggression China displays with its neighbours (SCS is fine example). Frankly for me this is like opening a Pandora's box. Prior to this standoff , if you notice, no one was capable or big enough to challenge China in the region (again taking about SCS), hence the Chinese Govt. very cleverly developed this strategy of "aggression mixed warning" to its neighbours and enjoyed the gains.

You see even a tom , dick or harry knows that no country who wants to develop economically can afford any war including China, but STILL , there is always a 'perception' of threat from the bigger powers where the smaller nations are worries that if indeed there is a war, its more affordable by the bigger power hence they back down as they can't afford a war at all. That myth or perception in case of China is now blown IMO. China made a huge mistake in calculating the reaction from Indian side while they where busy in their tactics of salami acquisition Doka la. India in terms of affordability of a small scale skirmish (and thanks to the terrain) is fully capable of engaging China at the borders. Just that China could have acted a bit mature in terms of its postures post the standoff. You can't keep India in lines of smaller nation in SCS and use the same strategy.

Infact I still.beleive that since the issue has aggravated to this level, a military action is the only way for China to save its face in international arena otherwise this will be a huge morale boost to the countries in SCS who now will be fully aware of Chinese aggressive warnings strategy.

This entire episode reminds me Chanakya's quote where he says "a snake must act poisonous even if it's not' . This si what China played very well so far with other countries
But Dokalam standoff and the use of warning tommy gun from China has just shown the truth to the audience.
Two weeks and two days ago I posted this thread:


The Chinese had said on the 7th of August that a limited war "within 2 weeks" was possible, that time has come and gone and still the most the Chinese have done is create cringe-worthy prpoganda videos and throw some stones at ITBP police officers.

At first I was a little wary of the Chinese but with the endless "warnings" and their childish antics I cannot put it any other way- the Chinese have utterly humiliated themselves and their credibility is totally gone. Never again will any Indian military planner fear the Chinese nor will India ever again back down in front of these thugs when threatened.

The constant barrage of threats was amusing to begin with but now it is just boring, all the while the Indian side has remain silent, quietly confident. What is it they say- empty vessels make the loudest sounds?

The Chinese wanted the world to believe they were the next global superpower....... :woot::woot:
Dude they have attacked many times on PDF with megaton nukes. Did you not got hurt.
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