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Two weeks and two days ago I posted this thread:


The Chinese had said on the 7th of August that a limited war "within 2 weeks" was possible, that time has come and gone and still the most the Chinese have done is create cringe-worthy prpoganda videos and throw some stones at ITBP police officers.

At first I was a little wary of the Chinese but with the endless "warnings" and their childish antics I cannot put it any other way- the Chinese have utterly humiliated themselves and their credibility is totally gone. Never again will any Indian military planner fear the Chinese nor will India ever again back down in front of these thugs when threatened.

The constant barrage of threats was amusing to begin with but now it is just boring, all the while the Indian side has remain silent, quietly confident. What is it they say- empty vessels make the loudest sounds?

The Chinese wanted the world to believe they were the next global superpower....... :woot::woot:
Kid they will attack you and beat you like lame dog just wait and watch they are showing to the world that they have patience and gave India every chance to retreat.
You still in denial? The guy holding a Chinese red flag , a Chinese national flag and the guy who kick your Jawan wears camouflage full uniform of standard PLA compare to your Jawan of light color khaki pants who went down easily.

Continue to live in your denial :enjoy:

As I said before, there is no Kicking a guy from behind. Neither there is any honour in cheerleading your masters. :coffee:

Kid they will attack you and beat you like lame dog just wait and watch they are showing to the world that they have patience and gave India every chance to retreat.

They wont. A country like China has no bussiness is destroying their booming economy by getting into conflict with one of its largest neighbour. Only ret@rded kids like you are wetdreaming about China handing over India a a $$ wooping. Reality is IAF is alone enough push back any Chineese aggression. :Close_Tema:
As I said before, there is no Kicking a guy from behind. Neither there is any honour in cheerleading your masters. :coffee:

They wont. A country like China has no bussiness is destroying their booming economy by getting into conflict with one of its largest neighbour. Only ret@rded kids like you are wetdreaming about China handing over India a a $$ wooping. Reality is IAF is alone enough push back any Chineese aggression. :Close_Tema:
What to bet the cheerleader will bring up 1962 again?:cheesy:
Too late for that, they've backed themselves into a corner, the only way this ends is if they pull out- the Indian side is entrenched and won't move an inch.

This could have been dealt with maturely had the Chinese used their supposed superior IQ to behave like adults and approach this with logic and dipomacy, instead they acted worst than the most petulent of children and have offered no room for talks.

The only choice China now has is when and not if they back down and just what degree of humiliation they expose themselves to.

One thing is for sure, no ammount of threats are going to work on India.
do not give ultimatums and threats if you are not going to act on it
If you are talking about 1962, you are right. Many young people don't know about Sino-India border war of 1962. But now, every Chinese knows about it.

As for "warnings", somehow I was expecting you to be a little more sophisticated than the rest of Indian members. May be I am wrong. :azn:

Surprising. Since my encounters are quite recent (within a couple of years earlier).

Anyway, about the warnings, I am quite serious.

There is no use of war rhetoric and threats. It doesn't benefit anyone in Asia and on the other hand it pushes the entire profile of 'rising Asia' away by making Europe and Americas dominant again.

Since we are not ideologically enemies against each other, there are very rational methods to solve this.
Surprising. Since my encounters are quite recent (within a couple of years earlier).

Anyway, about the warnings, I am quite serious.

There is no use of war rhetoric and threats. It doesn't benefit anyone in Asia and on the other hand it pushes the entire profile of 'rising Asia' away by making Europe and Americas dominant again.

Since we are not ideologically enemies against each other, there are very rational methods to solve this.

China doesn't teach its youth about the war with India, so that Chinese public had not considered India as an enemy country until now.

You are politically correct, except the current standoff is not about ideology. Chinese government is under tremendous public pressure to take tougher stand against India. If it doesn't do anything, its legitimacy will be in jeopardy, and no Chinese leader would ever want to be in this position.

Your compatriot marked what a random Chinese said as Chinese ultimatum, and celebrated just because Chinese has not launched an attack yet, and taunted China like a winner. If this mentality represents the intellectual level of India's brightest people, I am sorry, your country will not have much future. There are many reasons that India is only 1/5 of China's size, and this mentality is definitely one of them. Only very few Indian members have come to realize Indian is actually in a great trap that India may just wear itself down.

Anyway, I hope there will be no "hot war" between our two countries.
Two weeks and two days ago I posted this thread:


The Chinese had said on the 7th of August that a limited war "within 2 weeks" was possible, that time has come and gone and still the most the Chinese have done is create cringe-worthy prpoganda videos and throw some stones at ITBP police officers.

At first I was a little wary of the Chinese but with the endless "warnings" and their childish antics I cannot put it any other way- the Chinese have utterly humiliated themselves and their credibility is totally gone. Never again will any Indian military planner fear the Chinese nor will India ever again back down in front of these thugs when threatened.

The constant barrage of threats was amusing to begin with but now it is just boring, all the while the Indian side has remain silent, quietly confident. What is it they say- empty vessels make the loudest sounds?

The Chinese wanted the world to believe they were the next global superpower....... :woot::woot:

Issue a new dead line because it does not cost you anything. As per the private reports, India has place its army which surrounds conflict area from three sides.
China doesn't teach its youth about the war with India, so that Chinese public had not considered India as an enemy country until now.

Neither do we.

Our conflicts are more of information for adults to discuss politics and developments in the country over a newspaper or tea rather than a matter of education. I guess this is where we share some degree of mature understanding on not to make conflicts a national narrative either culturally or socially.

You are politically correct, except the current standoff is not about ideology. Chinese government is under tremendous public pressure to take tougher stand against India. If it doesn't do anything, its legitimacy will be in jeopardy, and no Chinese leader would ever want to be in this position.

It won't have gathered any attention had this not been initiated in the first place. In order to consolidate his position within the communist party, Mr Xi thought it would be sensible to make a grand-standing position outside of his country.

He could have simply shown the CPEC as a major achievement or maybe even sign up something big with us which would have given him a lot of credit and influence within the party.

Your compatriot marked what a random Chinese said as Chinese ultimatum, and celebrated just because Chinese has not launched an attack yet, and taunted China like a winner. If this mentality represents the intellectual level of India's brightest people, I am sorry, your country will not have much future. There are many reasons that India is only 1/5 of China's size, and this mentality is definitely one of them. Only very few Indian members have come to realize Indian is actually in a great trap that India may just wear itself down.

Those who are cheerleading a potential war do not know its gravity. But this also does not mean that we accept territorial accession of our lands by another country. For this reason, there was a trilateral agreement signed between us, you and Bhutan so that there is a mutually acceptable method to, if at all needed, change anything.

Most Indians, contrary to what you see here do not want a war. They know that economically it would impact both India and China and drag Asia 30 years behind.

We don't want it.

But taking a stand also cannot be avoided.

Picture this; what would your authorities do if we were making roads in Tibet? Or anything for that matter without consent or mutual participation from your companies?
Picture this; what would your authorities do if we were making roads in Tibet? Or anything for that matter without consent or mutual participation from your companies?

Except, even India government doesn't claim that road was built on Indian's territory. It only claims it is built on the "dispute area" between China and Bhutan, and it was invited by Bhutanese government to interfere, which Bhutanese so far has not backed India up.
Yawn. Along expected lines. Chinese might as mythical as its dragon sigil. They will not do anything.
Kid they will attack you and beat you like lame dog just wait and watch they are showing to the world that they have patience and gave India every chance to retreat.
since you know "them" so well, can you please help us, how long they will show their patience?? couple of more months, years.?? As even a dog would understand that as the time pass...Indian defenses are going to only become more harder to penetrate...
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