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Chinese troops enter Indian territory; dismantle bunkers

It is the geo-political way of dealing with the situation .

Yes, it is geo-political way of dealing with the situation NOW, since we are weaker than china militarily.(though once we started at the same level)

After 7-8 years when our military has sufficiently mordernized , we can be assertive on our territories .This is very much on topic.

Now, here is the actuall catch.
This is what I am trying to point out to you all.
You said "7-8 years", the previous person said "4 to 5 years", the next person will say 10-15 years and like this only our estimations will continue to increase but India will never develop UNLESS we check corruption.

And if this kind of estimation about India's future development is not off-topic, then how can my refuting those estimations based on proper evidence is off-topic?? (If saying yes is not off-topic then how can saying no be off-topic--simple logic)
The fact of the matter is, you just dont want to see India developing ! I wont be surprised if you advocate India should submit to China !

he ain't wrong completely either, i don't care if he is false flagger or not but i can clearly see some precise points made by him. different ppl different thinking so why fight like kids calling names ? peace out brother.
The fact of the matter is, you just dont want to see India developing ! I wont be surprised if you advocate India should submit to China !

If I do not want to see India developing, then I should be ignoring the issue of corruption and bragging(like you), not acknowledging and against it.
Yes, it is geo-political way of dealing with the situation NOW, since we are weaker than china militarily.(though once we started at the same level)

Now, here is the actuall catch.
This is what I am trying to point out to you all.
You said "7-8 years", the previous person said "4 to 5 years", the next person will say 10-15 years and like this only our estimations will continue to increase but India will never develop UNLESS we check corruption.

And if this kind of estimation about India's future development is not off-topic, then how can my refuting those estimations based on proper evidence is off-topic?? (If saying yes is not off-topic then how can saying no be off-topic--simple logic)

The number of years is simply an estimate to the time it will take for the Indian Military to modernize to a competitive level vis-a-vis the Chinese military.

What you are talking about is corruption, poverty etc ...which is somewhat vaguely related to economy ...which is again related in a round-about way to the military.

You can compare endless number of things , why only corruption --- you can compare the number of capital offenses between Indian and Chinese societies , the health-care system of the two nations etc etc ---everything being interconnected it is quite possible to show a far-fetched connection between these things and the Thread title .

However standard practice is to discuss only directly related points to the thread title.In a thread about military incidents corruption is quite out of place .Hope this clarifies.
The number of years is simply an estimate to the time it will take for the Indian Military to modernize to a competitive level vis-a-vis the Chinese military.

The no. of years isn't simply a benign estimation, it actually shows how we Indians are so careless about our own good(don't take it otherwise--it's nothing personal, I used the term "we").

What you are talking about is corruption, poverty etc ...which is somewhat vaguely related to economy ...which is again related in a round-about way to the military.

You can compare endless number of things , why only corruption --- you can compare the number of capital offenses between Indian and Chinese societies , the health-care system of the two nations etc etc ---everything being interconnected it is quite possible to show a far-fetched connection between these things and the Thread title .

However standard practice is to discuss only directly related points to the thread title.In a thread about military incidents corruption is quite out of place .Hope this clarifies.

Oh well! what can I say. I'm surprised.
I am a student of Economics. In a very precise layman's term I can say that corruption is
100/cent(if not more) related DIRECTLY to the economy and likewise economy is DIRECTLY related
to poverty, military modernization, scientific development(in short economic development) and
secondarily related to crime, socio-economic status etc. ect....whatever you can think of happening in the country.
Now, If I start explaining how they are interconnected, It will become so big that no-one will read it.
So I will try to keep it as short and simple as possible.
1. For example, say the taxes you are paying, going in govt. treasury. The govt. is supposed to
use it for ALL ROUND development of the country.
Now, the money goes to foreign banks, treasury becomes empty, no money for development(scientific, military, infrastructure, alleviating poverty ect. ect. whatever you can think of).
2. Now, lets take the case of Defense Industry(similarly applicable to all industries).
Govt. imports so called "ultra modern" military equipments(and in the process neglecting and thus discouraging indigenous arms industry. HOW? see this article:
Arjun tank outruns, outguns Russian T-90
India importing T-90s from Russia while own indigenous ARJUN tank outperforms it(and of course
less expensive) but mass induction of Arjuns are intentionally ignored by the army and the govt.
WHY? read on.
for eg. say India needs 200 MBTs.
There are many countries like, USA,Russia,European countries,Isreal etc from which we can
So the govt. calls for a tender(whichever country will give us the best deal--best quality with lowest price, will get the contract).
Now, what happens in reality is that, whichever country pays the largest bribe(kick-back
from the contract) to the politicians gets the contract even if the product may not be of the
best quality and/or may be hugely overpriced, but that doesn't matter since the politicians are
getting their fair share. Like this our foreign exchange reserve is looted.
The army is also into this, as the kick-backs reaches their top-brass as well to keep their mouth shut and support the politicians.
Now, our own DRDO doesn't get the contract because this opportunity of Kick-back from
the contract will be lost as It is the only Indian company manufacturing Tanks(so there is no
question of tender-calling-one of the main tools of corruption)
How will such govt. indistries develop, if you firstly, don't allocate enough funds(you're looting it) for their R&D and on top of that you discourage them by not buying what they are producing(and mind you they are not producing trash, Arjun has proven to be a world class tank).
Like this India becomes world's largest arms importer(see link below) by ignoring its own indigenous arms industry.

Thus India forever remains dependent on foreign arms(aids) and so India will never have the guts to counter foreign threats alone(what will happen if the leading arms exporter countries stop their export in a war scenario!)

Understood, how corruption DIRECTLY hitting the arms industry. If this is not stopped, how do you think will Indian military modernize(Its modernization will remain dependent on other countries favor forever)
Arms industry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
China is already one of the world's leading arms exporter and India is now the world's largest arms
importer, they are sitting at two opposite poles.(see the link above).
Like this you hope IA will be at a competitive level with PLA within few years.
These are HARD FACTS my dear friend. You can choose to ignore, in which case you will actually be the "patriotic scoundrel"(no offence-its your phrase) you are taking about.

Tell me one thing guys, using huge amount of money for arms import and showing off what we
have got(nothing is ours...LOL) is the sign of development OR becoming the world's leading arms
exporter is the true sign of development.??
You guys just brag about all the wrong reasons.
I'll never understand your logic and maybe viceversa.
Show me another who thinks that "economic deprivation " led to Mumbai Attacks ....last I heard was another intellectual Salman Rushdie , harshly rebuking Arundhuti Roy for her attempt to "mislead" her readers....

Like I said , no point diverting the issue at hand. Its like countering incompetence with another example ( in this case misplaced example) of incompetence.

i think that its not about one factor. I think its several factor and economic deprivation could be i ot of a number of factors
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