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Chinese troops enter Indian territory; dismantle bunkers

I know about more about my country than you do. So keep your "links" to yourself. I can sense your frustration, now that commies are becoming history in India. GO TO CUBA ! :wave:

I said, I am not a commie. (we the people of WB have voted out the communist party from WB).
By the way, can you just tell me(without lying), which non-communist state(in India) do you belong to, so that i can compare it with WB and show you how far it is "ahead" of us.
Ha Ha! as I said "ignorance is bliss".
By the way, where did I say I am a patriot, I called people like your real "patriots".
grow up man....you are are already middle aged.
If calling me a traitor gives you peace of mind, so be it.
I wish you could reply to my above post with valid links and reasoning, not just by hatred towards commies.
Whatever I have written, I have given valid proofs(links) and reasoning behind that, but look at your reply............

What you posted is quite true .

Only thing is it's being analyzed countless times by myriad experts , we have many short-comings but there is no point being unduly apologetic about them especially when the thread-topic is about Chinese violating Indian territory ( geo-strategy) .

If India has issues with Black money , corruption ,poverty , illiteracy and all the social evils emulated by you above ...so do many other countries including China , Pakistan etc .Each have their own internal problems and ways to deal with it and arguing about the scale of these issues can be futile.

The poster in question was giving a reply when the topic was raised about what steps India should take to deal with growing Chinese arrogance. Don't see what a lot of pseudo-intellectual self-depreciating facts and acknowledging one's negatives bring to a situation like this. Its what Arundhuti Roy types do.
It is said..

"patriotism is the refuge of the scoundrel"

So that is why some people hate their own country ! Not to appear as scoundrels ?

I am done with you. You can continue your argument about patriotism & poverty in India with Santro ! :wave:

---------- Post added at 10:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 AM ----------

INDIA CAN HEAR THE BEAT OF ITS OWN MUSIC.karma n vietnam backfiring


Chinese entered Indian territory before SM Krishna went to Vietnam !
It is said..

"patriotism is the refuge of the scoundrel"

Actually better to be a " patriotic scoundrel" rather than one of those intellectual types linking Mumbai attacks with "Economic deprivation" .....It causes diversion of the Issue in question.
Actually better to be a " patriotic scoundrel" rather than one of those intellectual types linking Mumbai attacks with "Economic deprivation" .....It causes diversion of the Issue in question.

even if its true?

---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 PM ----------

It is said..

"patriotism is the refuge of the scoundrel"

or the poor.

---------- Post added at 04:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 PM ----------

INDIA CAN HEAR THE BEAT OF ITS OWN MUSIC.karma n vietnam backfiring

Thats incredible enna
even if its true?

Show me another who thinks that "economic deprivation " led to Mumbai Attacks ....last I heard was another intellectual Salman Rushdie , harshly rebuking Arundhuti Roy for her attempt to "mislead" her readers....

Like I said , no point diverting the issue at hand. Its like countering incompetence with another example ( in this case misplaced example) of incompetence.
Only thing is it's being analyzed countless times by myriad experts , we have many short-comings but there is no point being unduly apologetic about them especially when the thread-topic is about Chinese violating Indian territory ( geo-strategy)
I know, that's why I have said "sorry for being Off-topic" at the end of my previous reply.
Actually I went off-topic to reply(logically) to the self-proclaimed "patriots" like IndoCarib,mautkimaut who called me traitor, false flagger etc.

If India has issues with Black money , corruption ,poverty , illiteracy and all the social evils emulated by you above ...so do many other countries including China , Pakistan etc .Each have their own internal problems and ways to deal with it and arguing about the scale of these issues can be futile.
Arguing about the scale is not futile(for Indians), if the scale is enormous(one of the topmost) andever-ingreasing.
ofcourse this is not the right thread.

The poster in question was giving a reply........
similarly, I was giving a reply too. There is no need to insult others when they are not like minded.

..........what steps India should take to deal with growing Chinese arrogance.....
To deal with chinese arrogance, India need to actually develop (as rapidly as China if not more) rather than just bragging that it will be a superpower in 20infinity.

......Don't see what a lot of pseudo-intellectual self-depreciating facts and acknowledging one's negatives bring to a situation like this. Its what Arundhuti Roy types do.
If you don't even acknowledge your -ve points, then how will you turn them +ve.
"Self-criticism is a better way of development that false bargging/boasting"--- Swami Vivekananda
So rethink about the notion of patriotism you have.
By being a "patriotic scoundrel" and ignoring your -ve points,you are actually harming your country
Your -ve points will remain for ever.
Simply by being a brave soldier, one cannot win a war, proper intellectual aid, planning is required.

Again, this is not the right thread to discuss such issues. (but I will always reply, if I get a reply)
I know, that's why I have said "sorry for being Off-topic" at the end of my previous reply.
Actually I went off-topic to reply(logically) to the self-proclaimed "patriots" like IndoCarib,mautkimaut who called me traitor, false flagger etc.

Who are you trying to fool ? This was your first post in this thread !

"It has been 65 years since independence........
Still India is a developing country..........
If the politicians keep on looting our country, then forget about 2020, India will not be "prepared" even in 2100.
According to some estimation $1.4 trillion Indian money is deposited in foreign banks.
Indian black money - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Imagine this amount of money utilized in R&D and alleviation of poverty............

When will Indians stop bragging and start accepting reality(India is nowhere near China now, though initially there wasn't much difference).
I don't really understand the mentality of people like you....its like "empty vessel sounds more". "

Now tell me what this post has anything to do with this thread ?
@somnathsn ...If you know that it is not the correct thread , then there was no need to bring up unrelated topics . The guy you replied to was making a geo-strategic observation. Dont see where poverty/ corruption comes into this .
Who are you trying to fool ? This was your first post in this thread !

"It has been 65 years since independence........
Still India is a developing country..........
If the politicians keep on looting our country, then forget about 2020, India will not be "prepared" even in 2100.
According to some estimation $1.4 trillion Indian money is deposited in foreign banks.
Indian black money - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Imagine this amount of money utilized in R&D and alleviation of poverty............

When will Indians stop bragging and start accepting reality(India is nowhere near China now, though initially there wasn't much difference).
I don't really understand the mentality of people like you....its like "empty vessel sounds more". "

Now tell me what this post has anything to do with this thread ?

Yes, my reply had nothing to do with the thread but it has every thing to do with the post I was replying to :-

"i dont think so. If we react they i will say China wins.
For many reasons i feel China wants to Provok India so they can escalate the sitiation.
But India is not prepared for any confrontation. We atleast need 4 to 5 years for this , only we can react harshly.
Let it be 2020 then not even US can challenge India.
till then we need to play it cool".
Original Post By Raje amar

my reply was only due to the false bragging part
Now you tell me, how can, what India will be in 2020 is related to the topic. The topic is about Chinese troops entering Indian teritorry now,not in 2020.
And my reference to corruption was only to explain that, if it continues like this, then not even in 2020 India will be a developed country.
Yes, my reply had nothing to do with the thread but it has every thing to do with the post I was replying to :-

"i dont think so. If we react they i will say China wins.
For many reasons i feel China wants to Provok India so they can escalate the sitiation.
But India is not prepared for any confrontation. We atleast need 4 to 5 years for this , only we can react harshly.
Let it be 2020 then not even US can challenge India.
till then we need to play it cool".
Original Post By Raje amar

my reply was only due to the false bragging.
Now you tell me, how can, what India will be in 2020 is related to the topic. The topic is about Chinese troops entering Indian teritorry now,not in 2020.

It is the geo-political way of dealing with the situation .

Today China is in an advantageous situation militarily . So the focus should be on avoiding unnecessary reactions - troop movements etc.

After 7-8 years when our military has sufficiently mordernized , we can be assertive on our territories .This is very much on topic.
Yes, my reply had nothing to do with the thread but it has every thing to do with the post I was replying to :-

"i dont think so. If we react they i will say China wins.
For many reasons i feel China wants to Provok India so they can escalate the sitiation.
But India is not prepared for any confrontation. We atleast need 4 to 5 years for this , only we can react harshly.
Let it be 2020 then not even US can challenge India.
till then we need to play it cool".
Original Post By Raje amar

my reply was only due to the false bragging.
Now you tell me, how can, what India will be in 2020 is related to the topic. The topic is about Chinese troops entering Indian teritorry now,not in 2020.

The fact of the matter is, you just dont want to see India developing ! I wont be surprised if you advocate India should submit to China !
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