That's because our once very competitive solar industry was resting on its laurels instead of spending more on R&D, the subsidy policy by the gov. to consumers was also stupid, because it was hadnled out without conditions, e.g. buying EU made products so naturally our consumers were buying Chinese products that were of good quality at a lower price. Go figure!
This is also an indication how competitive Chinese products have become. Now don't act as if you care much for our industry and economy. If you had the competence to compete with us, you would gladly do that as well. The fact is, you are incompetent and chew on the sour grape. Chinese competence also has the positive effect that they import a lot of our first class machine tools to produce, e.g. the solar panels and wind turbines. China is our biggest customer in this sector.
China treibt deutsche Maschinenbau-Export voran It's not a zero sum game for the both of us, rather a zero sum game for India as India is left out of the market due to ... well, incompetence.