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Chinese professor calls Pakistan not a good country, especially anything with f*cking 'stan' in name

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you will end up getting yourself banned, thre are multiple reports against both of you

Forget about those multiple reports. Those members that report usually have some personal beef or simply don't understand who started the trolling fest.

Don't mods have a pair of eyes? They can go through discussions and see who started the troll discussions. You are a privileged member of this site. Whatever I say, I say in the open. Just tell me where I have been wrong. I am not here to troll. I have a life outside of PDF. I only come to PDF to interact with likeminded members and to express my opinion as a patriotic expat. I don't have an agenda to disturb peaceful relations between China and Pakistan. Those that have such an agenda are allowed to troll on daily basis.

When I see trolls with an agenda I try to confront them as openly and directly as possible. I strongly believe that if mods intervene in a timely manner there is no need for any Pakistani member to even indulge trolls. Let alone cuss them or interact with them. We need proactive moderation on PDF. Your job is not easy and I will be the first one to admit.
He was playing on the edge, three strike rule applied and with last infraction, he got banned....He conitnued to troll even when I gave verbal warning to both of you....

I have a simple way of working, I will be nice enough to confront the troll & give a heads up. If they are smart enough they will walk away, those who still want to stay back and continue, then obviously, PDF management has entrusted me with some tools I can use....
Am guessing you don't want any of those tools being used on you? ....Dalit already got an infraction for his behavior, just so you know
Hey I didn't even quote u,,, just wanted to irk tht suppa patriot.
It's ok,,, upto u,,,,, thanks, positive, negative or ban. It's all ok.
Simply means I got the desired attention;)
I'm just getting my chuckles.
Hey I didn't even quote u,,, just wanted to irk tht suppa patriot.
It's ok,,, upto u,,,,, thanks, positive, negative or ban. It's all ok.
Simply means I got the desired attention;)
I'm just getting my chuckles.
well I can intervene, since your post meets the criteria for "Spam posts" and calls for a moderator action...I hope that explains that why i felt the need to intervene....you are more than welcome to discuss the topic at hand in civilized manner and avoid spam posts

We need proactive moderation on PDF. Your job is not easy and I will be the first one to admit.
Moderation team is doing it's best, Reporting posts is the best way of working, we cannot have eyes everywhere all the time
well I can intervene, since your post meets the criteria for "Spam posts" and calls for a moderator action...I hope that explains that why i felt the need to intervene....you are more than welcome to discuss the topic at hand in civilized manner and avoid spam posts

Moderation team is doing it's best, Reporting posts is the best way of working, we cannot have eyes everywhere all the time

There are certain members on this forum that troll on a daily and even hourly basis. Mods already know who they are. They are still allowed to troll. You know this too. They cuss Pakistan. They hurt out sentiments. They are here to sow division.

I have told you whatever I needed to say. As a senior member of this site it is up to you take it or leave it.
It is the opinion of an individual and that opinion does not represent the views of the government and the majority of Chinese people.

Surprisingly, the Pakistanis feel normal when threatened and insulted by the Indian side (even a hundred times worse and in many cases comes from the Indian elite). But they are enraged and put all responsibility on China just because of the speech of a certain professor in China

These type of "pakistanis" usually have ancestry from areas what are now in modern india. Sometimes I feel they enjoy "insults" from india or indians, these type of pakistanis have a love/hate relationship with regards to india, on the surface they hate it but deep inside they love it.

Does “stan” mean country?

Pakistan should try to escape chinese strangulation. Why not increase activity with Asean? We are the good boys.

Not necessarily, for example Regestan means desert, Gulistan means garden, Nakhlistan means a greenish place usually composed of date trees surrounded by desert. "Stan" simply means a place where something is found in abundance, Reg means sand so Regestan means a place where sand is in abundance, Gul means flower so Gulistan means a place where flowers are in abundance. Tajikstan means a place where "Tajiks" are in abundance. Pakistan however is a different case the "stan" in Pakistan comes from "stan" in Balochistan because the word Pakistan is acronym of various letters of the names of Pakistani provinces.
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I am going be quite blunt here that may irritate folks on both sides of the aisle,Your average Chinese is a non religious atheist who probably has been bought up to believe religion in any form is a negative and unfortunately due to War on Terror and Increased Islamophobia in the international media mixed in with the situation of Xinjiang may have contributed to the current psyche however I did expect this us Pakistanis are a gullible bunch we treat foreigners as a brothers be it the Arabs,Chinese,Turks etc which I find to be quite cringe at best this thread is prime example you have Pakistanis trying to defend China but on other threads when Turkish actions are criticized by non Pakistani members Pakistanis defend Turks wtf is this we lack self pride as for the professor in way he is kinda given a blunt assessment of comparisons the Central Asians stans are stagnant since the Soviet collapse in 1991 Pakistan is dirt poor compared to even these post Soviet republics sigh,as for foreign relations this brotherhood bs mantra should end and more business centric approach needs to occur be it with China,Turkey,Iran or GCC
PDF Indians are indeed amusing, thinking this aberration will affect Pakistani Chinese relations. Yes it's a great insult to Pakistan but it remains an aberration, not the normal relationship between our nations. There will always be one or two nutjobs who speak without thinking in every nation, even in positions of supposed influence. He's not the politburo head for goodness sake, just some functionary. Folks need to give less credit to every Tom, Dick and Harry who blabbers on social media.
This relationship of ours goes back thousands of years, (if you don't know read up about it).

Since independence we have helped each other in different ways. And with the cooperation from defense to agriculture, to roads and housing.

The only other comparison in the world is probably US/Israel, considering the amount of vetoes used by China in the UN.
@waz Brother whats the problem in his statement??? that's just trying to establish a point to support their East Turkestan that doesn't let them GO at any cost and none of the countries with posterior is as good as the people and land which is under their control.
I think you people comprehend otherwise.
It's just as similar as if I say fu(k!ng Indian Punjab I don't care all I care about Pakistani Punjab ... That's what I comprehend and there is nothing wrong with it.

Brother it's not the statement or what else he said. The fact he insulted Pakistan and lumped with other countries in an derogatory manner is simply not on, the Chinese posters have confirmed this and condemned him.
us Pakistanis are a gullible bunch we treat foreigners as a brothers be it the Arabs,Chinese,Turks etc which I find to be quite cringe at best

That being faithful and empathitic would equate to being gullible... it is such a tragic world we live in.

Alas it is true, but do not fear, it is either the corrupt or the apathetic, rational types that can pass the maze of politics and be eligible to rule, I doubt that the people running Pakistan are so gullible.
No insults here.
"他妈的" is using the 3rd person, not used to insult as it is not directed at anybody, although cannot say it is a friendly terminology.
More like "all the other" stans in a boorish way.

Anyway confirmed Pakistan is mentioned, but only with reference to Xinjiang and no insults.

You say not friendly which is right. He also lumped Pakistan in a derogatory manner, how on earth is Pakistan also connected to those other states?
But anyway, I can't see a good angle on this.
That being faithful and empathitic would equate to being gullible... it is such a tragic world we live in.

Alas it is true, but do not fear, it is either the corrupt or the apathetic, rational types that can pass the maze of politics and be eligible to rule, I doubt that the people running Pakistan are so gullible.

Its tragic we live in the world like that eventhough I consider myself a nationalist and love my country despite its flaws I dont trust anyone outside of my inner circle or family even though outsiders can be from the same country hard to trust anyone these days I am sure the Pakistani establishment knows this too but our masses are a sleeping bunch establishment wants us to sleep away problems from the masses
Its tragic we live in the world like that eventhough I consider myself a nationalist and love my country despite its flaws I dont trust anyone outside of my inner circle or family even though outsiders can be from the same country hard to trust anyone these days I am sure the Pakistani establishment knows this too but our masses are a sleeping bunch establishment wants us to sleep away problems from the masses

Governance is a delicate craft, it is the profession to rule all other professions, getting the right person in the right place is hard in a democracy, the problem could be with Pakistans system itself which I,m not fully familiar with.

You cant trust people to do things for you for free, but you can fully trust them to act for their own benefit, its why money is so powerful, all you need is a proper understanding of what drives the people around you then suddenly... they become very predictable.
You say not friendly which is right. He also lumped Pakistan in a derogatory manner, how on earth is Pakistan also connected to those other states?
But anyway, I can't see a good angle on this.
I don't hear this professor lumped Pakistan in a derogatory manner.
Connected to other states as in surrounding or nearby to Xinjiang.

He was illustrating how life(in his opinion) was better in Xinjiang with respect to the neighborhood.
The offending term used is boorish, but definitely shouldn't translate to "f--k",
It is very commonly used as an "exclamation", impolite but not derogatory, vulgar or insulting when used in the 3rd person and not directed at anybody.

Google translation is wrong, not a polite word but should be closer to "damn" rather than "f--k".
It surprised me too when I put the word into Google Translate.
For "f--k", you can hear them a lot from the Hong Kong Protest videos.
What is the common ground on China and Pakistan relationship?
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