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Chinese Military Won't Accept 'Made In China' Fighters

This is the best comment on this thread so far. Think about it.

Before calling that as a best comment dont u know that the indian made fighter has not even cleared the IOC and the china made fighter is inducted as well as exported .And added to that even before IOC IAF has ordered 20 more Tejas fighter apart from the intial order

link is :The Hindu : National : More Tejas, Akash for IAF: Antony

SO even a lay-man can understand from my above post that IAF will accept the indian-made fighter unlike the PLAAF who is rejecting the aircraft after all the Pre-requiste testing is completed
It's nice to know that the PLAAF won't just take in anything its country makes indigenously, like the IAF does.

Come on, If It was so, we would have had around 500 LCA mk 1 and 2 combined, IAF ordered it only after it met its standard.... Now come on just do not criticize IAF for the sake of it, it really hurts when a soldier hears it....
From Japanese media

China military refuses to accept new domestically made fighters

BEIJING (Kyodo) -- China's Air Force has refused to accept 16 J-11B fighters manufactured by a domestic aircraft maker due to technical problems, the Kanwa Defense Review magazine said in its June issue, quoting a Western intelligence source in Beijing.

China is believed to have developed the new fighter based on technology from the Russian fighter Sukhoi Su-27, sparking speculation that the maker, Shenyang Aircraft Corp., may have failed to employ Russian technology accurately.

Shenyang Aircraft, based in Liaoning Province, manufactured 16 J-11B fighters in 2009.

"When the Air Force was checking them up for delivery, J-11B had abnormal vibration after taking off," the magazine quoted the source as saying. "As a result, the Air Force refused to accept the aircraft."

A Chinese military source said the J-11B was not chosen for exhibition at the National Day military parade in October last year due to doubts over technical feature of the fighter, according to the magazine.

(Mainichi Japan) May 18, 2010

China military refuses to accept new domestically made fighters - The Mainichi Daily News

Kyodo News - Story
Which fighter that being deployed in PLAAF is not domestic?

This is the Su-27sk that China bought from Russia in 1990s, now it has been all retired.

seems like a propaganda news, the thread starters nationality is more than enough to apprehend that if its about China then be ready to read some serious BS

Now thats what is a BS comment.

If we start rejcting threads on basis of the nationality and the flags on their ids, then I think India will be saved of all the false allegations that we have in form of threads in pdf...because all those threads started have a similar flags in their ids and their intentions are well known about India.

so if you have a source, prove the news as false, or else do not post unnecessary provocative posts.
A Chinese military source said the J-11B was not chosen for exhibition at the National Day military parade in October last year due to doubts over technical feature of the fighter, according to the magazine.

It might also be the case that the aircrafts might have temporary faults for which they were not selected...and things can be fixed ,so a little time spent on detecting and fixing the issue , the aircrafts may be well be ready for the tasks.
Guys lets relax.Kanwa has not always been true in its assessments. However, even if there was a problem with J11Bwith some vibrations, it was right to have sent the aircrafts back to its manufacturers and asked them to have a look. There would be nothing odd about it. Initial few pakistani assembled Thunders had a similar problem that was sorted by the chinese engineers. So nothing to worry about.
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