Regarding the Global Times article, IMO, rather than rejoicing in the fact that the West and China/Russia are in different camps, they were lamenting the fact that somehow being victims of terror is something exclusively reserved for western countries while China/Russia deserve what they get. The hypocrisy is evident for all to see and the Global Times was pointing out that the victims of terror are the same in all cases - innocent, regardless of their country of origin.
look mate, when a person is dead there are got to be reason behind it, you dont see people killing another person out of randomness, you wont see a dude killing another dude with no reason at all right? Like completely random
Now that reason would contribute to did that person deserved to die, and that reason is everybit related to the camp I said here and previous post
Now, take me for an example, I killed people in Iraq and i probably killed someone in Afghanistan, for me, with my belief, they are justified, and they deserved to go down. However, if some right winger come to me and it would probably say i am a terrorist and those people dont deserved to die.
And so far we are just talking about people with different view from the same country, what if we have diffrent country hold different view?
Take another example, the Ukraine issue, Most Chinese membre here supported the Russian backed rebel liberate the eastern part of the country, they see the Kiev Ukrainian defending those area as Nazi and terrorist, yet in The West, west dont generally care about that, west see Ukraine as an complete entity, and those rebel is seperatist, so west see the rebel is the terrorist , not the ukrainian.
One man terrorist is another man patriot, did anyone in this world deserved to die? Of course not, but if you are in a different camp, you see the issue "deserve" have a differnent meaning those those who are on the other camp.
So it's really a sad story that we are going to repeat the history.And the initiator maybe is the same bias.One camp is natural justice,another is natural evil.
The difference is we have nuclear weapon now.
from where i am standing, this isnt a repeat, rather a continuation of what have not been settle from before, East and West and i doubt this could in anyhow settle within our life time.
So sad, but truth