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the Chinese want to fight us to the last pakistani

Thats not a justification that's an assumption.

China and Pakistan have a relationship going back decades, of course supporting Pakistan is also a means to control India but with everyone on the same continent war between any countries is bad news for everyone.

Assuming China did not back Pakistan with weapons and technological assistance would India still use diplomacy to settle disputes with Pakistan?
Assuming China did not back Pakistan with weapons and technological assistance would India still use diplomacy to settle disputes with Pakistan?


We have never been the aggressor in any of our three wars with Pakistan (check any neutral sources, heck even their general admitted it on TV)

btw thanks for giving them nukes and ballistic missiles, did a lot to stabilize the subcontinent.
Thats not a justification that's an assumption.

China and Pakistan have a relationship going back decades, of course supporting Pakistan is also a means to control India but with everyone on the same continent war between any countries is bad news for everyone.

Assuming China did not back Pakistan with weapons and technological assistance would India still use diplomacy to settle disputes with Pakistan?

The Chinese were wary of USSR encirclement during the 70-80's and during that nukes were proliferated to pakistan so that they have one less nuke to lob against india in case of a war with USSR so began the bon homie.

Regarding the second part The Chinese are willing to use Pakistan as a front in case of a indo-sino war but in case of a indo-pakistan war they will leave pakistan to the wolves they may even remove the pakistan..sorry chinese nukes in pakistan .

Regarding the first case i spoke of during 1987-89 Deng wanted to have war with India to teach it a lesson so when he consulted PLA they said any offensive can only be launched only through a front in Kashmir .The tension was diffused after a CCP and Indian Foreign ministers had some talks.Without even consulting the PA

Regarding the second part the Pakistanis recieved a goose egg from the Chinese during the Kargil conflict hope you understand it

We have never been the aggressor in any of our three wars with Pakistan (check any neutral sources, heck even their general admitted it on TV)

I've leave this for a Pakistan member to reply, I think they are better qualified to judge this for themselves.

btw thanks for giving them nukes and ballistic missiles, did a lot to stabilize the subcontinent.

China did not provide Nukes, Pakistan developed the nukes herself and so did India using their civilian nuclear program.

Going by your logic Pakistan has not used the nukes or ballistic missiles to date so how is the region not stabilized?
btw thanks for giving them nukes and ballistic missiles, did a lot to stabilize the subcontinent.

Firstly, are you being sarcastic?

If you were, I would say that even if it could be proved, it would hardly have been a collective decision.

And as a sidenote, how many wars have there been, since both sides developed their own nuclear weapons?
I've leave this for a Pakistan member to reply, I think they are better qualified to judge this for themselves.

How come? They'll be biased too, that's why you should check some neutral source

How about the battle of 1971, in which all Pakistanis claim had been instigated by India.
TIME magazine provides a very detailed account of that time, btw in 1971 the USS Enterprise entered the Bay of Bengal to threaten us, so the article definitely isn't Indian propaganda

China did not provide Nukes, Pakistan developed the nukes herself

No Pak did not, read about AQ Khan who got the know how from China and North Korea

Even so, how many wars have there been, since both sides were nuclear armed?

One out of the three i.e Kargil
One out of the three i.e Kargil

Yes that conflict occurred one year after Pakistan nuclear tests.

How many wars have taken place after both sides developed mature nuclear arsenals? I.e. Enough for a full counter-attack?

Also is there any REAL proof that China gave nukes to Pakistan. And I'm not talking about side comments in articles, I mean REAL proof.
Yes that conflict occurred one year after Pakistan nuclear tests.

How many wars have taken place after both sides developed mature nuclear arsenals? I.e. Enough for a full counter-attack?

Well the reason that there has been no war (yet) is because Pak became involved in the WoT after 2001, forces spread too thin, USA muscling, Taliban gone rogue. Once things get back to 'normal', it'll be war.

Also is there any REAL proof that China gave nukes to Pakistan. And I'm not talking about side comments in articles, I mean REAL proof.

Here is an article in the Washington Post,(just googled it though), im sure more knowledgeable members can bring detailed proofs

A nuclear power's act of proliferation
The uranium transfer in five stainless-steel boxes was part of a broad-ranging, secret nuclear deal approved years earlier by Mao Zedong and Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto that culminated in an exceptional, deliberate act of proliferation by a nuclear power, according to the accounts by Khan, who is under house arrest in Pakistan.

U.S. officials say they have known about the transfer for decades and once privately confronted the Chinese -- who denied it -- but have never raised the issue in public or sought to impose direct sanctions on China for it. President Obama, who said in April that "the world must stand together to prevent the spread of these weapons," plans to discuss nuclear proliferation issues while visiting Beijing on Tuesday.

According to Khan, the uranium cargo came with a blueprint for a simple weapon that China had already tested, supplying a virtual do-it-yourself kit that significantly speeded Pakistan's bomb effort. The transfer also started a chain of proliferation: U.S. officials worry that Khan later shared related Chinese design information with Iran; in 2003, Libya confirmed obtaining it from Khan's clandestine network.
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How many wars have taken place after both sides developed mature nuclear arsenals? I.e. Enough for a full counter-attack?

Also India did her first nuclear test in 1974, but strangely that did not deter Pakistan from doing a Kargil ? :what:

btw every senior (Pakistani) member here will agree, that in Kargil Pak was the agressor, their general told it on TV (there are youtube videos of it)

So what gives?

The Indo Pak conflict is more than just control of a piece of land....
Well the reason that there has been no war (yet) is because Pak became involved in the WoT after 2001, forces spread too thin, USA muscling, Taliban gone rouge. Once things get back to 'normal', it'll be war.

So war is inevitable? Pakistan doesn't have a No First Use policy, like China and India do. That will lead to nuclear war.

U.S. officials say they have known about the transfer for decades and once privately confronted the Chinese -- who denied it -- but have never raised the issue in public or sought to impose direct sanctions on China for it.

So these officials have refused to say it in public?

What legitimacy does it have then?
So war is inevitable? Pakistan doesn't have a No First Use policy, like China and India do. That will lead to nuclear war.

Pakistan won't do a first strike, it won't accomplish anything. Actually only two countries in the world can do first strikes : USA and Russia. Pak will launch weapons, when it's severely threatened imo, something like creation of Bangladesh

So these officials have refused to say it in public?

What legitimacy does it have then?

AQ Khan's illegal nuclear network is well know, that's the reason he was put under house arrest.

Tell me, why would a country put the father of it's nuclear weapons program under house arrest(house arrest is a fact btw) !!

I also read a pdf written in 2001, I'll try to search for it and like I said many senior members can give better sources
China and India have a mutual NFU pakistanis i think are ambiguous they have some thing first use or first strike i don't what exactly it is clearly.India's and Chinas arsenals are there to deter bigger arsenals.Thank COAS sundarji and Field Marshall Nie for that
Pakistan won't do a first strike, it won't accomplish anything. Actually only two countries in the world can do first strikes : USA and Russia. Pak will launch weapons, when it's severely threatened imo, something like creation of Bangladesh

AQ Khan's illegal nuclear network is well know, that's the reason he was put under house arrest.

Tell me, why would a country put the father of it's nuclear weapons program under house arrest(house arrest is a fact btw) !!

I also read a pdf written in 2001, I'll try to search for it and like I said many senior members can give better sources

Pakistani Nukes are Chinese CHIC-4 nukes recent reports are the chinese are willing to remove if the situation is out of hand in pakistan

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