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Chinese daily blames India for 1962 war

So you want to do an adventure in Japanese territory and then run away. Shame on those Chinese generals who ran away leaving ordnary citizens to imperialistic Japanese. Chinese think Japan has committed crimes against them, truth is Chinese suffered most under Mao, and imperialists are ones who committed more crimes.

There are unaccounted deaths in millions during those dark days and Chinese do not say a word against them since they themselves killed their own people.

KMT army escaped away and let the civillians suffered. Mao passed away some 40 years ago, don't blame a dead one as well as Nehru.
Although your post is unworthy of reply but, it won't work casue China is too strong for you guys to handle. It just won't work. The bold part make you look ignorant.

It looks ignorant coz you are arrogant.
Unfortunately for you, like China the only way for India also is UP.
KMT army escaped away and let the civillians suffered. Mao passed away some 40 years ago, don't blame a dead one as well as Nehru.

Then why are you upto Japanese where imperialism is already dead, Chinese are claiming to avenge the decedents of dead ones.
Then why are you upto Japanese where imperialism is already dead, Chinese are claiming to avenge the decedents of dead ones.
Japan right wing Nazi is back to throne ASAP, USA will loose its control when those Japanses Nazi work themself up into frenzy.
Those limbs of China have become obsolete and Japan, Vietnam,south korea and phillipines will confront China in east and south. India will take care of Tibet movement. Islamic militants will take care of East turkestan movement.

You are being irrational here mate.Don't ever think that any body would open a 2nd front against PRC if they they chose to attack us,not even the US.Take my word for it,we have to (and definitely will) defend our country by ourselves only.
You are being irrational here mate.Don't ever think that any body would open a 2nd front against PRC if they they chose to attack us,not even the US.Take my word for it,we have to (and definitely will) defend our country by ourselves only.

I am replying to the bullying nature of Chinese here.

India can handle china in a defensive battle no need to sit and afraid of these hilarious Chinese who think they can occupy and threaten other countries.

Japan right wing Nazi is back to throne ASAP, USA will loose its control when those Japanses Nazi work themself up into frenzy.

Things are worrying for Chinese as more and more Govts. around China are taking tough stance.
You are being irrational here mate.Don't ever think that any body would open a 2nd front against PRC if they they chose to attack us,not even the US.Take my word for it,we have to (and definitely will) defend our country by ourselves only.
China did not attack you, attacking you, or will attack you.
Indians are capable of nothing if they are kept from knowing the Andersson report!
its better if we look in to future for collective benefits..china is our 2nd largest trading partner afterall..i really wanted to see brics dominate the world..both in economy and defence cooperation

Indians are capable of nothing if they are kept from knowing the Andersson report!

its good your leadrs dont think that way...
It was 50 years ago, and was a small skirmish, not a full scale war. About time both countries move on from it...
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