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Chinese Airforce Activities in South China Sea Revealed [Translated]

Coz Chinese here said: VN have no weapon can reach the target from 500 + km away, so I said: our Su-30mk2 can fly there to seek the China oil tanker craft and shoot her dow by R-27 missille, after that, she doesn't need to fly back if doesn't have enough gaz, just drop dow to the sea and pilots use parachute to jump out.:lol:, that I called Kamikaze tactic for the far target

2. Japan-China tension also hot now, Japan won't use F-4 against J-craft if it useless .

Say these are useless, when two sides are realy fighting ,both side will not consider how much loss, but the result is already clear.
Say these are useless, when two sides are realy fighting ,both side will not consider how much loss, but the result is already clear.

Oki, it's so clear that we Vn surrender CHina's propaganda, when we can not buy coutermeasure system , it too expensive .we just have Kolchuga toy cost 108 milion dollar :lol:
1.We sent Mig 21 to Upgrade to Mig-21 Bison in India, now, our Mig 21 is equal with F-16, but Since you look down on India's tech, so I can not say any thing else :sick:

2.Base on this websiteAir-sea combat in modern warfare
Tác chi
VN've known how to defend already,our Kolchuga radar can detect the Stealth Jet from 800km.We will make lots of "fake" weapons and they look like the real, your satellite,Radar can not recognize, and wasting boom with the Fake.

So, maybe we need the upgrade coutermeasure system, but the Russia price seem high, so we bougth the upgrade from India. :tongue:

omfg, perhaps u can say that ur mig21 can equal with star destoryer.:rofl:

omfg, perhaps u can say that ur mig21 can equal with star destoryer.:rofl:


I think Vn have more knowledge about Mig 21 than China, and how to use the upgrade more effectively. Our Mig 21 could shoot dow B-52, when Mig 21 CHina have No records :lol:

btw: keep beliveing on China's propaganda that we know Nothing about modern warfare, we only have kiddi's toy cost hundred millions dollar :lol:
I think Vn have more knowledge about Mig 21 than China, and how to use the upgrade more effectively. Our Mig 21 could shoot dow B-52, when Mig 21 CHina have No records :lol:

btw: keep beliveing on China's propaganda that we know Nothing about modern warfare, we only have kiddi's toy cost hundred millions dollar :lol:

Your Mig-21s can shoot down bombers, 40 years ago. Great job.

Modern warfare is different. How many AWACs does Vietnam have? Without AWACs your planes would be blind, deaf and mute. And fighting a blind deaf mute as a normal person is totally unfair.
Your Mig-21s can shoot down bombers, 40 years ago. Great job.

Modern warfare is different. How many AWACs does Vietnam have? Without AWACs your planes would be blind, deaf and mute. And fighting a blind deaf mute as a normal person is totally unfair.

Base on Vn's ability now, we can defend agaginst mordern wafare within the range of 250 km with S-300, Su-30km2 and make lots of "fake" weapons to deceive enemy's Radar, satellite.

btw: the last thing we can do is Kamikaze mission to shoot down your oil tanker craft, first or seconds times may failed, but luck may come from the third :lol:
Base on Vn's ability now, we can defend agaginst mordern wafare within the range of 250 km with S-300, Su-30km2 and make lots of "fake" weapons to deceive enemy's Radar, satellite.

btw: the last thing we can do is Kamikaze mission to shoot down your oil tanker craft, first or seconds times may failed, but luck may come from the third :lol:

u can defeat everything by ur mouth.:yahoo: hahahaha
u can defeat everything by ur mouth.:yahoo: hahahaha

Yep, we're having mouth warfare :yahoo:

Vn may use S-30 as mini AWCS, and Vn AF always combat in small group, that's good enough to take down enemy oil tanker craft and their AWCS like shoot down B-52 :lol:

Su 30 trong tương lai có thể đóng vai trò như một mini AWCS
1.We sent Mig 21 to Upgrade to Mig-21 Bison in India, now, our Mig 21 is equal with F-16, but Since you look down on India's tech, so I can not say any thing else :sick:

2.Base on this websiteAir-sea combat in modern warfare
Tác chi
VN've known how to defend already,our Kolchuga radar can detect the Stealth Jet from 800km.We will make lots of "fake" weapons and they look like the real, your satellite,Radar can not recognize, and wasting boom with the Fake.

So, maybe we need the upgrade coutermeasure system, but the Russia price seem high, so we bougth the upgrade from India. :tongue:
Mig-21 is NOT and will NEVER be equal to F-16. Kinematically it is an inferior aircraft, not to mention the small nose inlet limits the size of the PD radar you can place on it. It was designed as a high speed interceptor, hence the delta wing design. On the other hand, F-16 is optimized for sustained manoevures as subsonic speeds. Thanks to a powerful turbofan engine however, its performance at supersonic speeds exceed that of the Mig-21. In short, the F-16 is an entire generation ahead, actually two generations ahead.

LOL at that pathetic attempts to say you can detect low observable targets at 800km. By the way, high resolution synthetic-aperture radar today can well distinguish between legitimate targets and decoys.

You could not match our ECM, and you couldn't afford the upgrade from Russia. Now you went to an inferior supplier. Congratulations.
Yep, we're having mouth warfare :yahoo:

Vn may use S-30 as mini AWCS, and Vn AF always combat in small group, that's good enough to take down enemy oil tanker craft and their AWCS like shoot down B-52 :lol:

Using onboard sensors on fighter planes as "mini-AWACS" is like using a match for illumination. They're no match for dedicated AEW&C in terms of range, capability, processing power and radar power output. In all likelihood, we'll get first look, first shot and first kill.

But do keep on shooting down our tankers and AWACS with your mouth. Our air force officer has already said he consider Viets to be laughable opponents, one that did not dare to challenge our patrols.
Base on Vn's ability now, we can defend agaginst mordern wafare within the range of 250 km with S-300, Su-30km2 and make lots of "fake" weapons to deceive enemy's Radar, satellite.

btw: the last thing we can do is Kamikaze mission to shoot down your oil tanker craft, first or seconds times may failed, but luck may come from the third :lol:
Planes always have an advantage over SAMs, gravity. The rocket motor of S-300 will only fire for a few seconds, then the missile depends on momentum to close in on target. A manoevuring target near its maximum range, especially with early warning, will in all likelihood be able to escape. Furthermore, against a technologically superior opponent, always assume your radars will be knocked out and suppressed.

If Vietnam is depending on luck to win, then it's going to look ugly for you. You remind me of some Chinese before 2000, when we first obtained S-300 and Su-27. As we progressed, we realized how ridiculous we were thinking we could match Americans. Knowledge is power, and you lack it.
Planes always have an advantage over SAMs, gravity. The rocket motor of S-300 will only fire for a few seconds, then the missile depends on momentum to close in on target. A manoevuring target near its maximum range, especially with early warning, will in all likelihood be able to escape. Furthermore, against a technologically superior opponent, always assume your radars will be knocked out and suppressed.

If Vietnam is depending on luck to win, then it's going to look ugly for you. You remind me of some Chinese before 2000, when we first obtained S-300 and Su-27. As we progressed, we realized how ridiculous we were thinking we could match Americans. Knowledge is power, and you lack it.

With China's geography and correct positioning of S-300's the US would have had little chance of a successful air war against China in 2000. Wars are not all technology, geography and positioning is still just as important as it was 3000 years ago.
With China's geography and correct positioning of S-300's the US would have had little chance of a successful air war against China in 2000. Wars are not all technology, geography and positioning is still just as important as it was 3000 years ago.
Heh, we had no shot at all against the Americans back in 2000. Certainly we could cause some losses for them, but they would have steamrolled us in an air campaign. You should read some of the comments made by experts on Chinese forums. The entire military, especially the air force, had American phobia.

It wasn't unti around 2005 that we started intergrating our various air assets and moving towards network centric warfare. Today the air force is confident we could best any other in Asia, but compared to Americans we're just getting started.
guys i really want to know how old he is``or are all the vietnamese like him extreemly ignorant and naive`!
1. Yeah, if you're CHinese, try to take Taiwan back first, can you do that ??don't show the world with the big mouth only.

2.China support us in the war, coz they needed to break the strong relationship between VN and Soviet, so , help VN means help themself also, but they broke the relationship with us when attacking our islands in 1974, we can not say Thanks to the agressor till they return us back those islands

why did you even bring the china-Taiwan situation even in the conversation?
1) i aint chinese
2) dont put words in my mouth
3) i can clearly see now that your arguments are all based with the intention of country bashing and bad mouthing china, cause of your hatred. your arguments dont really bring any helpful talk in this thread. stop trolling
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