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Chinese aggression is good for India's Defence

That is why I'm trying to help you change your attitutes. Can you imagine if India become a failed state like Somalia. Its a big country with many people that will create nightmare for its neighbors.

I hope more Indians are like Xinix. He is a sensible guy with logic. If more Indians think like him, India probably won't have any issues any of its neighbors, including Pakistan.

没用的, 他们已经被自己政府洗脑, 此势头已无可逆转..振醒华夏要紧!!!紧张身毒国干嘛??没用的,我也试过几次了,提醒过了......the wheel of history has been decided and inevitable, people will be shown this sooner or later...no use trying to awake them....
阿斗是扶不起的, 想拉拢他成为世界一极?? what to nurture a rival that also can confront you yourselves as well??? think about it, faithfulguy, going to sleep now...,your reply to overseas huaren????
没用的, 他们已经被自己政府洗脑, 此势头已无可逆转..振醒华夏要紧!!!紧张身毒国干嘛??没用的,我也试过几次了,提醒过了......the wheel of history has been decided and inevitable, people will be shown this sooner or later...no use trying to awake them....

It cam be applied to every country buddy ...
India is rising very rapidly...

Chinese misslie tests-- no one knows about a single test..!!!!
THe truth is the ratio of failure of India missile tests to Chinese misslie tests is 1:30....

coz india makes things based on Technology....whereas CHina copies...so what they will be doing is first making a small change to a missile and then testing it-- the misslie will fail, than they will again make some change and test again it will fail....

SO when u reverse copy u have to make thousands of changes and test each one of them....so that means thousands of failures in missile tests....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to help you it means for every 1 test failure of India there are at least 30 missile tests failure for CHina....

So all chinese missiles re very poor quality and very few(10%) maybe might work.....

and India is riising no doubt just 1-2 failures in missile develpoment is extremely good performance, it is Outstanding work......

no we need only as much as is necessary for India's defence...!!
we dont need them in thousands like china...!!
coz they are of excellent quality and very reliable....so needed in less numbers...China needs in more numbers because they are of poor quality...

LCA, Arjun are not failures.. they have been given go ahead for induction...

anyways LCA is better than the Chinese home made aircraft by miles....though no need to discuss here... separate thread will do....:)

SU-30 participated in Air exercises with USAF.... so u need to know how capable they are......which CHinese air craft has participated in any such exercises..?????
Chinese are even afraid to think of it.. coz it will expose their poor pilots performance and their poor quality air craft.....

One thing is for sure...CHina likes to make a show of things...it likes to boast even if doesnt have anything...If its pilots or aircrafts were anywhere near good it would have readily participated in such exercises to show to world.....

they stay away because they are extremely poor....

Furthur the Chinese aggression is making India expand its indigenous defence capacity to a great extent and also helping to make scientists realise that they need to take slightly less time in deeveloping new techs... so overall really nice for India's defence industry's domestic manufacturing capacity...

1 test failure for Indian missile vs 30 test failure for Chinese missile :what:

Because India has far lesser missile tests than China. :flame::wave:
buddy keep that advise for the chinese.... They have more aircraft crashes than India
China- Unofficially 4, so u can imagine actual figure to be b/w 10-20..... coz they hide so well their failures from public eye.. and even after that if unofficial figure is 4 the actual figure is bound to be very high....

what seiko and Xinix have said is both correct...

(seiko)In terms of quality India definately outclasses China....(as most of India tech is West/Russia...)
(Xinix) CHina has more numbers(but the quality of equipment is very poor as copared to west/russia...)

as seiko rightly put it
"Yes we now have western and Russian weaponry which is much better than that of China..can you deny that?"
the question which u infact didnt answer from seiko is ....can you deny that? no u cannot coz West/Russian technology is better now than China and will be for decades.

I do agree that what both Xinix and Seiko said has some truth, here was my quesiton

A lot of Indians members believe that overall, India weaponry, military technology and military manufacturing capability is overall superior to that of China. Am I correct? Also, how many Chinese members believe that Chinese weaponry, military technology and military manufacturing capability is overall superior to that of Russia or Europe?

As you are aware, the purpose of my question in this case was not to find the answer to the question itself, but to see whether the Indian/Chinese members are boastful and arrogant.

Xinix answered the question demonstrate a actual analysis of the whole question. He gave a whole and complete picture with minimal bias. As for Seiki, he only answer the part of the question that demonstrated his one sided view. Yes, there are weapons purchased by India from the west that is more advance than the weapons in China as point out by Seiko. But that is not my entire question. My question is about three things 1 India weaponry, 2 military technology and 3 military manufacturing capability as compare to china. Because India imports a portion of its weaponry from the west that is more advance then some weapons in the Chinese inventory, he answer the part of the question that shows how "advance" Indian defence is and ignore the rest of the question. After I called him out, he gave another answer more in the line of Xinix. It shows arrogance and lack of willingness to face the truth in his part. This is one of the reasons its difficult for members of other nationality to converse with the some of the Indian members. Granted, some Chinese or Pakistani members are also arrogant and distort the truth. But this is far more prevalent with the Indian members. A reflection of the Indian media, government and social mentality.
It cam be applied to every country buddy ...

He is actually telling me that its useless to wake you out of your slumber when I try to remind you that its important to look at the whole picture as the whole picture is the reality. Do not deceive yourself by believing in the only facts that you wish to believe in and ignore the rest
He is actually telling me that its useless to wake you out of your slumber when I try to remind you that its important to look at the whole picture as the whole picture is the reality. Do not deceive yourself by believing in the only facts that you wish to believe in and ignore the rest

what do you mean ?

what are you referring to.
what do you mean ?

what are you referring to.

I had posed a question about two pages before this one to determine if either Chinese or Indians look at the reality as the whole picture or only at what they want to see. A couple of Indian posters replied. One gave a thorough answer while another resort to compare as he saw fit. So I gave advice on how its important to look at the whole picture instead of just one section out of the whole picture
A lot of Indians members believe that overall, India weaponry, military technology and military manufacturing capability is overall superior to that of China. Am I correct? Also, how many Chinese members believe that Chinese weaponry, military technology and military manufacturing capability is overall superior to that of Russia or Europe?

I never deluded my self of the fact that china possessed capabilities that far out stripped That of India.
We are trying to catch up. A task that will take years to accomplish.

China has worked hard to achieve what it has today to make use of its resources the way it has, Nothing less can be expected of India.

But this is when people see the overall picture, You dont see a change in the picture unless you change the fine points first. This is not something that is gonna happen overnight, if it will happen at all.

Can you blame us for looking at our small victories and getting carried away with the future.

Militarily at least India does have a lot of projects in the works to bring the Two militaries on a more even ground.

The same can be said for china's expectations as well. It has the economic and industrial base.
Militarily at least India does have a lot of projects in the works to bring the Two militaries on a more even ground.

The same can be said for china's expectations as well. It has the economic and industrial base.

Of course we all want to improve and progess. At the same time, its natural to complete as this is our measuring stick.

Having say that, I want to do you a favor before the guys from China jump all over your statement about bring the two to even groud. You state that india has project that will bring two militaries (China and India to an even groud) I never hear a Chinese guy said that by sending man to space, it bring US and Chinese space exploratoin to a even ground. It would be even for Chinese compare to US in 1963. Even if China has projects that will enable it to catch up to that of US now, wouldn't US progress? As of now, China has to develop faster just to stand still as compare to the US. In the same token, I'm certain China will wait for Indian projects to come to fruitation before China make more progress. Base on Indan military projects of the recent past, China would have to wait for a long time for India to catch up. The Chinese are not that patient. Furthermore, China is projected to pull away from India in terms of technology. The Indian experts should take that into consideration when attempt to compare with China.

As for China's expectations, some Chinese members do talk big about catching up to US. But that is a small minority as compare the almost all Indians who look to catch up to China in technology as China is pulling way ahead.
faithfulguy you still keep mocking them to agitate them further, enough of all this already, please......
As for China's expectations, some Chinese members do talk big about catching up to US. But that is a small minority as compare the almost all Indians who look to catch up to China in technology as China is pulling way ahead.

Unifair comparison. You should compare how many Indians look to catch up to US? It would be way less than the chinese. And yes Indians do look up to catching up with China for two reasons:
1. India HAS to catch up with China. India does not have a choice.
2 Most Chinese dont talk big of catching upto US just like Indians. The reason being technological difference. As of now the US is way too advanced for anybody to beat it in the near future as far as technology is concerned. However, the same cannot be said about China and India. Though there is significant difference between these two rival, it is not as big as that of US and China and certainly not a insuperable task for India to achieve.
Hope you get my point.:cheers:
I do agree that what both Xinix and Seiko said has some truth, here was my quesiton

As you are aware, the purpose of my question in this case was not to find the answer to the question itself, but to see whether the Indian/Chinese members are boastful and arrogant.

Xinix answered the question demonstrate a actual analysis of the whole question. He gave a whole and complete picture with minimal bias. As for Seiki, he only answer the part of the question that demonstrated his one sided view. Yes, there are weapons purchased by India from the west that is more advance than the weapons in China as point out by Seiko. But that is not my entire question. My question is about three things 1 India weaponry, 2 military technology and 3 military manufacturing capability as compare to china. Because India imports a portion of its weaponry from the west that is more advance then some weapons in the Chinese inventory, he answer the part of the question that shows how "advance" Indian defence is and ignore the rest of the question. After I called him out, he gave another answer more in the line of Xinix. It shows arrogance and lack of willingness to face the truth in his part. This is one of the reasons its difficult for members of other nationality to converse with the some of the Indian members. Granted, some Chinese or Pakistani members are also arrogant and distort the truth. But this is far more prevalent with the Indian members. A reflection of the Indian media, government and social mentality.

Dude you not reading my posts carefully..look at the bolded parts and let me know that I answered about the military technology and military manufacturing capability as compare to china :disagree:

Yes we now have western and Russian weaponry which is much better than that of China..can you deny that?

you totally misunderstood man..I asked whether western or Chinese weapons are good??Considering the facts that India having western weaponry is having a quality advantage in the short run ..is it true or false?

And every one in India knows that our indigenous programme is in debacle now..but its natural with some one who start from the scratch..we cannot dream about developing all the weapon by our own..so the governent is making suitable steps for co-developing weapons with other countries ..

And also i told you ..you have to learn a lot about India before telling us that we are arrogant and what ever you think..anyway if some one made up his mind ..no one can change it..

(We accept that China has more numbers than India...no one here denies that...)

but for u i have to say

Common dont try to avoid the question(s) being put to you...You are trying to give roundabout answer and are evading the very simple direct qsn put to you....

the qsn is still unanswered as asked in post number 141 from seiko..

"Yes we now have western and Russian weaponry which is much better than that of China..can you deny that?"

U know the answer..everyone knows chinese technology is decades behind Russian/West...So accept the reality...
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