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China's Response To India's Military Upgrade In Arunachal Pradesh

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All Chinese products are copied from Russian or West. Original are Original. Yes, we are not great in home made product but we are improving, We are developing ATV, CBG, Sleath Destroyers, All types of Missiles, AWACS, UAV and everything but at least we didn't copied. we maintained the ethics and not like Chinese. Still, Chinese failed to make any quality fighter jets like Rafale or Typhoon or F-18 SH or F-15 SE. Only J-11 ripped off of Su-27. ACC from Varyag, HQ from old S-300 and many more :lol:

lol and this coming from an indian that has not made a single weapon by themselves in their entire history.
all russian imports.

u dont have the ability to build anything, u need technical knowledge to build, india has none, thats why it imports everything.
indians lack the IQ to even reverse engineer.

brahmos is 100% russian, india just provided funding.if u look at so called indian weapons, they are all joint ventures with russia.

indians dont even know how to make toy planes let alone real ones.

anythig india has, times that by about 10 in terms of quality and u have chinese one.
india dont have their own defense industry.

only US, russia, china and france have their own defence industry.

india is on par militarily with pakistan, that is why india cannot beat pakistan in war.
all 3 wars between india and pakistan have been stalemates.

india brags alot but fires blanks when it comes to delivering results.
World is changed to much from that time. Living in ignorance is biggest foolishness.

china has pulled wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of india in every aspect today.

but its always sweet when china beat that evil fascist indian regime in 1962.
it is oh so sweet.

india talked a big talk in 1962 but china delivered a crushing blow to the indian ego.
boooooooooo yaaaaaaaaaa!
utter pwnage biarch!
china has pulled wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of india in every aspect today.

but its always sweet when china beat that evil fascist indian regime in 1962.
it is oh so sweet.

india talked a big talk in 1962 but china delivered a crushing blow to the indian ego.
boooooooooo yaaaaaaaaaa!
utter pwnage biarch!

Remember 1979? Vietnam? ring any bell. ?
lol and this coming from an indian that has not made a single weapon by themselves in their entire history.
all russian imports.

u dont have the ability to build anything, u need technical knowledge to build, india has none, thats why it imports everything.
indians lack the IQ to even reverse engineer.

brahmos is 100% russian, india just provided funding.if u look at so called indian weapons, they are all joint ventures with russia.

indians dont even know how to make toy planes let alone real ones.

anythig india has, times that by about 10 in terms of quality and u have chinese one.
india dont have their own defense industry.

only US, russia, china and france have their own defence industry.

india is on par militarily with pakistan, that is why india cannot beat pakistan in war.
all 3 wars between india and pakistan have been stalemates.

india brags alot but fires blanks when it comes to delivering results.

Do you think that all country have no national pride like china? Do you think that anyone will copy anything they brought from others. For your information We are not Copycat like you.

About the sattlement between pakistan and india. First defeat a small Island known as ROC. How pity? How many missiles targeted that small island and defend yourself from a small country known as japan without help of USA
lol and this coming from an indian that has not made a single weapon by themselves in their entire history.
all russian imports.

u dont have the ability to build anything, u need technical knowledge to build, india has none, thats why it imports everything.
indians lack the IQ to even reverse engineer.

brahmos is 100% russian, india just provided funding.if u look at so called indian weapons, they are all joint ventures with russia.

indians dont even know how to make toy planes let alone real ones.

anythig india has, times that by about 10 in terms of quality and u have chinese one.
india dont have their own defense industry.

only US, russia, china and france have their own defence industry.

india is on par militarily with pakistan, that is why india cannot beat pakistan in war.
all 3 wars between india and pakistan have been stalemates.

india brags alot but fires blanks when it comes to delivering results.

china has pulled wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of india in every aspect today.

but its always sweet when china beat that evil fascist indian regime in 1962.
it is oh so sweet.

india talked a big talk in 1962 but china delivered a crushing blow to the indian ego.
boooooooooo yaaaaaaaaaa!
utter pwnage biarch!

I am sure that if u haven't been banned for all the stupid trash and offensive language that u used, I won't be given an "infraction for calling u an A$$hole !!!

btw, I won't give u links to prove that u r wrong everywhere, and to justify India on the bolded parts, because, i repeat, u r an A$$hole, and I pity PDF where guys like u are not warned ever, but i find so many indian members getting banned for even minor things... Moderators, I request u to either play fair atleast to some extent... or tell us clearly that we r standing on a pakistani turf and it will always be unfair.
Do you think that all country have no national pride like china? Do you think that anyone will copy anything they brought from others. For your information We are not Copycat like you.

About the sattlement between pakistan and india. First defeat a small Island known as ROC. How pity? How many missiles targeted that small island and defend yourself from a small country known as japan without help of USA

know what predator, I actually don't feel like replying back to this s(um.... he's supposed to be ignored like an ant.. today I have used foul language for the first time here... But it angers me to see such guys who are shame on all living things! He doesn't know that 1971 happened... he doesn't know about PSLV series.. he hasn't heard about even one indian company (and they are acquiring business all over the globe..), he doesn't know of even one successful indian military product... he takes pride in copy-cat reverse engineering, that too high-profile tech! he calls india as evil-fascist!!!

You know something. Before Joing PDF, I thought Chinese people like india not like thier communist govt or PLA and i love them but after watching thier post, i changed my mind and attitude towards them.

Do you think that chinese member of PDF really represent thier people?

Just because of a propoganda fed deluded kid dont judge all Chinese. I am sure there are many many many rational Chinese...but too bad they aint on PDF.
The reality of the Chin is very different compared to how some pathetic spoilt forced single kids behave on the net.

All their neighbors have only contempt for them. They are considered timid, cowards, ill mannered and insufferable.

We can see why.

Korean movies show thousands and thousands of the Chin butchered by the Koreans using only knives. ;)
The reality of the Chin is very different compared to how some pathetic spoilt forced single kids behave on the net.

All their neighbors have only contempt for them. They are considered timid, cowards, ill mannered and insufferable.

We can see why.

Korean movies show thousands and thousands of the Chin butchered by the Koreans using only knives. ;)

So says a country that never fought for its freedom and enslaved for 200 + years by a handful of brits across the other side of 2 oceans. That was forced to use a political system not of its own choosing and (english) foriegn language of its enslavers, beyond pathetic . . .

This compared to a great nation that fought for sovereignty in WW2 and was one of the victor nations hence a permanent member of the Security Council P5. This also compared to a country that shed millions of lives going toe to toe with one of the superpowers in the Cold War with nothing but ak47s and grenades during the Korean war to protect its borders and defend a fellow brethren country. (can you imagine a pathetic cowardly country like India fighting a superpower on its own, these turds will probably soil their pants just at the thought?)

Moreover a great country that shows its great nation status in peace time in the biggest arena of competition in peacetime the international Olympics by topping or seconding the exiting superpower in gold medals.

This juxtaposed to a malnourish, racially inferior band of born cowards and slaves that can barely scratch 2 pathetic medals over 50 years.

Can we really see the absurdity of Indian Negros having the audacity of calling Chinese weak and cowardly? Atleast the Negros in Africa are good at sports and entertainment, these Indian version are just useless in all avenue.
^^ Pathetic CCP zombie, you forget that USA saved your arse in WW-2 after the Japanese had been occupying you and killing 30 million of you.

I have sympathy for the victims of the "rape of Nanking", none for the likes of you.

Your flags tell me you are a false flagger troll.

The russians also saved America's *** by starting a second front against the Germans, what's your point? France was entirely occupied for much of WW2, and liberated by the English and Americans, is France weak and pathetic?

All the majors powers shed millions of lives to fight for their country's soveriegnty and nation state, this CAN NEVER be said of cowardly Indians who fought under someone else's flag and got killed over their masters decisions and couldn't even fight for their won freedom but the British mercifully withdrew, beyond pathetic. That is why enslaved Indians was NEVER part of the UN Security Council and will NEVEr be. Cowardly enslaved nations will never show leadership to warrant such a post.
China was a pathetic colony of the Japanese during WW-2.

After that it has been the likes of Mao that are killing the Chin (50 million?). Many of you are just zombies who can't think on their own.

Then you claim why they hate you and call you the "yellow peril" with contempt! Why your Korean and Japanese and Vietnamese and other neighbors hold you in such contempt?

Anyway, just bugger off. No point talking to a zombie.
A friend of mine had done interpretership in Chinese from JNU,and then went off to China.. he has been settled there for long, and even married a Chinese girl.. What he tells me of China and what I find on PDF are almost opposite! He tells so many stories of Chinese enterpreneurs working real hard and making a fortune.. Moreover, in spite of being an Indian, he says he never faced any difficulty whatsoever! The average Chinese is extremely humble and soft-spoken... I personally have no experience of Chinese people...

But whatever he told me makes me feel that China, the country(or Govt) and China, the people are completely different...

he also told me that its true that you can't do a Google search for the word "democracy" ! it gives an error...
That makes me think, what is the probability of finding a normal chinese citizen with his normal talks here on PDF (the way we can find Indian or pakistani members..)

I also realized one more thing JUST now.. there are many threads where Indians and even pakistanis have spoken against their leaders or Govt policies.. or things going wrong in our respective countries....

why is it that in last three years I haven't found EVEN ONE INSTANCE of a chinese member doing so!!!!!:unsure::unsure:
Prove me I am wrong. :pop:
you do think Iran,Afgani Taliban,Saudia,Turkey,Omen,Yemen,Dubai,Libya,China most imp Russia has better releations with china and all world is on your side tumay tu Taliban hi kafi hy:oops:
^^ Pathetic CCP zombie, you forget that USA saved your arse in WW-2 after the Japanese had been occupying you and killing 30 million of you.

I have sympathy for the victims of the "rape of Nanking", none for the likes of you.

Your flags tell me you are a false flagger troll.
LOL...... you want to know who is pathetic? I feel sympathy for the millions of hindu slaughtered in 1971. And then tens of millions who were brutalized and then kicked out. Mighty India could do nothing because you were afraid of USA :lol:

It was so bad, I feel so sorry for you hindus. It was just like when central asian conquerors totally destroyed the hindu kingdoms and killed and enslaved all the 'idolators' all over again. Do you even know where your paternal genes come from? Why do you look like your conquerors?

If you just accept what kind of race you really are, instead of making up imaginary stories and statistics about Chinese conflicts with other countries to overcome your inferiority from 1962, maybe one day your country will step beyond mass starvation. Remember your mass starvation in 1943 after UK took all your food to fight the Japanese?

You probably find it hard to accept india's place in the world if you are high caste. Remember, you are only high caste relative to other hindus. Compared to Chinese, you are :tdown:
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