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China's official media shows shot down a U.S U - 2

Can someone please tell me what this thread is about? I am sorry but i can't understand anything that the original poster has written.
Dude,do I look like I care how many flights were taken,and its still not relating to my comment and to the fact that the U2 was shot down by China, and it of course, definitely suprised the USA.
You should care because the number of aircrafts shot down are never greater than the number of overflights. For all YOU know, there could have been dozens that China was helpless to do anything about it or did not know occurred. Think!!!
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Can someone please tell me what this thread is about? I am sorry but i can't understand anything that the original poster has written.

I have a hard time understanding too, but i think it says something along the lines of, B-2 bomber has flown over China, which angered the Chinese?

I still don't understand the pictures, it looks like an aircraft is flying along side the B-2; however, this is strange because a B-2 should fly above any aircraft. On pictures 3 and 4 it also looks like an aircraft is firing an A2A missle, but how?
I have a hard time understanding too, but i think it says something along the lines of, B-2 bomber has flown over China, which angered the Chinese?

I still don't understand the pictures, it looks like an aircraft is flying along side the B-2; however, this is strange because a B-2 should fly above any aircraft. On pictures 3 and 4 it also looks like an aircraft is firing an A2A missle, but how?

He kept saying something about "high definition" Also the plane in the picture doesn't look like a B-2 bomber.
there could have been dozens that China was helpless to do anything about it or did not know occurred. Think!!!

yes, you are right. we are helpless. we can shoot down any manmade plane flying over our heads. but our goverment simply does not allow doing so. for china,the stability of the regime is everything...:coffee:
You should care because the number of aircrafts shot down are never greater than the number of overflights. For all YOU[ know, there could have been dozens that China was helpless to do anything about it or did not know occurred. Think!!!

And does it still continue?Do they still do overhead spy missions over China?So, get over it.So why should I care?Furthermore I was referring to USA gasping mouth open over its cover being blown, So how does it even relate to how many missions it flew over China.
He kept saying something about "high definition" Also the plane in the picture doesn't look like a B-2 bomber.

The pictures are suppose to be high definition shots of a U-2, the original poster says that the B-2 will be shot down just like the U-2 was, atleast that's how it appears, but who knows, his English is hard to understand.

And does it still continue?Do they still do overhead spy missions over China?So, get over it.So why should I care?Furthermore I was referring to USA gasping mouth open over its cover being blown, So how does it even relate to how many missions it flew over China.

There really is no need to use spy aircraft when you can obtain high resolution images from a satelite.
The pictures are suppose to be high definition shots of a U-2, the original poster says that the B-2 will be shot down just like the U-2 was, atleast that's how it appears, but who knows, his English is hard to understand.

There really is no need to use spy aircraft when you can obtain high resolution images from a satelite.

Well it depends if you are in a hurry or not. It may take up to 24 hours for the satellite to position it's self over china, so in some situations a spy plane might be better.
And does it still continue? Do they still do overhead spy missions over China?So, get over it.
Neither you nor I know. The US have good cause to keep quiet about these successes and China have good cause to keep quiet about failures to intercept.

So why should I care?Furthermore I was referring to USA gasping mouth open over its cover being blown, So how does it even relate to how many missions it flew over China.
That is a laugh. If the US was so shocked, we would not have REPEATEDLY conducted those overflights. I have listened to SR-71 mission tapes over Soviet territory and have no doubts there are tapes over mainland China -- REPEATEDLY. You should care because strategic reconnaissance overflights does not stop, even in this age. These overflights are not predictable like satellites' orbits. We conduct them at will. Sometimes we do not even need to breach territorial airspace. We do it just to keep our potential adversaries on their toes. You think we have the RC-135 just for looks? And that is an OVERT reconnaissance platform.
I laugh when the Chinese think think something is a big deal when it's clearly not.

By reading posts in this thread, it's clear Chinese members think blowing a U-2 out of the sky is a massive deal to the Americans and have left them speechless. Let me tell you, it's not.

Countless U-2 spy planes were shot down during the soviet era.

This all reminds me of Iran a couple of weeks ago. They said they had a surprise for the west that will leave us all speechless. The surprise was that they had made nuclear material.

Not only did it not shock anyone, it wasn't even covered in the nightly news.
I laugh when the Chinese think think something is a big deal when it's clearly not.

By reading posts in this thread, it's clear Chinese members think blowing a U-2 out of the sky is a massive deal to the Americans and have left them speechless. Let me tell you, it's not.

Countless U-2 spy planes were shot down during the soviet era.

This all reminds me of Iran a couple of weeks ago. They said they had a surprise for the west that will leave us all speechless. The surprise was that they had made nuclear material.

Not only did it not shock anyone, it wasn't even covered in the nightly news.

this happened in the 1960's. its not breaking news. just like how the US frequently boasts of destroying a tiny middle eastern oil dictatorship 20 years ago, it's for domestic consumption.
You should care because strategic reconnaissance overflights does not stop, even in this age. These overflights are not predictable like satellites' orbits. We conduct them at will. Sometimes we do not even need to breach territorial airspace. We do it just to keep our potential adversaries on their toes. You think we have the RC-135 just for looks? And that is an OVERT reconnaissance platform.

Are you claiming that there are active breaches of Chinese Airspace going on in this day and age on a regular basis and the Chinese have no option but to let it happen?
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