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China's nominal GDP will hit $15 TRILLION in 2018

Portugal's average annual salary is $20-30K. What is China's? If I live in Portugal I would be much healthy since the air is clean and not polluted like China that means I will live longer. Portugese passport will give me the freedom to travel in 160 places compared to 60 with Chinese Passport. I will have free speech that means I can criticize the government without being put to Jail. I would also have the power to vote and chose people for office. Mean and Median Schooling years are higher in Portugal that means my Kids will have a higher chance of studying more. That's not a knock on China just its not better than European Nations for a better living which is a fact.

China's quality of life is more comparable to Brazil or Russia than Europe.
You are going in semantics here. That is around $17-18K USD per year. What is the average salary in China?
1144.61 eur =1429.88 USD

China is 710 eur/month
Not sure about Pakistan, but we have india here, which is 3.4 eur/day:
1144.61 eur =1429.88 USD
View attachment 454031
China is 710 eur/month
Not sure about Pakistan, but we have india here, which is 3.4 eur/day:
View attachment 454032

The comparison is between China and Portugal where did India or Pakistan come from? So that means Portugal has salary twice as big, GDP per capita thrice bigger, Much better health indicators like Life expectancy, Cleaner Air, Food and Sanitation and People have higher Median/Mean Schooling in Portugal. What is the issue here? Its obvious Portugal has a higher quality of life. Chinese posters are confusing Manufacturing with Quality of life for its citizens.
The comparison is between China and Portugal where did India or Pakistan come from? So that means Portugal has salary twice as big, GDP per capita thrice bigger, Much better health indicators like Life expectancy, Cleaner Air, Food and Sanitation and People have higher Median/Mean Schooling in Portugal. What is the issue here? Its obvious Portugal has a higher quality of life. Chinese posters are confusing Manufacturing with Quality of life for its citizens.
Yes the comparison is between China and Portugal doing by a Pakistani not a Portuguese guy here, so would better be a little bit humble. And why are you always trying to do the rough math??? 1144.61/710=1.6 gdp per capita 20575/8583=2.39 which means the gdp per capita are fake as shit for Portugal and for lots of western countries as well.
And for an average Portuguese guy, he will not have more money left than we Chinese, if not less:

You spend less than 5500USD you buy a brand new 1.5L Corolla sized car:
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Portugal's average annual salary is $20-30K. What is China's? If I live in Portugal I would be much healthy since the air is clean and not polluted like China that means I will live longer. Portugese passport will give me the freedom to travel in 160 places compared to 60 with Chinese Passport. I will have free speech that means I can criticize the government without being put to Jail. I would also have the power to vote and chose people for office. Mean and Median Schooling years are higher in Portugal that means my Kids will have a higher chance of studying more. That's not a knock on China just its not better than European Nations for a better living which is a fact.

China's quality of life is more comparable to Brazil or Russia than Europe.
Then why didn't you move there? What you care the most doesn't mean what other people care the most. Let's just check the ground reality, facts and figures show way way more foreigners come to China to live and work and the number is still rising sharply every year. That shows maybe they care more about making money and doing business. So your claim the more people choose Portugal over China is totally wrong. Why can't you accept this hard fact. Don't just base everything on your assumption, there are facts and figures to go by conveniently.

The comparison is between China and Portugal where did India or Pakistan come from? So that means Portugal has salary twice as big, GDP per capita thrice bigger, Much better health indicators like Life expectancy, Cleaner Air, Food and Sanitation and People have higher Median/Mean Schooling in Portugal. What is the issue here? Its obvious Portugal has a higher quality of life. Chinese posters are confusing Manufacturing with Quality of life for its citizens.
Going by what you claim it seems that very few people would come to China to live and work, just tell me how you explain the fact that China has a huge ever growing foreign expats community living and working here?
I still prefer our "undevelopped shitholes".
@Hamartia Antidote

Well the first issue is they are comparing a very tiny slice of China to entire countries. Yes, for instance Shenzen (like Dubai) is very modern compared to much of the world but the percent of China's 1.4 Billion people who live/work there is minuscule. Yes, China has lifted 700 million out of extreme poverty by having them cross the $1.90/day barrier. But those 700M aren't all working in major cities making ~$22,000 a year.

He sums it up pretty good
Well the first issue is they are comparing a very tiny slice of China to entire countries. Yes, for instance Shenzen (like Dubai) is very modern compared to much of the world but the percent of China's 1.4 Billion people who live/work there is minuscule. Yes, China has lifted 700 million out of extreme poverty by having them cross the $1.90/day barrier. But those 700M aren't all working in major cities making ~$22,000 a year.

He sums it up pretty good
If you are hell bent to find shitholes you can find them everywhere even in US, I persoanlly saw money who live under bridges and stink to the heavens in Miami.
If you are hell bent to find shitholes you can find them everywhere even in US, I persoanlly saw money who live under bridges and stink to the heavens in Miami.

US and China not in the same league pal. I think you missed the video saying that majority of Chinese lived in those conditions it wasn't an anomaly. 5 % of China might be earning similar to Eastern European countries but what about the rest of 95 % ?

Yes the comparison is between China and Portugal doing by a Pakistani not a Portuguese guy here, so would better be a little bit humble. And why are you always trying to do the rough math??? 1144.61/710=1.6 gdp per capita 20575/8583=2.39 which means the gdp per capita are fake as shit for Portugal.
And for an average Portuguese guy, he will not have more money left than we Chinese, if not less:
View attachment 454033

Why should I be humble? You are making false claims on a forum and misleading facts and Figures. Shenzhen or Shanghai might be equal to per capita to that of Portugal but 95 % of China isn't.

Then why didn't you move there? What you care the most doesn't mean what other people care the most. Let's just check the ground reality, facts and figures show way way more foreigners come to China to live and work and the number is still rising sharply every year. That shows maybe they care more about making money and doing business. So your claim the more people choose Portugal over China is totally wrong. Why can't you accept this hard fact. Don't just base everything on your assumption, there are facts and figures to go by conveniently.

Going by what you claim it seems that very few people would come to China to live and work, just tell me how you explain the fact that China has a huge ever growing foreign expats community living and working here?

Facts and figures might also show there are more foreigners in India than Norway. Does that mean India has a higher quality of life? Its because of the population . Use common sense for once
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If you are hell bent to find shitholes you can find them everywhere even in US, I persoanlly saw money who live under bridges and stink to the heavens in Miami.

Did you even understand what he was saying? He wasn't highlighting a poor section of Shenzen. He was simply walking through it to show it as an example of what life looks like outside of China's new big cities. He cleary stated it is very difficult for a typical tourist to see how a typical Chinese person lives because traveling outside of the big cities is difficult. So he walked through that old area of Shenzen to use it as an example of what you would see if you could.
US and China not in the same league pal. I think you missed the video saying that majority of Chinese lived in those conditions it wasn't an anomaly. 5 % of China might be earning similar to Eastern European countries but what about the rest of 95 % ?

Why should I be humble? You are making false claims on a forum and misleading facts and Figures. Shenzhen or Shanghai might be equal to per capita to that of Portugal but 95 % of China isn't.

Facts and figures might also show there are more foreigners in India than Norway. Does that mean India has a higher quality of life? Its because of the population . Use common sense for once
Eastern europe? 5%? From where you get the 5%? from your BS rough math again? And bring USA to the comparison now? What is USA to do with you? You are the perfect example of "The Tiger and The Fox"...Google it!

Did you even understand what he was saying? He wasn't highlighting a poor section of Shenzen. He was simply walking through it to show it as an example of what life looks like outside of China's new big cities. He cleary stated it is very difficult for a typical tourist to see how a typical Chinese person lives because traveling outside of the big cities is difficult. So he walked through that old area of Shenzen to use it as an example of what you would see if you could.
And this poor south africa guy complain multiple times that China would not allow these white trash stay here forever... being afraid one day he has to go back to SA and been raped by black men...
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Eastern europe? 5%? From where you get the 5%? from your BS rough math again? And bring USA to the comparison now? What is USA to do with you? You are the perfect example of "The Tiger and The Fox"...Google it!

Portugal and USA are nothing to me but I am not the one propagating false facts about my own country. If Islamabad or Lahore have similar Quality of life as Indonesia or Malaysia doesn't mean rest of Pakistan does too.


China's median monthly wages in Shanghai ($1,135), Beijing ($983) and Shenzen ($938) are higher than they are in the newest European Union member, Croatia. Croatia's median net salary is $887 a month. They joined the EU in 2013.

Shanghai's median wages, in particular, are also greater than two of the newest euro members in the Baltics: Lithuania ($956) and Latvia ($1,005), with Estonia, which joined the euro in 2011, recording a median income of $1,256 per month, according to government figures for 2016.

So the Richest Cities in China are being compared to the Poor European countries. Total GDP per capita of China is $8500. One of the Poorest countries in Europe , Romania has a higher per capita.
Portugal and USA are nothing to me but I am not the one propagating false facts about my own country. If Islamabad or Lahore have similar Quality of life as Indonesia or Malaysia doesn't mean rest of Pakistan does too.


China's median monthly wages in Shanghai ($1,135), Beijing ($983) and Shenzen ($938) are higher than they are in the newest European Union member, Croatia. Croatia's median net salary is $887 a month. They joined the EU in 2013.

Shanghai's median wages, in particular, are also greater than two of the newest euro members in the Baltics: Lithuania ($956) and Latvia ($1,005), with Estonia, which joined the euro in 2011, recording a median income of $1,256 per month, according to government figures for 2016.

So the Richest Cities in China are being compared to the Poor European countries. Total GDP per capita of China is $8500. One of the Poorest countries in Europe , Romania has a higher per capita.
By "Eastern Europe", you mean EU? Who taught your geography? You are not only bad in math, but also geography.
US and China not in the same league pal. I think you missed the video saying that majority of Chinese lived in those conditions it wasn't an anomaly. 5 % of China might be earning similar to Eastern European countries but what about the rest of 95 % ?
You are making up numbers again. I can post tons of video made by foreigners living in China claiming Chinese ciites are more developed than any other cities in the world, but those are also just some personal opinions.
You are making up numbers again. I can post tons of video made by foreigners living in China claiming Chinese ciites are more developed than any other cities in the world, but those are also just some personal opinions.

let's make factual numbers shall we? GDP per capita of China is $8500-9000. Romania, considered of the poorer countries in EU has a higher per capita. More Skyscrapers?Maybe. More developed? No. In Mercer quality of life the highest ranked city is Shanghai which is ranked 102. Development Means Clean air, Sanitation, Wages, Education, Health indicators, Innovation, Law enforcement, Public Service etc. It's easy to see why Chinese cities are ranked lower than then west. Chinese cities are good but they are not on par with European or US yet. Making Skyscrapers won't make China equal to Australia or Norway.
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