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China's new strategic bomber: H-6K mass produced

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Defense network is denser on land when compared to sea . When Chinese mostly has border with most of the countries whats the point in launching Cruise missiles form air when they have land ? Tu95 was not meant for this century . Any strategic bomber except B2 is a white elephant and it can be shot down easily with long range SAMs and missiles like novator .:lol:
So you use the bomber as the fighter? Do your comment reflect that you indians lack of basic military knowlege? Does your general like you? If yes, I am so happy. Go on buying weapon from foreign!!
You should be in Guinness book of world records for having such a long Chinese wet dream . Still feeling humiliated for 1979? Curse your govt for not letting info of how many times we violated your space . Your govt dont care your opinion and thought it would be waste to tell you details . They are dealing soft with India because they are scared that we will give you the fate of your red master USSR of 1991 . Third world hole is better than a red hole .
1979? Why don't mention 1962? yes, you know much more than us maybe, and the government tell you that, but they didn't tell you that, whether you like or not, they will still don't change it, many times, you can bark, but that's only thing that you can do, Don't contradict it, Just check the history, be honest, How much change do you Government make? Just one corrupt replace the other, and all are elected by you!
Don't overrate yourself, you don't have the power to change china and grasp Chinea fate, even your fate, you can't grasp it, How could you change other's fate?

To counter your nuke grenades we should have shoulder launched missiles/defence . Yes they are cruise missiles but they have very little range enough to destroy an F16 ie near . YOu know that we have 400km ranged A2A missile . Oh thats why Chinese are making bombers
Maybe you got the reason, Could you manufacture Bomber? Oh, yes, I recommend B52 to you, You know they will be retired soon, you can buy it from USA, USA will be so happy that you extend its age!!
And I have a advice, you should deploy your fighter close to the border, If you deploy it too far, maybe they had crash before get the position to fire?
By the way, Where did you buy the A2A missile from?
I see a Tu-16. The only "improvement" here is the name.
That's right, If you can find the different between them, you are not the indian!! Your comment can prove that you are real indian!! If some guy said you are fake indian, I will back you up!!

China does same like this to the original product.........


Lol... And then they call it with some fancy name.
hehe, Maybe you are right!
But I think indian should spend much more time to make better name, Don't release it too early, you know, good name is not too much, Don't waste it!!
hehe, Maybe you are right!
But I think indian should spend much more time to make better name, Don't release it too early, you know, good name is not too much, Don't waste it!!

I am being repetitive but.............. "Buy a Mirror".

It is for you guys to realize that Copy and paste is not going to help in long run. Try to create something of your own.

And try to read and read again my earlier post to understand, what i really meant.
I have no doubt and am pretty sure it would be super advance than Tu-16. Even Chinese would have reduced it's RCS to F-22's RCS as they have made J-11 aka Su-27 truly invincible. I would not be surprised if they start using this Engineering Marvel as Dog Fighter in WVR range..
Hey Sino can you please tell me whether this Giant Cruise Missile Carrier do Super Cobra maneuver?
I am being repetitive but.............. "Buy a Mirror".

It is for you guys to realize that Copy and paste is not going to help in long run. Try to create something of your own.

And try to read and read again my earlier post to understand, what i really meant.
Thanks for your advice, yes, we always introspect ourself, you don't know chinese, In china website, the critical comment is much fiercer than here, we had the mirror, Of course, you can doubt it, hehe. In turn, what about you?
In fact, We also creat something, the question is that you neglect it or don't want to accept it, For you indian, the positive news is always doubted by you, but I the negative can spread widely fast, no doubt! Is it?
On topic, From the picture, beside the appreance of H6, How much do you know about it?
I don't want to read you eariler post, It is hard to understand it, you know you comments are much similar with other indian, I have read it much times. Our mind are much different, You choose to buy defence, we choose to manufacture it by ourself, copy them first, J5,J6,J7, H6, then create some of our own, J20!!
We are not stupid, if we keep producing upgraded versions of the H-6 we have our good reasons...reasons that you indians cannot understand..sorry

Ah, and don't forget that our secret stealth strategic bomber is coming.
We are not stupid, if we keep producing upgraded versions of the H-6 we have our good reasons...reasons that you indians cannot understand..sorry

Ah, and don't forget that our secret stealth strategic bomber is coming.

any proof??or just fanboy's claim???
Questions :

1) Whats the detection range of the radar used on this bird ?

2) Can it carry the C-802 anti-ship missiles and if yes then how many ?

3) Is it suitable for a naval role as sort of a well-armed platform firing the C-802s or some of our Cruise Missiles from afar and consequently would it make sense if Pakistan had a few of these in Karachi, Gwadar, Pasni etc. (Our Naval Bases) to provide air-based anti-shipping capabilities instead of going for 2-3 squadrons of J-11s or J-17s ?
The H-6K has a cutting edge radar (notice the huge nose) to search and attack numerous ground / sea targets. The bombers in the photos from the factory (low-end variant H-6M) do not have this feature.

C-803 are carried by smaller tactical aircraft like JH-7A and J-11B flankers. H-6K / H-6M is a strategic platform for intercontinental range bombing missions. Pakistan is not yet ready to take on USA.

At 1500+ km range, a CJ-10 cruise missile fired from ground launchers in Karachi can cover all of india. So using H-6K would be overkill for Pakistan.
Is this an improved version of the Xian H-6 ( which was based on Tu-16 Soviet bomber )?
First flight is expected this year :coffee: The scale model was unveiled last year.


I predict indians will go bonkers with inferiority from this latest news.

Hope its like the B-2. B-2 is a modern marvel which reduces the drag by a large margun. It allows the aircraft to be efficient by 75%...i saw it in a documentary..amazing bomber.
First flight is expected this year :coffee: The scale model was unveiled last year.


I predict indians will go bonkers with inferiority from this latest news.

It looks more like a UAV, right? But it might be a big UAV with decent payload to carry out bombing attack.
Like the B-2, it should incorporate Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) propulsion or part of it, or just when needed during the flight.
It is most likely since Chinese scientists were working on this field for some time.
This design is indeed a UAV, looking forward to some photos if they are gonna test this new unmanned aircraft this year. Russia is already developing their own stealth bomber which will replace their TU-95 and TU-160. Any news China is working on something like the B2?
This design is indeed a UAV, looking forward to some photos if they are gonna test this new unmanned aircraft this year. Russia is already developing their own stealth bomber which will replace their TU-95 and TU-160. Any news China is working on something like the B2?

I think the UAV is yr answer. China maybe going the UAV way for stealth bomber. Their mission profile is less cOmplicated than fighter bomber. Bomber role is more suItable for UAV but at the same time, UAV prOves to be very vulnerable to jamming as demonstrate by Iran. So the secured network and command is one area that need to be work out in order for UAV to be deployed in a wider role.
I think the UAV is yr answer. China maybe going the UAV way for stealth bomber. Their mission profile is less cOmplicated than fighter bomber. Bomber role is more suItable for UAV but at the same time, UAV prOves to be very vulnerable to jamming as demonstrate by Iran. So the secured network and command is one area that need to be work out in order for UAV to be deployed in a wider role.

I wouldn't depend on the UAV to take over H-6 in the future. As you already mentioned it's vulnerable to jamming.
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