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China’s GDP per capita reaches $12,551 in 2021, overtaking global average GDP per capita: official

We worry China may lose her developing country status due to US and west oppostion.
And Slumdia's is not even close to $2551 yet.

They are doing worse than Bangladesh on nominal per capita GDP.

Indian chest beater Sanghis went silent last year when news of this broke.

Kind of came as a shock to their "Shine" they brag about.

And all fingers point to Modi of course. Problem number one.
They are doing worse than Bangladesh on nominal per capita GDP
That's not a surprise, the Bangladesh economy is indeed doing well. It was the prominence of RMG a few years back that draw my attention to BD, then these days electrical/electronic and such, but why BD? One critical attraction to investors (domestic & foreign) I find in BD is social stability, a stark contrary to social disturbance brought by extremism as seen in other countries. Trust me, the business community irregard of their nationalities are all scared of extremism. BD even have a low defence spend thanks to a relatively peaceful geopolitical environment, the government can focus policy & financial resources on economic development.

With stable social order and good geopolitical environment, BD should join RCEP and tap into more synergies with the region.
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In 1991, China GDP overtook India at 333 dollars. India was 303 dollars.
China is food shortage,i find nothing in market now

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Well done to China.

We are probably only some 10-15 years away now from when China joins the US as the 2nd global superpower in all aspects.

Hope that China uses it position to spread peace and prosperity around the world and not wars and poverty.
That's not a surprise, the Bangladesh economy is indeed doing well. It was the prominence of RMG a few years back that draw my attention to BD, then these days electrical/electronic and such, but why BD? One critical attraction to investors (domestic & foreign) I find in BD is social stability, a stark contrary to social disturbance brought by extremism as seen in other countries. Trust me, the business community irregard of their nationalities are all scared of extremism. BD even have a low defence spend thanks to a relatively peaceful geopolitical environment, the government can focus policy & financial resources on economic development.

With stable social order and good geopolitical environment, BD should join RCEP and tap into more synergies with the region.
My personal experience with Bangladesh immigrant workers in our factories in Malaysia is that they are the most hard working people compare with Indonesian immigrant workers and our local workers. They are also quite pro-active, good work endurance, willing to learn and sincere.

They are even better than our Shenzhen factories' workers in big margin.

God bless them, Bangladesh shall be the rising star of South Asia.
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