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China's Defense Budget US$ 106.4 Billion in 2012

Without a strong robust economy, the extremely high military expenditure could only drag you down into another USSR.

With our GDP exceeding US GDP in the next 5 years, it is only the matter of our willing to make up our military expenditure.

USSR had a bad economy no way we can compare it to China, We can have a high budget however we should not try to outspend the USA unless we have a bigger economy then them.
I'm a firm believer that China needs to spend more, for the next 5 year at the minimum, to bring her military to the next level. At this moment, she is being intimidated by the US/NATO alliances and an arm embargo to go with it. She has been avoiding eye to eye confrontations with US for some time now. That's not what a country that is the most populous and has the second biggest economy should do. She'll lose respects among small nations.

In order for China to preserve her dignities and sovereignty she must be strong enough to tell US/NATO face to face to behave properly. She can achieve that by having a strong economy and a commensurate military to go with it.

This scenario is a long term gain for China. She can buy many decades of peace from bellicose west and neighbors. She will also gain respects from nations all over the world and thus create many business and technology exchange opportunities.
I prefer
to using the money in education
What good is education if foreign countries are bombing you to oblivion? Like they did in the Opium Wars and Japan did in WWII?

Weakness in national defence invites aggression. 2% of GDP as defence spending during peace time is pretty ideal. Right now, we're barely at 1.5%.
What good is education if foreign countries are bombing you to oblivion? Like they did in the Opium Wars and Japan did in WWII?

Weakness in national defence invites aggression. 2% of GDP as defence spending during peace time is pretty ideal. Right now, we're barely at 1.5%.

How much of the money really goes to our defense development rather than the officials' pockets?
money well spent and paksitan should work on more projets with china
How much of the money really goes to our defense development rather than the officials' pockets?
So because there might be possibility of corruption, we shouldn't put any money into defence? That's a retarded argument. Are you naive enough to think corruption and special interest don't play a role in United States' defence spending? Anytime you mix money, weapons and people, corruption is unavoidable. Can you actually provide a figure for your corruption claim? As far as I know, the PLA is the most trusted government institution in China.

Now, what makes you think corruption doesn't exist in eductation system? Anybody from China can testify corruption in schools are alot more widespread.

Remember, this "corrupt" PLA drove your favourite KMT out of mainland because it is much more competent at warfare.
i firmly believe defense spending should always be locked between 3% and 4% of gdp.
Too high, I rather cap it at 2% and spend the rest in healthcare, education, infrastructure and welfare. Only if we are fighting a limited war should we raise it to 4%.

Remember, if we raise the defence spending percentage 2% of GDP today, it would still bring the total amount to 150 billion. That's more than Russia, India and Britain combined.
So because there might be possibility of corruption, we shouldn't put any money into defence? That's a retarded argument. Are you naive enough to think corruption and special interest don't play a role in United States' defence spending? Anytime you mix money, weapons and people, corruption is unavoidable. Can you actually provide a figure for your corruption claim? As far as I know, the PLA is the most trusted government institution in China.

Now, what makes you think corruption doesn't exist in eductation system? Anybody from China can testify corruption in schools are alot more widespread.

Remember, this "corrupt" PLA drove your favourite KMT out of mainland because it is much more competent at warfare.

yes, PLA are good at killing our own people, including KMT. But when they face with the ememies of China, such as Japan, Viets and Pillis, they will loose their guts. They are just the tools of CCP not the people's guardians.
yes, PLA are good at killing our own people, including KMT. But when they face with the ememies of China, such as Japan, Viets and Pillis, they will loose their guts. They are just the tools of CCP not the people's guardians.

It was not the PLA that sold Manchuria to Japan. That honor belongs to KMT and Chiang Kai Shek who told Zhang Xueliang to not resist.

The honor of being the first traitor government in WW2 being set up by Wang Jingwei was not the PLA. It was the KMT.

The government that lost 30 million citizens against Japan was not the PRC. In terms of killing own people, no one can beat the KMT. they killed 1 million Chinese in their sleep in a single day. Look up "Henan 1937 Floods".

So that refutes #1. Japan has always dominated the ROC. It will forever dominate the ROC. There is nothing the KMT or KMT fans can do about it, they will always be under the control of Japan, now and forever. The father of the KMT is Americans and the mother is Japanese.

About #2. The KMT had the only navy in Southeast Asia from 1912-1965. It did not take back a single island.

About #3. If you consider Philippines as an "enemy" I think the only conclusion is, KMT is only fit to compete against countries like the Philippines, and should never even dare of thinking to lead China. If they do, shooting them is completely justified.
yes, PLA are good at killing our own people, including KMT. But when they face with the ememies of China, such as Japan, Viets and Pillis, they will loose their guts. They are just the tools of CCP not the people's guardians.
LOL! Another 国粉. Did you know your beloved KMT was so imcompetent that you lost nearly every single major engagement against the Japanese without the Americans backing you? Your general officers were nearly useless and the Americans were so frustrated with you that they once attempted to wrestle command from you. Hell speaking of cowardly, KMT didn't declare war on Japan until Americans did after Pearl Harbour, eventhough Japan launched full scale invasion against China in 1937.

On the other hand, the communists fought a well organized guerilla campaign against the Japanese, and beat you fair and square in a full on war. You outnumbed to communist 3 to 1 at the start and had Americans brining you aid, and still you lost. In another words, your KMT are a 扶不起的阿斗. I'll give you KMT one thing though. You are great at looting. Nearly emptied my hometown and destroyed all major bridges on your way to Taiwan.

Barely a year after the communist stomped your crap in, they fought UN forces/South Korean in Korea to a stand still. Bulk of UN forces were composed of American, British, Canada and Austrialia, the very nations that defeated Japan (which your KMT was too incompetent to do). That's right, we had no industry to speak of, with outdated weapons, and fought the greatest powers on earth to a stalemate. That tells me two things:

1. Communist aren't afraid to bring the fight to foreigners like KMT cowards, hiding behind Americans.
2. Communist are way better at waging war than KMT imbecile generals.

You were so incompetent during your existance that communist has to make TV series glorifying you, otherwise you'd be a national embarassment. As of today, your KMT is still helping Americans contain China, an act of betrayal against your homeland and civilization. Now crawl back under your cave and stay there.
Fact 1: KMT lost control of Xinjiang and Tibet, and it was the communist that regained it back.
Fact 2: KMT, despite its large territory on map, had no effective control over much of the country. It was the communist that re-establish central authority.
Fact 3: KMT has done jack sh*t to reclaim Xisha (Paracel) and Nansha (Spratly), and communists secured them.
Fact 4: KMT sold Mongolia to Soviets in exchange for aid, and refused to recognized it afterwards and tried to pin blame on communist.

I am probably one of the biggest anti-communist poster on here, but even communists are way better than KMT imbeciles.

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