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China's Defense Budget US$ 106.4 Billion in 2012

will a failed economy, a rocket high inflation, india is not going to match such kind of growth.

let's just be honest: how many indians work hard and deliver results? not many. they dream, they talk, they plan, they make proposal, they argue, they discuss, they debate, but they just don't willing to work on it and complete it.

Professor As Aslways.... Your Data is Incorrect. Infact the Reality is Opposite.
You Need a Reality Check....

But as many other analysts have argued, China is most likely to experience a soft landing. As Stephen Roach, non-executive Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia, writes:

China’s economy is slowing. This is no surprise for an export-led economy dependent on faltering global demand. But China’s looming slowdown is likely to be both manageable and welcome. Fears of a hard landing are overblown.
(cont.) An increasingly unbalanced Chinese economy cannot afford persistent 10% GDP growth. Provided that there is no recurrence of the severe external demand shock of 2008 – a likely outcome unless Europe implodes – there is good reason to hope for a soft landing to around 8% GDP growth. A downshift to this more sustainable pace would provide welcome relief for an economy long plagued by excess resource consumption, labour-market bottlenecks, excess liquidity, a large buildup of foreign-exchange reserves, and mounting inflationary pressures.

For China, there is a deeper meaning to recent global developments. A second major warning shot in three years has been fired at this export-led economy. First, the United States, and now Europe – China's two largest export markets are in serious trouble and can no longer be counted on as reliable, sustainable sources of external demand. As a result, there are now major questions about the sustenance of China's long powerful export-led growth model.

Accordingly, China has no choice but to move quickly to implement the pro-consumption initiatives of its recently enacted 12th Five-Year Plan. Strategic transition is what modern China is all about. That’s what happened 30 years ago, when economic reform began. And it needs to happen again today. For China, a soft landing will provide a window of opportunity to press ahead with the formidable task of increasingly urgent economic rebalancing.

Read more of Myths debunked – Why China will have a soft landing by Stephen S. Roach here.

In terms of growth forecasts, China’s GDP is expected to reach $7.209 trillion in 2012 with a growth rate of 9.52 percent. In contrast, major advanced economies in the G7 are looking at a collective growth average of just 2.45 percent.

India too, is looking forward to a good year in 2012. GDP is forecasted at $1.858 trillion, a 7.82 percent increase from 2011. Home to the second largest population in the world, Goldman Sachs predicts that India would become the third largest economy in the world by 2035, just behind the United States and China.

Globally, companies have their eyes set on India as a rapidly growing nation that is full of opportunities. The sheer scale of development needed could drive growth for many years.

India has the advantage of size. The scope of growth and excess capacity present in terms of resources would drive growth in the future, said Madan Sabnavis, chief economist at Care.

But in what would come as a surprise for many - It is indeed time for Africa.

Source ::: http://www.economywatch.com/economic-statistics/year/2012/
i dont accept this fig of 106 billion..it must be above 150.
every country have some secret allocation of defence budget so does china
Lets see how much India's defense budget this year

India’s Defense Budget 2011-12: $36.03 (meager, compared to China's)


will a failed economy, a rocket high inflation, india is not going to match such kind of growth.

let's just be honest: how many indians work hard and deliver results? not many. they dream, they talk, they plan, they make proposal, they argue, they discuss, they debate, but they just don't willing to work on it and complete it.

The first part of your post is somewhat correct.....

But, you are somewhat wrong in the second part.........Indians DO work hard....BUT CORRUPTION is draining away all our money and resources...........

India tops the list for black money in the entire world: Swiss Banking Association Report | Rupee News

"It is estimated that the Indian black money stashed in foreign banks is a staggering US$ 1.5 trillion."
"India has more black money than the rest of the world combined": Swiss Banking Association Report

(India needs Death Penalty for corruption--just like China)
The first part of your post is somewhat correct.....

But, you are somewhat wrong in the second part.........Indians DO work hard....BUT CORRUPTION is draining away all our money and resources...........

India tops the list for black money in the entire world: Swiss Banking Association Report | Rupee News

"It is estimated that the Indian black money stashed in foreign banks is a staggering 1.5 trillion dollars."
"India has more black money than the rest of the world combined": Swiss Banking Association Report

are you suggesting that corruption is eating out LCA, Arjun's budget and that is the reason why these projects can't be completed? dude, let's just be honest: it is widely observed and reported that indians refuse to work hard. it is common in both poor and rich, ordinary and high level officials.

not saying all indians are "lazy" or anything similar, but they in general just don't work hard.
are you suggesting that corruption is eating out LCA, Arjun's budget and that is the reason why these projects can't be completed? dude, let's just be honest: it is widely observed and reported that indians refuse to work hard. it is common in both poor and rich, ordinary and high level officials.

not saying all indians are "lazy" or anything similar, but they in general just don't work hard.

Says Who ? You ?


Self Claimed Hero !
Professor As Aslways.... Your Data is Incorrect. Infact the Reality is Opposite.
You Need a Reality Check....

Source ::: 2012 Economic Statistics, Economic Indicators Database for year 2012

dude, you quote some rubbish from an indian "economist" about how great indian economy is, then you try to use that to argue with me? wake up.

---------- Post added at 03:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:35 PM ----------

Says Who ? You ?


Self Claimed Hero !

your honored long time guest, son of india - Dalai Lama

New Delhi: Indians are "lazy" and must work hard like the Chinese, Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama said here today. "As a critic, I feel sometimes people in India are lazy. You should work hard. Look at the Chinese, they work very hard," he said.

Indians are 'lazy', must work hard like Chinese

---------- Post added at 03:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 PM ----------

Sorry to hurt your heart, but truth is just truth, it doesn't care about your feeling. Let me know if you want more such reports/claims/comments.
dalai lama said indians are lazy.
oh my god,lmao.
I start to think maybe dalai is a honest man.
dude, you quote some rubbish from an indian "economist" about how great indian economy is, then you try to use that to argue with me? wake up.

---------- Post added at 03:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:35 PM ----------

your honored long time guest, son of india - Dalai Lama

Indians are 'lazy', must work hard like Chinese

---------- Post added at 03:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 PM ----------

Sorry to hurt your heart, but truth is just truth, it doesn't care about your feeling. Let me know if you want more such reports/claims/comments.

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Any Indian There ?? Grow Up.

---------- Post added at 04:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 PM ----------

dalai lama said indians are lazy.
oh my god,lmao.
I start to think maybe dalai is a honest man.

He Also Said This :

However, negating China's economic growth, the Dalai Lama attacked it for "lacking" values like transparency and free information which were important for a successful democracy.
wonder full how a thread can get derailed by just a few kids who think they should be made the defense ministers in their own countries.:rolleyes: (the real one apparently are not doing a good job.:))
wonder full how a thread can get derailed by just a few kids who think they should be made the defense ministers in their own countries.:rolleyes: (the real one apparently are not doing a good job.:))

its business;)
no compro on business
This is rather good news. We need China to spend more on defense this will discourage others in our neighbourhood from any foolish actions. This will encourage peace in our neighbourhood.
are you suggesting that corruption is eating out LCA, Arjun's budget and that is the reason why these projects can't be completed? ...........

EXACTLY!.....and there is more to it........

Firstly, It is common sense that With all the money drained away.....where will money for defense and development come from!!

Just see the below link.......
Arjun tank outruns, outguns Russian T-90

ARJUN tank has been proven to be world class.....even outclassing the main MBT(T90) of India at present.

BUT then, if it is mass produced, what will happen to the kick-backs our politicians get from foreign deals.

India is importing T-90s from Russia while its own indigenous ARJUN tank outperforms it(and of course less expensive)
Mass induction of Arjuns are intentionally ignored by the army and the govt.

WHY? read on.

for eg. say India needs 200 MBTs.
There are many countries like, USA,Russia,European countries,Israel etc from which we can
So the govt. calls for a tender(whichever country will give us the best deal--best quality with lowest price, will get the contract).

Now, what happens in reality is that, whichever country pays the largest bribe(kick-back from the contract) to the politicians, gets the contract even if the product may not be of the best quality and/or may be hugely overpriced, but that doesn't matter since the politicians are getting their fair share.
Like this our foreign exchange reserve is looted.
(The army is also into this, as the kick-backs reaches their top-brass as well to keep their mouth shut and support the politicians.)

Now, our own DRDO doesn't get the contract because this opportunity of Kick-back from the contract will be lost as It is the ONLY Indian company manufacturing Tanks(so there is no question of tender calling--one of the main tools of corruption)

How will such govt. industries develop, if we firstly, don't allocate enough funds for their R&D and on top of that we discourage them by not buying what they are producing(and mind you they are not producing trash, Arjun has proven to be a world class tank).
Like this India becomes world's largest arms importer by ignoring its own indigenous arms industry.

Understood! why indigenous projects like LCA, ACs etc. are always delayed.........

Every deal, ever made in the history of REPUBLIC India is marred with corruption......If I start giving details, it will take pages......
just see the recent Rafale deal(link below)
Bribery « Indian Military News

Corruption can wreak havoc on the development of a country........India is the perfect example.....
I believe, the only reason China's economic growth is astounding is that, they execute their corrupt politicians......

dude, let's just be honest: it is widely observed and reported that indians refuse to work hard. it is common in both poor and rich, ordinary and high level officials.

not saying all indians are "lazy" or anything similar, but they in general just don't work hard.

Yes! you are right in a way, that the Indians are too lazy too through out their corrupt politicians......

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