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China's debt mounts to $2.78 trn, 43% of GDP

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Because u have no idea urself? :P
Or waiting for global times paper tomo for any news on economy? :P
When u have said something when others cant understand, its ur obligation to give it....

well said..dude..they come up here all the way reading GT ..and then test that "knowledge" on us..too much for their superiority complex...

i have no obligation to give you a foc lecture. go to you lowly paid indian professors for help.
yes you have ...and else all that u r blabbering here is in the drain already..u mighty (read 50 cent army) chinese....m shaking with fear already..what will you reply after reading this (read a lowly paid Indian).
That's a lot of debt. So HK is not included in this or is it??
if the estimate is true, this is of serious concern to world economy, which makes it just somewhat less troublesome for china. when we are sitting on that much forex and that much debt, the world will know that if china goes down it can bring down the world with it, which makes it everybody's problem (like the concerned indian OP)
talking economy with barely educated indian is a pain.
talking econmy with barely educated indian is a pain.
I'm sure Indian consider themselves better educated in any aspect.
Anyway their school uniform is better than ours.
O bad
anyway chinese are hardworking people and they have faced lot of problem,poverty in past like us ..this one is their century and i hope this trend of economical development continues as long as they remain hard workers
Chinese are becoming increasingly childish and narcissistic.

Your assumption about Jealousy and envy is your CPC's Propangada line fed to you day in and day out. Please don't make yourselves look like fools here on internet forums. Your country has nothing to offer that might actually be a source of envy to other nations.

Initially they had 'Poor People of India' rant now the 'Jealousy rant' . This clearly is an indication of the point of Chinese Childish self occupied nature.
lol, a helpless and frustrated rant....it is the human nature that the inferior one always look up to the superior one, I don't see any reason that 1 trillion malnutrition economy doesn't envy a 7 trillion economy.. As we do envy the u.s, unless your are delusional
This is actually a good thing tbh. it's obvious the debt is mostly held by Chinese governed banks and as long the money is spent good (such as infrastructure etc...) I'm confident it 'll pay back and more importantly provide more opportunities for the private market.
I'm sure Indian consider themselves better educated in any aspect.
Anyway their school uniform is better than ours.

you are funniest chinese member here..its good to see you and learn from you:)
But in this forum they are acting like adolescents ..thats quite unlike chinese
Internal debt is not as bad as external debt ..
But still it is not public money but spent for public ..have to pay back with interest
the problem with internal debt is it will bring unacceptable inflation when govt starts to pay back the debt
people want food ... not HSR.

people want medicine .... not "ghost cities".

people want water .... not "rare earth production facilities".

people want clean air .... not "3500 million tonnes of coal burnt into their air".

but the debt is all about borrowing people's life saving .... and making HSR, ghost cities, "rare earth production facilities" and "more and more coal mines".

because the govt does not care about what the people need ..... but what USA consumers need, europe consumers need.

and USA consumers get all that just by updating fictious numbers in a computer database saying china is allocated so many dollars.

the people's republic works not for the people .... but for USA.

but the people will stand up ... one day.

Chinese eat much more food than Indians and eat far better than Indians.

Chinese have much more medicine than Indians and live far longer than Indians.

Chinese don't get water from water trucks like Indians are forced to.

India has the worst air in the world.

People don't want outsourced call centers working as slaves to the Americans. Kumar Singh doesn't want to be forced to say he is "Steve from Texas". Your government's debt is to fund Mayawati and her private jets getting sandals. You wish it was to fund HSR, "ghost cities" and "coal mines" but instead its used to fund Mayawati, Congress and the Ambani's 1 billion dollar mansion :lol:
Are Indians seriously talking about Chinese living standards? Heh, it's like a prostitute bragging about her virginity.
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