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China's accumulated debts($18.4 trillion) touch 215% of GDP

Can Indians live one day without talking about China? I guess not. We are their everyday "media nutrition"...
good going , when you guys will nuke yourselves , please close the thread and have a tea :P
Chinese should be thankful that Indians are so worried about your debt :lol:

lol Yes, I am very grateful, esp. to the OP. I remember he used to post like 5 or so China related news a time. He must have Chinese blood running in his body that makes him so concerned about China.
it's not just here on pdf, it's all over the web these indians keep sniping/insulting the chinese, talking about a group so inferior and yet so filled up with jealousy, it's disgusting.
You clearly don't understand what you are talking about.

What is China's Accumulated debt, and how did you get the figure since it has never been officially released?
Why good sir, a little indian told him. The stats are published in india only and does not include any other countries except China. It's accurate because indians are superior to everyone!
Don't know all these piss contests all about, day in and day out.
If you trust The Economist (the Indians probably do since they are the Brit's slaves till day), here is the latest stats.


Edit: Oh yet gere is the fucking link. It is an interact map and stats. Have fun and go **** yourself.

World debt comparison: The global debt clock | The Economist
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Actually it is just reported today in the news (12/30/2013) the Chinese central+local debt is about 20 trillion RMB or 3.3 trillion USD (40% GDP). Public debt by itself is about 20% GDP.

Then again I don't really get why people are so hang up on the so-called local debt considering they are essentially Chinese government owning money to Chinese government run banks. Heck, they don't even report local debt in USA or India.
Dude !!!!

do you understand what I have wrote .....?? :blink:
@Chinese-Dragon -dragon , only saw Indian and blog in the post. he measures his country vs India

You should have given him more links. they are all talking about in financial circles

China’s Local Debt Swells to 17.9 Trillion Yuan in Audit - Bloomberg

China’s Local Debt Swells to 17.9 Trillion Yuan in Audit
China’s local-government debt swelled to 17.9 trillion yuan ($2.95 trillion), underscoring risks to the financial system as President Xi Jinping rolls out economic reforms.

Debt including contingent liabilities rose about 13 percent in the six months through June, based on figures in a report by the National Audit Office, posted on its website yesterday. That followed a 48 percent increase over the previous two years.

China’s borrowing spree in recent years has evoked comparisons to debt surges that tipped Asian nations into crisis in the late 1990s and preceded Japan’s lost decades. The audit result adds pressure for Xi, yesterday named head of a Communist Party leading group for reform, to repair a fiscal system that starves local governments of tax revenue.

“It is a very sizable build-up and it’s the kind of build-up that is not sustainable,” said Louis Kuijs, chief China economist at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc in Hong Kong, who previously worked at theWorld Bank. “It’s expanding at much too rapid a rate.”

The Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.1 percent as of 10:01 a.m. local time. The gauge has fallen more than 7 percent this year on concern an economic slowdown and higher money-market rates will weigh on corporate profits.

Photographer: Brent Lewin/Bloomberg
A public service advertisement promoting the "Chinese Dream" slogan unveiled by... Read More

The 17.9 trillion yuan total includes 4.3 trillion yuan of contingent liabilities, where local governments wouldn’t legally be obliged to make repayments, the audit office said. The study covered 62,215 government agencies, more than double the number in the previous report, published in 2011.

‘Potential Risks’
“China’s government-debt risks are under control in general, but there are potential risks at some places,” the audit office said.

China’s local governments are responsible for 80 percent of spending while getting about 40 percent of tax revenue, according to the World Bank. Regional governments set up more than 10,000 local financing units to fund construction projects after they were barred from directly issuing bonds.

Dariusz Kowalczyk, senior economist and strategist at Credit Agricole CIB in Hong Kong, said that the numbers in the latest audit were “manageable.” Wang Tao, chief China economist at UBS AG in Hong Kong, echoed that view, while adding that the pace of accumulation of debt in recent years has been “too fast and is not sustainable.”

China’s Local Debt Swells to 17.9 Trillion Yuan in Audit - Bloomberg
From a China-bashing blog, well done. :lol:

Here are the real numbers from the IMF:

List of countries by public debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Debt as a percentage of GDP:

China: 31%

India: 70%


India has a worse debt-to-GDP ratio than Spain, and India isn't even a developed country yet.
Your's is the second post and you started with a bang! Trolling is a habit that is so part of your DNA that you couldn't help keep India out of the discussion.

Are you aware that the topic is about Chinese debt? What the fu@k has India got to do with it?

it's not just here on pdf, it's all over the web these indians keep sniping/insulting the chinese, talking about a group so inferior and yet so filled up with jealousy, it's disgusting.
It's called the 1962 after effects!
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