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China's cyber warriors a challenge for India

kvLin, if you read the quote, it shows that Hushi was talking about cultural influence. This is not just in China but also in many other countries. Two thousand years ago, Indian cultural influence had peacefully spread over a large part of Asia. If you look at ancient historical monuments in Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Afghanistan, you will see what I am talking about.

at the same time, 5000 years after the first development of such culture, it has still 50% female couldn't read/write?

thanks, please take back your rubbish.

btw, I would like to know which of the following culture elements are from India.
Culture of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A more interesting thing is that Chinese appear to speak out only when they are outside their country, the world hears very little ' free speech' from within china.
well, in fact, about 250 million chinese often surf internet.

but unfornately,not many chinese often read english medias like me,due to the barrier of language.

but ,the "not many chinese" here still means "millions of Chinese",because the enourmous absolute no.
That's wonderful. What will happen to you if you start supporting Falun Gong?
well, I think Falun gong deserves such treatment ....I mean supressing...

at first ,I have netral atitude between Fanlun gong and CHinese government.

But after I use proxy to surf Fanlungong's website, I just feel disgusted to Falungong(I have to breaking the censorship of CHinese government,irony?)
Please do not think that I am anti-China - I have many good Chinese friends. Sometimes they have told me about their unhappiness with one-party rule of CPC.

Well what about Indian caste? Isn't it more worse? I mean, if you want to be a spy you must make sure who will be your counterpart, don't fool around. But caste system is different, once you born, you are a forever slaves or nobles. That's why India never move to new technology, only since they are once part of British Empire.

Only 10% of Chinese hates China you know? Maybe you try to make friend with those 10%. Well ofcourse you are an anti-China. You brainwashed Indian. Ok, don't say I'm brainwashed Chinese, because we Chinese should be proud of their own race. I mean look at India, why are they poking their nose to this topic, there is nothing you could do about it don't you?

STOP CARING ABOUT US!!! We already have more work to do, and we are happy.
I suppose there are no government plan to challenge India by cyber warriors.there are no need for that.what Chinese said on web are really individual affairs,of course,out of their own experience.

It's said On Capital is sold like hot cakes in Europe after financial crisis broken out,not because China advertise for it.

anyway,it's good to exchange ideas with people all over the world by web.don't be fractious in discussion.

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