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China's 99% -- Why China Will Not Surpass the U.S.

Everyone is anti-China from top(Kim Jong Il) to bottom(ordinary people). Kim Jong Il's personal chef Fujimoto Genji, who served Kim Jong Il for 10 years, testify that he never heard Kim bad-mouthing Japan, the US, and ROK; the only country that Kim Jong Il would bad-mouth was China.

Mr. Fujimoto Genji gets a personal hug from Kim Jong Eun.

The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - Kim Jong-il's Ex-Sushi Chef Recounts N.Korea Visit





Still doubting the credibility of what Fujimoto Genji disclosed about Kim Jong Il's personal view on China?
You doubt historical norm???

The received wisdom these days is that the West is in rapid decline, and China is on an upward trajectory that cannot be stopped. Sooner or later the pundits say, the two lines will cross-- perhaps explosively-- and China will rule the world. The latest evidence? Klaus Regling heading to Beijing on Friday to beg for Chinese financial aid to rescue Europe. It is certainly a long way from the foreign treaty ports and other indignities that China suffered at European hands in the last century... I wonder if there is a Chinese word for schadenfreude?

I might have contributed modestly to the momentum theory of China's ascendancy myself with the 2003 article that David Hale and I wrote for Foreign Affairs, China Takes Off. To say that China is rising is one thing however, because that is undoubtedly true. To say that China will rule the world is quite another.

An amazing number of Americans who were polled recently incorrectly believe that China's economy is already bigger than the US. The view from inside China is somewhat different. As any thoughtful person there will attest, China faces a slew of obstacles at this stage of its development. China might be a rich state, but its people remain poor. China may become the world's largest economy in 2016 according to optimistic estimates by the IMF, but that simply means that total output will be larger than in the US. A country with 1.3 billion people should have an economy larger than one with .3 billion in absolute numbers: China's population is more than four times larger. If both economies were exactly the same size, China's GDP per capita would be just 25% compared to the US.

What this means is that in spite of the overall size of its economy, the standard of living in China is correspondingly lower. Just one example to put this into perspective: only 20% of Chinese people have flush toilets. The inescapable fact is that a world in which Chinese consume at the same rate as Americans is a world that cannot exist, based upon available resources of food, water, energy, and other commodities and products such as cars. It would require by some estimates four plant Earths. There is a natural limit to Chinese consumption simply because there are so many Chinese people. This might be unfair, but it means that the great majority of Chinese will not be able to enjoy the kind of life we live here in the US absent exponential and unforeseen technological progress.

Demographics play a crucial role in terms of limiting Chinese growth and economic prosperity. China's population, similarly to Japan, is getting older. The difference is that the Chinese are not going to be as rich as the Japanese by the time that much of their population is over the age of 65. By 2040, assuming current demographic trends continue, there will be about 400 million Chinese elderly with fewer descendants to take care of them than in previous generations. According to a report by CSIS, The Graying of the Middle Kingdom instead of the current ratio of 6:1 working adults to elder dependents, by the middle of this century there will only be about 1.6 working adults for each elder. Due to the lack of job-related and government pension funding the end result will be that China's savings, upon which her wealth has been built, will erode. China faces a steady decline in its workforce beginning mid this decade, thanks to the One Child Policy.

The elderly are also major consumers of health care services. The United States is the richest nation on earth, and has positive population growth, but we are still worried about being able to take care of our baby boomers in the future. In today's China, healthcare is at a premium, and many people in the countryside cannot afford any medical treatment-- full stop.

According to a recent article in Foreign Affairs by Yanzhong Huang, The Sick Man of Asia, China's Health Crisis in 2006 80% of China's health care expenditures were funneled into the treatment of only 8.5 million government officials. Another amazing statistic Huang cites: more than 73% of Chinese hospitals have reported violent incidents between patients and healthcare professionals. Why? Because feelings run high when you are told that your child, your parent or your spouse cannot be given treatment because you cannot pay for it. China is worried about getting both old and sick: by 2040, more Chinese will be suffering from Alzheimer's than the total populations of all the developed nations combined.

Health care is not the only area of concern. The Chinese government is aware that there is growing resentment of income inequality, the result of the introduction of capitalism and the wholesale abandonment of its social safety net. When I first went to China in 1979, the so-called Gini coefficient, the measurement of income inequality, was low. China was a truly socialist country and all services including housing were provided by the state. China in 2011, nominally and in fact politically still a communist country, has greater income inequality than the US.

Someday China's 99% could be a truly potent force. China's leaders are worried about organized protests. There is no Twitter in China, as I recently confirmed with the co-founder of Twitter, Biz Stone. Facebook does not function, and the Internet and all online news is censored. Chinese citizens will increasingly face an asymmetric information gap as they struggle to compete with other large developing countries such as India, which allow the free flow of information. This is not an environment in which innovation can flourish. Try to imagine a Chinese Steve Jobs--almost all of the new companies in China today are derivative of US products, services, and business models.

Examples of the limits of technological progress in the face of suppression of information can be seen in recent accidents involving China's showcase technology. The bullet train tragedy, the grounding of the new Airbus made in China, and similar events add up to an enormous glitch factor as China attempts to step up the technology ladder to more complex systems. Overheard comment--an inspector on the Shanghai's vaunted subway system will not allow his family to use their trains. Whenever there is an atmosphere of fear, bad news does not get reported up the command chain.

Other countries are increasingly less willing to share their technology with China for a variety of reasons. Some businesspeople have had bad experiences, either in terms of political pressure (Google) or more commonly, theft of intellectual property. Lack of protection by China's legal system is cited as the number one structural impediment to foreign companies doing business in China. This all goes back to the ideal of creating an atmosphere in which ideas can flourish and R&D spending is rewarded through the stock market and other vehicles, a process that is not taking place in China today.

Small business, the cradle of job creation everywhere, is at a lending standstill in China. Most small and medium size businesses are forced to go to the black or "informal" lending markets for funding, with interest rates of 20, 30 and 40%. Chinese banks are equipped to funnel loans to the large state-owned businesses, but they do not have credit analysts who can determine whether or not a business should be given a loan on its own merits. The languishing stock market is still dominated by behemoth state-owned enterprises, so when startups need capital, they often turn to foreign investors. In spite of the glut of savings within China's banking system, all of China's major Internet firms raised funds in US stock markets--Sina, Sohu, Alibaba. Lack of access to capital has also resulted in the loss of thousands of Chinese engineers and entrepreneurs who decided to come to the US to start their businesses, to the inestimable gain of Silicon Valley.

Another common misperception is that China will overcome the US militarily. First of all, China has no major allies, with the possible exception of Russia, which clearly seeks to protect its own interests first and foremost. The US on the other hand has firm global allies, military bases worldwide, and a navy that girdles the earth. Secondly, in today's world, warfare is all about technology, and in spite of its successes with rockets and satellites, China is still handicapped in this area. Finally, there is the question of political will. China will fight to protect its interests in Taiwan and in Tibet. But other than that, North Korea has proved to be a major albatross, and there is another strong power in the region, Japan, which will do everything it can to check China's military ascendency.

All of this is not to say that China isn't the greatest success story of our generation. It is a land and a people I love dearly, a civilization whose history and art are unparalleled in many respects. But there is no predetermined place for China to regain on the world stage--history is that simple. When you next read about the "end of America" or China's "inevitable" domination, put on your skeptical spectacles. In spite of the visible, flashy wealth of its modern coastal cities, China is still very much a developing economy on the brink of major changes. Its current system of centralized non-democratic government might be perfect for implementing unpopular choices such as joining the WTO, a decision that was estimated to cost 50 million jobs at the time. The question is whether China has been able to use its wealth it has gained since joining the WTO to create institutions that can bring longer-term stability.

As China is transitioning to become a full member of the world community from which it was entirely separated just forty years ago, we have perhaps seen the end of Chinese rather than American exceptionalism. The characteristics that allowed China to make enormous progress to date are not necessarily the qualities that will be needed to create productive global integration going forward. China is already our greatest commercial partner, and the US should do everything it can to encourage China's engagement, including eschewing trade barriers of all kinds. Overly optimistic misinformation about the realities China faces can lead to poor decision-making by our own government officials. The bottom line is that we should not fear a strong China. Rather, we should fear a weak China.

What are the steps China should take? It should implement a path to full convertibility of its currency and open capital accounts, end financial repression, promote income equality and access to social services, allow the free flow of capital and information across and within its borders, promote freedom of expression-- all these changes and more need to be executed carefully and with all deliberate speed. With a leadership transition looming, the Chinese ship of state now requires a captain who recognizes that China's future depends on integration rather than exceptionalism.

I believe that being China's leader at this time in history just might be the toughest job on earth.

Lyric Hughes Hale: China's 99% -- Why China Will Not Surpass the U.S.
Frankly speaking, from my limited understanding and without any knowledge of the future in advance, I would estimate that the most important factor that might restrict China surpassing the United States would be its own people, leadership or intellectuals failing to do so because of some/any psychological barrier. As of now, Chinese state controlled media like Xinhua still actively follow Western (Jewish controlled) Hollywood, domestic games in such Western sports as basketball (that is not very popular in most other countries of the world), a tendency to copy every idea brought forward by some Western or foreign institution, person, or entity.

Restricting this discussion to military matters alone, we see that only the DF-21D may be said to be a truly 'unique' system that is not in operation in any Western/Russian/foreign country that China seeks to surpass. The only other country with a similar system in operation (with a much shorter range) is Iran. Apart from that, China seems to study closely whatever systems, tactics, and issues that Western evil entities, particularly the USA, develops and tries to bridge this gap. In my humble opinion, China would need to stop 'bridging the gap' and start leading by innovating/inventing new systems and ideas that other countries would try to copy in the future. Otherwise, it may not be possible for China to surpass the West.

Of course, the future is unknown to ordinary human beings, all these are mere speculations based on current and past observations.
another stupid article! if they think china will not surpass the U.S, then the US would not worry about China at all. but in fact, the U.S, india and some others are worrying. this is a big contradiction of what they propose and what they do. therefore, i never believe such a baseless article. and of course, i know this is just a stupid article published online just to attract more readers and to propagate the anti china purposes.
The Chinese government have wise people. This just a western propaganda piece, to just make their people sleep easily at night.

I'm still surprised how North Korea and Mongolia are not Chinese provinces yet.

I wonder why Pakistan is not a Chinese province yet. With your current state of affairs I bet 99% of your people will prefer Chinese over your own people.:P
I wonder why Pakistan is not a Chinese province yet. With your current state of affairs I bet 99% of your people will prefer Chinese over your own people.:P

lol, I'm surprised how India is not a province of USA yet. USA wants to use India as a a counterweight to China.
@title, yes China will eventually surpass the USA.

China is more closer to the heart of the world, while USA is isolated from most countries of the world.

China makes more goods than USA does. China has much more people.

Even Pakistan has 2/3 population of USA.

USA is in decline. USA's foreign relations is in shambles. It won't recover any time soon.

China will eventually produce more engineers, scientists, and doctors.
you need brains to see the analogy I made. But I said to you at the start what does that say about Indian status

You have 25 posts and you already have been thanked 17997 times? How does htat work?
to be honest, China GDP is about 300 billion away from US, that mean when China as a whole earn 300 billions more in a year, the GDP will surpass the US, that is what China usurp US as the world economic leader.

The problem is, the keyword to that sentence is "China, as a whole" GDP is the gross domestic product. That mean the country counted as a whole, the kicker is, there are 4 times as much Chinese then there were american. That mean to have China catch up to the standard the United States have today, Chinese's GDP need to be 4 times as great as the United States to be called a Equal.

People will agrue, well, as long as China have more money than US, they will surpass the US, unless China don't feed the other 800 millions citizens. China need to pay 4 times as much for social security, infrastructure, governmental expense, that's the down side that comes with 4 times the earning power. As you need to know, not everybody are working for the country.

Yes, Chinese GDP is set to go over US in the year of 2017, that does not mean China will have the extra cash to spend around, that just simply mean there are more money to feed and more mouth to pay. When China earn 4 times as much as United States earning now, then the game is really just begin.

Militarily, China are not gonna surpass US unless they realise, Chinese need to step more into the iinternational stage, otherwise they are never gonna catch up with the US.
@title, yes China will eventually surpass the USA.

China is more closer to the heart of the world, while USA is isolated from most countries of the world.

China makes more goods than USA does. China has much more people.

Even Pakistan has 2/3 population of USA.

USA is in decline. USA's foreign relations is in shambles. It won't recover any time soon.

China will eventually produce more engineers, scientists, and doctors.
Good lord...you on dope?
to be honest, China GDP is about 300 billion away from US, that mean when China as a whole earn 300 billions more in a year, the GDP will surpass the US, that is what China usurp US as the world economic leader.

The problem is, the keyword to that sentence is "China, as a whole" GDP is the gross domestic product. That mean the country counted as a whole, the kicker is, there are 4 times as much Chinese then there were american. That mean to have China catch up to the standard the United States have today, Chinese's GDP need to be 4 times as great as the United States to be called a Equal.

People will agrue, well, as long as China have more money than US, they will surpass the US, the problem is, unless China don't feed the other 800 millions citizens. China need to pay 4 times as much for social security, infrastructure, governmental expense, that's the down side that comes with 4 times the earning power. As you need to know, not everybody are working for the country.

Yes, Chinese GDP is set to go over US in the year of 2017, but the problem is, that does not mean China will have the extra cash to spend around, that just simply mean there are more money to feed and more mouth to pay. When China earn 4 times as much as United States earning now, then the game is really just begin.

Militarily, China are not gonna surpass US unless they realise, Chinese need to step more into the iinternational stage, otherwise they are never gonna catch up with the US.

You have some good points but.......

Even if China had a GDP just as large as the US, China would not still be as strong military as the US as you rightly pointed out it has 4 times as much people as the US. China indeed would have to spend more money to look after it's greater population that the US.

However, it is almost a certainty that bar a catastrophe like asteroid strike or a fully-fledged nuclear war, China's economy will keep on growing much quicker than the US after it catches up with the US by around 2020 in GDP. There are a lot of predictions that say China will be around TWICE as big GDP wise as the US by 2030. It is at this time that China will be able to spend more than the US - may be not twice as much but certainly more than the US and over time China will have a larger, more capable military than the US.

Now onto another point about China not having any powerful allies. That is true to a point but the fact remains that the US has so many allies because it is so powerful. When China is just as powerful as US(~2030), then it would be very attractive to many countries to be allied with the Chinese.

Another interesting point to note is that the demographics of the US is rapidly changing. One of the reasons why the US has been allied to the US has been a shared European cultural link. Even though now the US has a black President now the US is still controlled by people of European descent. I expect the influence of this demographic in the US to go down and it would not be at all surprising if a Hispanic becomes President within the next decade. This is bound to have an influence on US foreign policy over the long-term.
China can expand into Mongolia and North Korea.

Its only a matter of time.

How? start an invasion? You should know the dictator Kim jong un hates competition.

@title, yes China will eventually surpass the USA.

China is more closer to the heart of the world, while USA is isolated from most countries of the world.

China makes more goods than USA does. China has much more people.

Even Pakistan has 2/3 population of USA.

USA is in decline. USA's foreign relations is in shambles. It won't recover any time soon.

China will eventually produce more engineers, scientists, and doctors.

You are right, The US should stop providing aid to Pakistan.
Good lord...you on dope?

Product of madrasa education. Essentially same thing as on heavy dope.

Another interesting point to note is that the demographics of the US is rapidly changing. One of the reasons why the US has been allied to the US has been a shared European cultural link. Even though now the US has a black President now the US is still controlled by people of European descent. I expect the influence of this demographic in the US to go down and it would not be at all surprising if a Hispanic becomes President within the next decade. This is bound to have an influence on US foreign policy over the long-term.

Hispanics aren't of European origin? On top of that, they are more conservative and religiously orientated. Dont hope for much when you wish for a Hispanic administration.

, it is almost a certainty that bar a catastrophe like asteroid strike or a fully-fledged nuclear war, China's economy will keep on growing much quicker than the US after it catches up with the US by around 2020 in GDP. There are a lot of predictions that say China will be around TWICE as big GDP wise as the US by 2030. It is at this time that China will be able to spend more than the US - may be not twice as much but certainly more than the US and over time China will have a larger, more capable military than the US.

Predictions based on what? 2005 PPP growth rates? Can you support anything you've said with some links/facts based on current trends or just repeating the mantra in hopes that you too will get 50 cents?
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