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China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

How does all this matter ?

Russia is at 1273 MT and we all know where it stands as compared to the US, which has half its firepower.
The TsarBomba(<<1273MT) is useless for deployment. It was just tested like a flower pot for political reasons and has no know delivery system capable of handling it.
Mighty hilarious since American stockpile is at least several times greater than that of China. Why don't you just admit you want other nations to be disarmed so you can rob them whenever you wish.
Mighty hilarious is your argument. We can do that now.

But answer the questions...

- Why does China not help others, like North Korea and others in Asia, to become nuclear weapons states?

- Who is forcing China to remain in the NPT?

- Although NPT signatories receive assistance from other nuclear states to become nuclear states themselves, China does not need such assistance, so why does China CHOSE to remain in the NPT? Unless it benefit China to a great degree to use the organization to pressure others from becoming nuclear weapons states themselves?

Looks like China is not that different from US, after all. But it is telling that YOU are too much of a coward to answer my question on whether you advocate nuclear weapons proliferation or not.
Mighty hilarious is your argument. We can do that now.

But answer the questions...

- Why does China not help others, like North Korea and others in Asia, to become nuclear weapons states?

- Who is forcing China to remain in the NPT?

- Although NPT signatories receive assistance from other nuclear states to become nuclear states themselves, China does not need such assistance, so why does China CHOSE to remain in the NPT? Unless it benefit China to a great degree to use the organization to pressure others from becoming nuclear weapons states themselves?

Looks like China is not that different from US, after all. But it is telling that YOU are too much of a coward to answer my question on whether you advocate nuclear weapons proliferation or not.
China has the right to develop nuclear weapons as it see fit, as as United States. We're not the ones going around threatening to invade people over some false WMD claims.

Found any evidence of WMD in Iraq yet? Of course you did, probably kept the receipt when you sold it to them.
China has the right to develop nuclear weapons as it see fit, as as United States.
This does not mean anything. Both the US and China are NPT signatories. And if you argue that we use the NPT to keep our nuclear weapons advantage, so does China.

We're not the ones going around threatening to invade people over some false WMD claims.

Found any evidence of WMD in Iraq yet? Of course you did, probably kept the receipt when you sold it to them.
This has nothing to do with your cowardice in not answering if you support nuclear weapons proliferation or not. Or that China should support nuclear weapons proliferation or not. I dare say that China, a member of the exclusive nuclear weapons states club, silently thanked US, a fellow member of same club, for making sure that there is now one less ME potential nuclear weapons aspirant.
This does not mean anything. Both the US and China are NPT signatories. And if you argue that we use the NPT to keep our nuclear weapons advantage, so does China.

This has nothing to do with your cowardice in not answering if you support nuclear weapons proliferation or not. Or that China should support nuclear weapons proliferation or not. I dare say that China, a member of the exclusive nuclear weapons states club, silently thanked US, a fellow member of same club, for making sure that there is now one less ME potential nuclear weapons aspirant.
Sure, China uses treaties to its advantage, like all countries do. Before screaming about us proliferating, take a look at the sizes of your arsenal first. You're like an idiot driving a Ford F350 berating a guy driving a hybrid about polluting the air.
No worries, pretending to love USA makes it easier for them to steal USA's technology, intelligence and "secret sauce."

Don't forget uncle sanders secret recipe, known in pakistan as Kaka Fazloo Cholae wala:yahoo:
And we have been reducing our nuclear weapons stockpiles. But while we are in that process and progress, does that mean others must proliferate via increasing their own nuclear weapons stockpiles and/or assist others in the same? If yes, then what is the point of reduction in the first place?
You can play a game of What-If? which is a clear path to irrational thinking, whereas I prefer to look at reality. The reality is, in the face of overwhelming force that can totally and utterly annihilate you from a hostile and belligerent country (United States), it is the Human Right of the victims to protect themselves. This sort of argument about why the US should disarm, some of their THOUSANDS of nukes, at all when opponents like Iran "might" have a secret underground weapons program based on assumptions, speculation, dubious asylum seekers and non-existent ICBM delivery systems are the rantings of the sort of irrational minds that I am talking about that have the potential to launch unprovoked, 1st strike nuclear Armageddon on these defenseless countries. These sorts of ideologues are produced in droves today in the Western world, aka. Anglo-American alliance, and they spout the same sort of chicken little threat theories you repeat ad nauseum here while simultaneously promoting the subjugation of countries self-determination and self-defense in the name of Human Rights. LOL Until the Anglo-American alliance stops threatening and regime changing various countries, I can assure you that there will be a perpetual list of "threats" that the Western world will be demonizing.
And we have been reducing our nuclear weapons stockpiles. But while we are in that process and progress, does that mean others must proliferate via increasing their own nuclear weapons stockpiles and/or assist others in the same? If yes, then what is the point of reduction in the first place?

Right that we reduce the number of stockpile. Wrong that we reduced the capability of nuclear weapon. Instead, our capability of nuclear deterrence is perhaps on the rise.

More worrisome, crusader mentality is on the rise as well, as weapons are controlled by human.

Morally we don&#8217;t have rights to point fingers to the others: we are the only country in human history to use nuclear weapon to kill human beings. Those fingers are pretty feeble.

Nonetheless, for the sake of our national interest, who cares? So wouldn&#8217;t China if China calculates it right.

BTW, evidence shows that US nuclear was proliferated into Soviet. Read "descent into slavery" by des griffin.
Mighty hilarious is your argument. We can do that now.

But answer the questions...

- Why does China not help others, like North Korea and others in Asia, to become nuclear weapons states?
Why should China?

Same question, why doesn’t US help Japan and S. Korea get nuke?
- Who is forcing China to remain in the NPT?
No body.

- Although NPT signatories receive assistance from other nuclear states to become nuclear states themselves, China does not need such assistance, so why does China CHOSE to remain in the NPT? Unless it benefit China to a great degree to use the organization to pressure others from becoming nuclear weapons states themselves?

China decided not to proliferate anymore.
China’s nuke tech is perhaps still lagging behind in some fields, so it can hope to get help.

Looks like China is not that different from US, after all. ...

Perhaps you are right. And finally you get enlightened that US is at the same level of evilness as China, if not more. :lol:

Keep remembering this…
A rational nation does not allow any single person, regardless of posting or position, to turn the nuclear key.

If some rogue U.S. President decided to nuke Russia with no provocation, no logical reason, just because he's nuts, the order would not be obeyed.
Who said it has to be the President? There is a long history of splinter groups and rogue elements within pretty much every government in history. Many ideologues within supposedly rational governments feed fake intelligence to guide the thinking of the leadership. Look at the repeated gross mistakes made by the American government over the past 10 years? Is this on purpose or are these the result of fake information ultimately leading to irrational decisions? The bottom line is, Human history is full of needless wars and conflicts caused by stupid so-called "mistakes" that at the time were purposeful acts caused by people with either an axe to grind or plain ignorant stupidity. How many times have we heard about accidents or Human error that could have started a nuclear war during the Cold War? Those are the unintended consequences but there are alot of INTENTIONAL problems created by those who perceive that their opponent cannot strike back. If you understand how that mentality works, then you should understand how dangerous it can be to have one side "BELIEVE" they are omnipotent when they are not and they go on to do stupid things that escalate and escalate and escalate.

At the end of the day, we are all Human Beings, not 100% rational robots.
Who said it has to be the President? There is a long history of splinter groups and rogue elements within pretty much every government in history. Many ideologues within supposedly rational governments feed fake intelligence to guide the thinking of the leadership.

The nuclear keys and codes are extensive and designed to prevent exactly what you describe.

Assume for a moment a nuclear weapon appeared in my garage like magic. I couldn't make it explode. No way. The act of taking it apart to remove the safeguards would also render it inoperative. I'd have to re-build it using the core from the ground up.

Do a bit of internet search on nuclear safeguards and the like. The chances of a rogue commander being able to employ a nuke is near zero. Besides, such people are extensively vetted, investigated, and assessed for mental stability. You don't enlist and then get the keys to a minuteman III missile.
So we have nearly double the nuclear firepower of China even with our disarmament? Think i'll be sleeping well.

Not when its blown inside your country due to fail safety measure, due to your corrupt and broken down economy. USA a fail state of the world.
I hope that nobody should ever be able to make an effective nuclear missile shield.

This looks like the only solution to keep the world peace.

In the mean time, proxy wars will continue screwing the non-developed nations.:frown:

There would never be an effective missile defence shield.

Currently all the missile defence shields are effective enough that if a country with missile defence wants to invade a nuclear armed countries of India ,Pakistan and north korea (Others have MIRV'd ICBM),they could easily do it with guarantee that most(not all) of the nukes would be Intercepted.

But the bigger question remains,What if something get's through?So unless an invader is content with a couple of Nukes getting through,Missile defence would only be of defensive uses
Sure, China uses treaties to its advantage, like all countries do. Before screaming about us proliferating, take a look at the sizes of your arsenal first.
Who is? The American nuclear weapons stockpile is the result of the Cold War and now we are working to reduce it. The question is that if you do not support China as a nuclear weapons proliferant, as in export of knowledge and weapons, then do you support China as a nuclear weapons proliferant by an increase in stockpile to match US?

You're like an idiot driving a Ford F350 berating a guy driving a hybrid about polluting the air.
Given China's current environmental problems, including the Three Gorges Dam and its own environmental disaster, you might not want to use this analogy. :lol:
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