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China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

Any proof these warheads exist?

Nope, and look how large Agni V's warhead is. How can Indians stuff FIVE of those in to one Agni V? That's not going to happen. It was once claimed (there was lot of fan art) that Agni III would have MIRV capability... that didn't happen.

Here is what Hans Kristensen from FAS replied to questions about Agni V and MIRV's.
Reply: A lot of people are very hooked on MIRV, assuming almost automatically that if a country develops and ICBM it will also deploy MIRV on it. But for smaller nuclear weapon states that doesn’t necessarily follow (some of the larger nuclear states are reducing their reliance on MIRV). China has had MIRV capability for many years but not deployed it. For India to add MIRV to Agni-V (assuming India has the technological skills to do so) would significantly decrease its range – especially with India’s relatively heavy warheads. Since range is the main motivation for Agni-V and India has no intention (that I’m aware of) to develop a nuclear doctrine that requires their missiles to destroy a lot of different targets in a single strike, I fail to see why it would be necessary to spend a lot of money and effort to develop MIRV for the Agni-V. HK

We don't even know if this is 200kt or 20kt warhead.
I appreciate Ron Paul's "isolationism" a great deal. It would greatly benefit the American people to declare a two generation holiday from being the world's policeman. That's about how long it would take for the "world" to screw itself up so bad that it needed a policeman to bring order again. BUT, maybe the PRC could do that instead of us. I'm sure the PRC's methods would be highly effective in bring about a "new world of order".

Imagine what two decades of non policing the world can do for the United States economy, we need to worry about ourselves right now it would do us a lot of good in the long run.
Imagine what two decades of non policing the world can do for the United States economy, we need to worry about ourselves right now it would do us a lot of good in the long run.

But you lose the benefits of being the world's superpower then.

No more US dollar as world's reserve currency and actually having to pay something real
for all your imports, rather than just printing paper dollars.

The US is the world' number one extortion racket and it uses the US military to enforce that.
There is no evidence that India would have over 50kt warheads, and since their thermonuclear test "fizzled" Agni V's warhead is most likely untested "pure fission" weapon like the famous "Little Boy".

Here is what Chinese did when they wanted to know if their warhead design actually works.
22 May 1992**
China confirms that it tested a one megaton nuclear bomb. The test, equivalent to one‐million tonnes of TNT, took place underground in the desert of north‐west China. It is the most powerful test the world has seen in more than
20 years. The huge underground nuclear blast set off by the Chinese military was the test of a warhead for a new
intercontinental ballistic missile that is under development, U.S. officials said. A Chinese ICBM with a one‐megaton
warhead would carry about the same explosive power as the SS‐18 Mod 5, the most advanced missile in the
nuclear arsenal of the former Soviet Union that carries numerous warheads capable of delivering up to 900
kilotons of explosive power. Department of Mines and Energy seismologist David Love said that the department's
equipment showed the earth tremor caused by the test was equal to that of an earthquake measuring about seven
on the Richter scale

Where was Indian high yield warhead design tested? I don't remember reading about it.
Indian nuclear missiles and weapons are duds. Don't waste time on it. We are so backward in every field especially defense. :enjoy:
But you lose the benefits of being the world's superpower then.

No more US dollar as world's reserve currency and actually having to pay something real
for all your imports, rather than just printing paper dollars.

The US is the world' number one extortion racket and it uses the US military to enforce that.

Not policing the world does not mean removing all of our influence. We can maintain all our influence and much more without interfering in any country militarily and keeping a neutral foreign policy with no alliances. That is what George Washington wanted anyway. Besides it is in the best interest of all countries worldwide to want to deal with the US of A at least economically.
Nope, and look how large Agni V's warhead is. How can Indians stuff FIVE of those in to one Agni V? That's not going to happen. It was once claimed (there was lot of fan art) that Agni III would have MIRV capability... that didn't happen.

Here is what Hans Kristensen from FAS replied to questions about Agni V and MIRV's.

We don't even know if this is 200kt or 20kt warhead.

Have you seen a live deployed Agni 3 ?
Or the K-4 SLBM ?

Once again thats a dummy payload on that missile... which is under testing phase... Its not a warhead.
Some times I wonder does the chicom has brain to reason properly ?... but then I see how stupid I am.

The Blog you quoted speaks lengths about chines military equipment... and missile programs too.

Indian nuclear missiles and weapons are duds. Don't waste time on it. We are so backward in every field especially defense. :enjoy:

Such things only apply against China and Pakistan.. even imported military equipment all of a sudden right from world class and world's best become junk and garbage material and plastic toys once deployed against China.
Have you seen a live deployed Agni 3 ?

Once again thats a dummy payload on that missile... which is under testing phase... Its not a warhead.
Some times I wonder does the chicom has brain to reason properly ?... but then I see how stupid I am.

The Blog you quoted speaks lengths about chines military equipment... and missile programs too.

Dummy payload? That same warhead can be seen in all Agni III and Agni V pictures, and if those missiles have 200kt warhead.... then that is it. There is no evidence at all that India would have 450kt thermonuclear warheads.

Here is more Agni III fan-art.
Livefist: EXCLUSIVE: Artist's Impression Of MIRV Warhead On Agni-III

This thread has pictures of real Agni III.
When India tests a 200kT hydrogen bomb, then we can believe it can make hydrogen bombs.

I am awaiting that test.
When India tests a 200kT hydrogen bomb, then we can believe it can make hydrogen bombs.

I am awaiting that test.

Correct, people should be less patriotic about these things and accept reality.
When India tests a 200kT hydrogen bomb, then we can believe it can make hydrogen bombs.

I am awaiting that test.

Accordingly to some indians told me back in the 90s, they have already successfully tested such H-bomb under the ground, even the US nor the soviets were able to detect them. LOLOL... and it did really happen (my story but not theirs).
Dummy payload? That same warhead can be seen in all Agni III and Agni V pictures, and if those missiles have 200kt warhead.... then that is it. There is no evidence at all that India would have 450kt thermonuclear warheads.

Here is more Agni III fan-art.
Livefist: EXCLUSIVE: Artist's Impression Of MIRV Warhead On Agni-III

This thread has pictures of real Agni III.

Still have doubts.... or do you have any news or links about a 50 or whatever KT Nuclear explosion near Antarctica the day Agni V was fire ?

Agni III doesn't not have MIRV... Yet... the MIRV would be tested in next couple of tests of Agni V(which would have 8x8 axis TEL aswell as sealed launch tube).. one of which would occur later this year or early next year... once they are tested the deployments would be made by 2014.

The Warheads on Agni III are possibly MRV.

When India tests a 200kT hydrogen bomb, then we can believe it can make hydrogen bombs.

I am awaiting that test.

India tested a scaled downed version of 200KT hydrogen bomb.
The test was successful and design parameters were verified.. India cannot detonate heavy KT warheads on its soil... since it would have adverse climatic impact on the region and Himalayas which would In turn wash away countries like Bangladesh into Bay of Bengal.

Accordingly to some indians told me back in the 90s, they have already successfully tested such H-bomb under the ground, even the US nor the soviets were able to detect them. LOLOL... and it did really happen (my story but not theirs).

There is a 1980 based design of a Boosted Fission Bomb... weather it was test or not is not known.
It is of 200KT yield and weights 800Kg.

1998 Tests were made to verify a new design which was supposed to be 4 times lighter and as powerful... a few sub Kiloton and Plutonium devices were also verified in process.
India tested a scaled downed version of 200KT hydrogen bomb.
The test was successful and design parameters were verified.. India cannot detonate heavy KT warheads on its soil... since it would have adverse climatic impact on the region and Himalayas which would In turn wash away countries like Bangladesh into Bay of Bengal.

Stop it. Don't argue with the Indians about anything.

They like to think they are the best, especially, when they live in a foreign land, then reality hits them when they go back to India.

Once, I was on a plane going to Singapore flying SIA (aka Singapore Airlines) and 80%-90% of the passengers were Indians.

To kill boredom and being friendly, I decided to have a conversation with a passenger next to me (who happened to be Indian).

Somewhere along the conversation, I asked him why he didn't fly Air India (aka AIL) and his response was surprising. He said, "Oh no, they will treat you as Indian."
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