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China won, but never wanted, Sino-Indian war

so now u r doing nuclear blackmail, that China will launch nuclear strikes on other countries if they go on war with China to protect their share of SCS and AP etc. (because India,US,JAPAN, KOREA, NATO, ETC and ASEAN wont use nukes on China first.) ?

I knen when u used the word nuclear in ur post earlier on this thread, that it is a veiled warning of nuclear threat from China/ u and ur ccp puppets. its like listen give us SCS and AP and ur resources and lands, and dont wage war against me or I will annihilate u with my nukes..!! isnt it.

meanwhile I have asked u thousands times. Isnt Chiniese claims on SCS and AP and other Chinese claims illegitimate and Ridiculous? why u keep avoiding it outrightly. what r u afraid off.
we dont have the first use policy on a forign country, but we do have the first use policy on a advancing troop in our territory,
because of your hatred, lets say there happens to be a conventional war and we are out gunned and CHINESE troops are marching into our territory or vise versa, the respective government in disstress will call a nuclear strike on an advancing troop and there we have the fisrt strike on either side and a second and a total annialation.
call me what ever you want, but i want a world of peace, that does not mean i give up, it means i settle for what i can survive with my infinte generations to come.
i dont want my children or a chinse young to study about a nother bloody war in thier respective history books. rather i wish to see them study how civilized both the nations were in desperate times and how diplomatic an issue was solved.

ooh yes why dont u hand me the ccp textbook u teach in china, so i come to know how relevent ur claims to SCS and AP and other claims are. :lol: if to someone the chinese claims on SCS are relevent, even the mental patients in agra hospital will be better then that fellow..

and for 62 war obviosly its China who is responsible.. as it claimed Indian terriroty much before dalai escapted to India or forward policy... that sowed the seeds of discord... u guys backsabbed and then the relation was to deteriorate from there on obviously...

u cant claim SCS and others terriroties and then lay the blame for war or bad relations on other... :lol:
stop pointing finger and when you are doing that you look like a silly elementry school kid accusing others.
INDIA had its share of idocracy in 1962. accept that and move forward, besides this is 2012 and new era, and new age for a new bigining. you want to feel the shame of 1962 for the rest of your life, do so. but do not preach the same to your kids when you become a father.
dai kana punda, i am from Tamil Nadu (Coimbatore).
i have been here in this forum for a long time to see fools like you with hatred come and vanish in no time.

po da kana punda, its imposible for emotional idiots like you to get to a solution, rather you keep on whining with what is at hand and will not do any counstructive action.
so as per you CHINA is devil and so nuke here and in return they will nuke us, is this what your aim is.
you want to have a brave death, then go to the local gounda who is terrorising your locality and have a fist fight with him rather than expanding your chest here in PDF

It is unfortunate you care to use these kind of foul words in the forum. You need to keep your emotions in check instead of calling others emotional idiots. Mate - retract these words.
It is unfortunate you care to use these kind of foul words in the forum. You need to keep your emotions in check instead of calling others emotional idiots. Mate - retract these words.
until he is not from Tamil Nadu, he is not going to know the meaning, if he is from TN, we guys are cool. So no issues.
The Indian Bashing is due to the China bashing but I will make sure it stops on both sides.

It is other way round...if you go back and check who pulled in Indians in this thread!
But since u too are chinese, you share the same thought process!!!..so dont expect anything from u
This thread has the sole purpose of humiliating Indians. Mods please close.
It is other way round...if you go back and check who pulled in Indians in this thread!
But since u too are chinese, you share the same thought process!!!..so dont expect anything from u
its not in good trend to point fingers, the bashing on each side is mutual. its not like the CHINESE do it and we resiprocate or vise versa.
We are from a land that preached peace and non violence to the world, lets practice this for some time in PDF and see what the CHINESE will do when they get no replies for their bashing. its when we reciprocate we get a endless war of words. rather lets ignore the bashing and some days later the trolls from CHINA will have no one to troll and sanity will prevail

This thread has the sole purpose of humiliating Indians. Mods please close.
i don't think so. We fought 62 with valor. win or lose is secondary, we fought with honor and that is some thing that we are supposed to be proud off rather than thinking about the loose as a humiliation
until he is not from Tamil Nadu, he is not going to know the meaning, if he is from TN, we guys are cool. So no issues.

hope u r also cool wid this also, trium mawsu kiumy :lol:

so u abuse others, and cant control ur emotions when exposed or questioned. Its better if you control your emotions first.
It is always better to get things cleared up rather than, groping in the dark. This article says what the CCP wants to convey to the Indians and the conciliatory tone suggests good intentions on their part, could call this a cherry for Indians as they refused American invitation.

This statement with regards to bilateral relations will be good, so what about Indian reaction ?? if u speak standing aloof to the hurt we Indians have wrt to the 1962 war, i mean think like a cold calculated diplomat of any country can, then u can see that the Chinese want to mend relations and take it to the next level right?? However this kind of thinking doesn't get emotional so no Hindi Chini bhai bhai here. Also whatever the intention may be just wait and watch, till the dies are rolled. To add a note the distrust (irrespective of who started the war as what's done is done and can't be undone) and wariness will be lingering for a long time as while diplomacy is cold and harsh the human factor in leaders brings the emotional part along with the fact of us being a democracy.

For India its business as usual , we do not want to be a part of any gang so shake hands and get back to ur business. Regarding capabilities buildup its an ongoing process. Don't cloud ur minds thinking about the past humiliation as it brings inferiority and stunts the future actions.
In China, the 1962 war/conflict was a forgotten war. no mention in text books(if has maybe one or 2 lines), not found in medias nor in TV. China controls the information we all know, does India do the same? I dont know. the officials has kept 1962 war as a secret and never public any fact and comment out. Indian media have some real information(I believe) but a lots Indians do not like to read those. they believe things they believed.

Many Indians believe Indian won the war, what was the goal of the war? India initiated a Forward Policy in which it placed outposts along the border, including several north of the McMahon Line, the eastern portion of a Line of Actual Control in 1959(source en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Indian_War). From this point of view, Indian did not achieve the gold, did not win. There is another argument, who responds of the fault. some Indian media said India, some western medias hint India. Chinese medias no comments. finally what do we learn from the war? If you guys got hates, good, go ahead. if you guys can sit down and talk, the conversation is able to continue...

I did not visit this website for many years, just came back and register. like to know what is going on, what people think. talk and argue is fine but dont like meaningless cat fighting.

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