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China warns India against South China Sea oil exploration

But Nehru made India the winner and China the loser. This is what matters today.

However, your leaders have finally realized the fact that being Chinese they deserved to be the loser and is therefore paying a tribute to Nehru.

The Hindu : News : China city plans Nehru museum, 50 years after war

Some people are meant to be losers so that others can be winners. This is how the rule of nature works.
If there would be a Musem, a place for Chinese to spew venom at him. Are you nuts?
China hasn't tried the 1962 misadventure again .. having got wiser.

It you punch against a mountain, it is practically unaffected .. but you end up with a bleeding hand.

With a bleeding hand .... there is no option but to get "wiser" for the future.

However, if insane people like Sinochallenger become of any consequence in the current communist govt, it will meet the fate of hitler's germany and imperial japan.

Hope the wisdom gained by the chinese in 1962, lasts more ... else ... premonitions for PRC are not good.

^^ and saying so in the mildest language (not as a warning to china). Be sane for your own good. That's all.


As for India, apart from ensuring free and safe navigation across SCS, our core interest is to make china get out of Aksai Chin (part of Ladakh).

And from Tibet too. Give Tibet to the Tibetans.
Calm down guys.................

Its just another warning issued to India.

Last year I tried to count the warning given by ministry of warnings dept of CCP to all asian countries but lost count because CCP issues warning to sovereign nations every week. They issued warnings to India, Vietnam, Philiphines, Japan, Russia, USA and even veiled warning to Pakistan. I hope CCP is not preparing for war against all above nations in asia. So much for peaceful rise of CHina.
Look what you guys did after beaten up by PLA in 1962, whine about all over the world and find every possible way to elaborate your shameful loose. You are no riavalry of China, no matter past/now/future. Look the extremely low efficiency of DRDO, better stay away instead of being foolish.

And from Tibet too. Give Tibet to the Tibetans.
Give Kirshmir back to Pakistan, i think next time China should deply PLAAF in Kirshmir.
Look what you guys did after beaten up by PLA in 1962, whine about all over the world and find every possible way to elaborate your shameful loose. You are no riavalry of China, no matter past/now/future. Look the extremely low efficiency of DRDO, better stay away instead of being foolish.

Why u bringing up a war fought without missiles or a airforce? it is 2012 now not 1962 do u forget how the Japanese massacred you?

China can't make us do anything we have a deal with Vietnam to explore oil in their waters and ONGC will continue doing this
If you like Tibetan so much, please nicely take them to India anytime you want. Oops, i think hardly any Tibetan would choose to live in SlUM, they prefer better sanitary condition.
Why u bringing up a war fought without missiles or a airforce? it is 2012 now not 1962 do u forget how the Japanese massacred you?

China can't make us do anything we have a deal with Vietnam to explore oil in their waters and ONGC will continue doing this
China has every thing India has, has many things India has not. India behave like a naive mischeif boy, so dont whine about next time. hope your eye candy works, hope LCA will fly at that time.:tdown:
China has every thing India has, has many things India has not. India behave like a naive mischeif boy, so dont whine about next time. hope your eye candy works, hope LCA will fly at that time.:tdown:

Bottom line is we will continue exploring oil in Vietnamese waters what will you do about it apart from talking?



Better do something about this
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