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China warns India against South China Sea oil exploration

1. The Vietnamese feeling threatened by Asian giant China, called upon another Asian giant (in terms of population) India to back them up.

They did this by gifting them some contracts to explore resources.

2. This is what school kids do, call their "Back up" when confronted with a stronger person.

3. China is telling India to back off.

The question now is what will happen.

i: Will India not back off? If so Beijing will seem to look weak and even somewhat embarassed by issuing warnings it cannot enforce.

ii: Will the Indians back off?

In that case things are solved.

If the Indians do not back off, what does Beijing do?

The clever and shrewd Chinese, however will be more than capable of dealing with the dumb and stupid Indians as we have seen time and time again.

There is a reason why India is a pis* poor country and China is an emerging global power.
The clever and shrewd Chinese, however will be more than capable of dealing with the dumb and stupid Indians as we have seen time and time again.

This is an insult to the two adjectives, 'clever' and 'shrewd' used by you, as you tagged them with the word 'Chinese'.

India cannot back off, otherwise Indian Naval Chief would not have said so in the first place. Indian Naval Chief is not an uneducated lackey of some dictators and when he says something publicly, it should be taken seriously.

Just look at this guys' CV: Devendra Kumar Joshi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Chinese Naval Chief, on the other hand, stands nowhere near Joshi and is someone who has to lick Chinese dictators' rear several times a day so that he can remain in that position.

Have a look at this guy's CV: Wu Shengli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now if India really backs off, consider some Chinese compromises and Indian gains behind the curtain. I have already stated that elsewhere.

The Hindu : News / International : China warns India against South China Sea oil exploration

We all know the indians won't be able to resist the temptation. ;) After all, our military needs live target practice. :)




:china: :china: :china:
heres India's response to the situation
NEW DELHI — As India vows to protect its interests in the South China Sea, China has reiterated that it has indisputable sovereignty of the islands and the surrounding waters. India is not directly involved in the disputes over the South China Sea, but has begun gas exploration in the waters which China claims.

Navy Chief Admiral, D.K. Joshi made the assertion that India will not back off from protecting its maritime and economic interests.

Joshi said Monday that although India is not a territorial claimant to the South China Sea, it will deploy naval vessels there as necessary. India’s state-run oil agency, Oil And Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has a stake in a portion of the sea which Vietnam says is its exclusive economic zone.

"Not that we expect to be in those waters very, very frequently, but when the requirement is there, for example, in situations where our country's interests are involved, for example ONGC, ONGC Videsh, etc., we will be required to go there and we are prepared for that," the admiral said. "Now, are we preparing for it? Are we having exercises of that nature? The short answer is yes."

Asked what Beijing would do if the Indian Navy came to protect its oil interests in the South China Sea, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei stated that Beijing has indisputable sovereignty over the islands in the sea and adjacent waters.

Hong said China opposes unilateral oil and gas development in the South China Sea, adding that he hopes concerned countries will respect China’s position and rights.

China, which claims much of the South China Sea’s waters and islands, has been locked in a series of disputes with East Asian countries like Vietnam and Philippines. Tensions have been escalating centered in, the resource-rich waters, with some analysts expressing fears of conflict .

In the past India, had been a largely passive observer to the growing tensions in the South China Sea.

But Indian analysts say that New Delhi has waded into the dispute by starting exploration in a Vietnamese gas field. New Delhi strategic affair analyst Bhaskar Roy said India wants to hold on to its presence in the South China Sea, which is rich in oil reserves.

“There have been indications, not direct but indirect, that Chinese would like to get us out of that," noted Roy. "Now we cannot just be picked up and thrown out. There is public interest in India on this issue: where are we going, are we giving up our sovereignty because of Chinese pressure. It also shows that we also have capabilities and also determination to protect our own interest.”

Indian officials say that the South China Sea region is key to its energy security. Half of the country’s imports and exports also go through the waters and New Delhi says it wants safety and security for international ships.

Some Indian analysts also say that, if China has a right to naval cooperation with neighboring countries like Pakistan and Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean, India has a similar right in the South China Sea.

This is the area that China is claiming as its Exclusive Economic Zone


China would do well to understand that its territorial waters dispute are with a lot of its neighbouring nations, something that has a lot to do with its aggressiveness. International co-operation and dialogue would solve more problems than a Single Aircraft Carrier.

Same goes for india too in Siachin and Sir Creek issue with Pakistan!!!
SCS belongs to india, any protest from India is void. What they want is revenge for their failure due to backstabbing china stupidly.
Ask yr pakistani brothers they got so scared of us that they even fight us in 71, 90k soldiers surrendered without even fighting.

:rofl:What a joke...........
That was only done by u through stopping our supplies u even could fight like man to man basics.
Moreover just 30,000 troops were stationed in East Pak:lol:
It's about time for China to show off it secret weapon :D, we will use Indian ship as target practice, if we fail than just blame at Indians for jamming or sabotage our super duper weapon than use this pretext to declare war. :smokin:

We're coming Indian navy........:woot:

It's about time for China to show off it secret weapon :D, we will use Indian ship as target practice, if we fail than just blame at Indians for jamming or sabotage our super duper weapon than use this pretext to declare war. :smokin:

We're coming Indian navy........:woot:

kung foo panda.. waste of so much plastic .. you could have made more barbie dolls out of that plastic thing and sent to yanks
Well this tension has reached some serious proportions here after Admiral Joshi issued those statements.

Honestly, WTF is wrong with CCP? If it was their part of the ocean, I can understand. We are having oil exploration campaign with legal permission of Vietnamese government in whose territorial waters we're working.

Why are the Communists behaving like this?
Beijing has decided its time to reduce new delhi to rubble and let india disintegrate. Parts of india not split apart will be ruled by Maoists.
Beijing has decided its time to reduce new delhi to rubble and let india disintegrate. Parts of india not split apart will be ruled by Maoists.

please start from east delhi..http: //post.jagran.com/ search / 127-illegal-buildings-in-east-delhi

later please cometo my kitchen and cook me some hakka noodles..
I must say Sino gets you indian going, well he is getting his fun practice well
Looks like the CPC has opened a new Ministry for WARNINGS. They need to meet their year end target of issuing new warnings.. Nothing serious to worry about.
@SinoChallenger are you ok? i remember the guy grey boy who was on PDF to spread hatred.... He gone.... You crossed his level. its like u going through anger feats.... Anger reduces life.... i proved it 1000s times. try to do meditation.... Try to understand your body. Every human have cancer cell which always been killed by health immune system.... But when person angry the immune system gets weak.... cancer cell than spreads and kills healthy cell.... Anger also weakens heart.... Why risking your life? For few penny? Try to spread peace.... And see the magic.... Give happiness and get happiness. Law of universe....
Anger really can kill you, U.S. study shows
Anger Is a Hidden Anxiety Emotion That Can Be Very Harmful For You « Calm Clinic
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