So, you are saying Accounting does not teach cash flow?
First of all, the only thing I would agree with you is that US dollar should never be the king, no single country currency should, however, short of having another world war, the current system would remain, that's because the world finance infrastructure were built on US dollar for the last 70 years since WW2. The only way to replace USD is to collapse the world economic system as we know it, which, I don't need to remind anyone, that's very bad.
Now, on to the other points.
Money is NOT debt, money is Credit. The value of money is determined by the value entrusted by any financial institution in the world, the value was set upon an agreement. That is why a $5 note worth $5 USD, but not the 5c paper it was printed on.
Currency world wide is a "Debt Base" bartering system, that's because say if I use a 5 Yuan note to buy a chocolate bar in China, the store would lose a chocolate bar, but gain a 5 Yuan note, however, as I said before, it only worth 5 Yuan when the value was entrusted on it by the Central Bank of China, if tomorrow the CBC announced that they only value a 5 Yuan note to 2 Yuan, then the store would be 3 Yuan out.
Now what does that mean? Every money (be that USD, AUD, RMB, HKD, JPY and so on) were only worth as much as they are entrusted, and who to say what those value were? That's depends on the world most stocked currency, and that is USD, so no, the US don't need to drop bomb, or coerce other to keep the system afloat, if the US wanted to pull someone in line, all they need to do is to tighten the monetary policy.
Let me give you a "for instant" China currently have around 3010 billions (or 3.01 Trillions) foreign reserve, if the US Federal Bank depreciate/devalue USD, say halve its value, then China will no longer have 3.1 trillions USD reserve, but 1.55 trillions. Of course, that would also affect USD in circulation anywhere, included the US.
lol China disengage from the US? Is it the reason why China buy more US treasury bond than before?
To begin with, please ask AIIB to settle with RMB instead of USD, and you will see how many country move away from AIIB.
I don't even know where to start with the rest of your post. lol