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how does the chinese anal tasting lately? does it have chincken balls or dumplings taste to it?

You are disgusting.

whilel the white boys aka frenchman was raping and spanking your country, japan was the only non-white country to fight back.

Fight back? LOL Japan was completely neutered by the West. They gave up their sovereignty to the USA.

The Americans wrote Japan's entire constitution, and won't allow them to change it. They have forced them into pacifism.

Every country in the world, has the right to have an "Army", except Japan. Their Western masters, only allow them to have "defence forces".

If America wanted to re-occupy Japan, they could do it at any time they wanted. They didn't need to though, they just ordered Japan to revalue their currency, and crashed their economy.
who gives a dam about a constution that the US wrote for japan? so it based on the rule of law, democratic values and economicaly ties japan to the US? the last time i check the average japanese is still 10x richer then a chinama

who gives a if the currency crash? aint nobody in japan working like a dog to fill for the dollar store.

what good is that china has trillions of worthless papers? ya'll cant do dam with it except make empty threats.

btw why are you commenting? don't you have socks to sew for walmart?

so when will you be begging prince charles for all those looted treasures?

full circle- englishman take treasure from chinaman, englishman make chinaman work like a dog for pennies, englishman charge hudreds of millions at auctions house for the chinaman to get looted treasure back.

the englishman is still pimping the chinese.
btw why are you commenting? don't you have socks to sew for walmart?

I'm from Hong Kong. :lol:

Uncle Sam protects Japan, they are your big daddy.

You love them even after they nuked you twice, and crashed your economy, by forcing you to revalue your currency.

Yet you hate China, even though we never invaded you or nuked you, even after we got nuclear weapons in 1964.

Japan was the nation that butchered millions of innocent Chinese civilians during WW2. War criminals, just like Nazi Germany.

And even after all your war crimes... you still lost the war, and had your balls cut off by Uncle Sam.

Uncle Sam still has your balls, ask them to give it back.
Portugal occupied Taipa and Coloane in 1851 and 1864 respectively. On December 1, 1887, the Qing and Portuguese governments signed the Sino-Portuguese Treaty of Amity and Commerce, under which China ceded the right of "perpetual occupation and government of Macau by Portugal"

The Qing government agreed to make Hong Kong Island a crown colony, ceding it to the British Queen "in perpetuity" to provide British traders with a harbour where they could unload their goods (Article III). Pottinger was later appointed the first governor of Hong Kong.

1. Britain, France, Russia, and the United States would have the right to station legations in Beijing (Peking, a closed city at the time)
2. Eleven more Chinese ports would be opened for foreign trade, including Newchwang, Danshui (Taiwan), Hankou and Nanjing
3. The right of foreign vessels including warships to navigate freely on the Yangtze River
4. The right of foreigners to travel in the internal regions of China for the purpose of travel, trade or missionary activities
5. China was to pay an indemnity to Britain and France in 2 million taels of silver respectively, and compensation to British merchants in 3 million taels of silver.

dam it seem like the chineses has been pimped by quite a bit of people
dam it seem like the chineses has been pimped by quite a bit of people

Out of all East Asia, Japan is the only country that has given up its sovereignty to the white man. :P

The same white man that nuked your country twice, and crashed your economy.

And you're still bent over and taking it from them.
you're from hong kong? so what's you chinese name? is it michael? john? david?

can you go outside your balcony and tell me if there a large poster of some white boy telling you to look and be cool?

can you turn on your television and tell me what the british gentleman insspector williams is teaching you chinese today?
you're from hong kong? so what's you chinese name? is it michael? john? david?

can you go outside your balcony and tell me if there a large poster of some white boy telling you to look and be cool?

can you turn on your television and tell me what the british gentleman insspector williams is teaching you chinese today?

You are confusing Hong Kong with Tokyo.
Dont want to sund like a troll but...... If i was japanese id be pissed at USA for bombing japan,stationing its forces and even writing the constitution of my country.......Unlike the modern japanese people......But i admire them for their resiliance.
you're from hong kong? so what's you chinese name? is it michael? john? david?

can you go outside your balcony and tell me if there a large poster of some white boy telling you to look and be cool?

can you turn on your television and tell me what the british gentleman insspector williams is teaching you chinese today?

You obviously know nothing about Hong Kong. :lol:

Japan is the one obsessed with caucasians, look at all their anime characters. Blond hair and blue eyes.
who gives a dam about a constution that the US wrote for japan? so it based on the rule of law, democratic values and economicaly ties japan to the US? the last time i check the average japanese is still 10x richer then a chinama

who gives a if the currency crash? aint nobody in japan working like a dog to fill for the dollar store.

what good is that china has trillions of worthless papers? ya'll cant do dam with it except make empty threats.

btw why are you commenting? don't you have socks to sew for walmart?

so when will you be begging prince charles for all those looted treasures?

full circle- englishman take treasure from chinaman, englishman make chinaman work like a dog for pennies, englishman charge hudreds of millions at auctions house for the chinaman to get looted treasure back.

the englishman is still pimping the chinese.

yeah but black americans are still pimping Jap anese girls today for free. they even have 4P games with them. you know how i learn japanese?

itai~ itai~ itaiyo~~
Why does every.single.thread with chinese or that lone japanese member always , ALWAYS degenrate into 'race talks'?! The obsession is unbearable, lol.
Wait. I thought Japanese looked like that. I've been lied to all these years?

LOL, I went on a vacation to Tokyo a while back.

Lots of them dye their hair blond, and even wear colored contact lenses.

And they still write using Han characters (they call it Kanji), and use chopsticks.

It is like a "hybrid".
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