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Very well, i will aswer your post.

Plus I can hardly tell my own family members that they should renounce their citizenship, just because they are Christians.

It was another member that said he would renouce his citizenship if China was ever Christian, so i don't understand why your defending yourself for his view.

There are plenty of far-right political parties, like the British National Party, and Geert Wilders Freedom party, that believe Muslims should not be in Europe. But what can they do about it?

An example in Russia would be "Russian National Unity". Tell me, do the RNU believe that Chinese people should be allowed to have Russian citizenship? No, they advocate expulsion. Clearly there are people in all countries who share such far-right opinions.

Every country has bigots, my problem is with people being bais towards one affiliation, or in other words having unfair veiws of segregation.
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Every country has bigots, my problem is with people being bais towards one affiliation, or in other words having unfair veiws of segregation.

Thanks for answering my question. :tup:

That's my conclusion as well.

It was another member that said he would renouce his citizenship if China was ever Christian, so i don't understand why your defending yourself for his view.

I was responding to this:

What if there was 'no place' for people like you in Canada or elsewhere?

Like I said... there are plenty of people, in many places, that believe there is "no place" for Chinese people in their countries. Two examples of such political organisations would be the BNP in Britain, and the RNU in Russia.

I quickly learn to ignore such voices. They clearly do not represent the majority opinion.
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Anyway, claiming that Christianity invents everything is just as real as the Earth was created around 10,000 BC.:rofl:
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Anyway, claiming that Christianity invents everything is just as real as the Earth was created in around 10,000BC.:rofl:

Not all Christians believe that.

That's only the "Young-Earth Creationists" who believe that the world is 10,000 years old.

Most of my Christian friends do not go for a "literal interpretation" of the Bible. They fully accept the Scientific method and believe in the theory of evolution, this has been my personal experience anyway.

And they have always respected my personal beliefs (I'm an atheist). That's all that matters to me. :tup:
Not all Christians believe that.

That's only the "Young-Earth Creationists" who believe that the world is 10,000 years old.

Most of my Christian friends do not go for a "literal interpretation" of the Bible. They fully accept the Scientific method and believe in the theory of evolution, this has been my personal experience anyway.

And they have always respected my personal beliefs (I'm an atheist), so I have no complaints about them at all. :tup:

These so-called Christians have very close belief to the Atheists, except they might insist that the existence of the Universe was involved with God's creation. Even many Athesists accept that there is unknown power behind the creation of the Universe, these Athesists are labelled as Agnostics.

But our friend ptld claiming that Christians invent everything, i hereby disagree with his condescending attitude that Christians are the most superior people. Even some very success people have been labelled as Christian in his/her religious profile, but many of these people might have shared many beliefs with Atheists, not those fanatics who insist that Earth was created in 7 days around 10,000 BC.
These so-called Christians have very close belief to the Atheists, except they might insist that the existence of the Universe was involved with God's creation. Even many Athesists accept that there is unknown power behind the creation of the Universe, these Athesists are labelled as Agnostics.

Ahem those are Deists... Agnostics are those who aren't sure whether God exists or not (due to limited Human Knowledge).
Ahem those are Deists... Agnostics are those who aren't sure whether God exists or not (due to limited Human Knowledge).

Yes, some of these definitions are tricky.

For example there is a huge overlap between "atheist" and "agnostic" etc.

Even most "non-religious people" could technically be called atheists if you go by the strict definition. I'm guessing a lot of them wouldn't appreciate that though. :azn:
But our friend ptld claiming that Christians invent everything, i hereby disagree with his condescending attitude that Christians are the most superior people. Even some very success people have been labelled as Christian in his/her religious profile, but maybe of these people might have shared many beliefs with Atheists, not those fanatics who insist that Earth was created in 7 days around 10,000 BC.

I never claimed that, my response was to this:

If China becomes Christian I would renounce my nationality, ethnicity all together, because I would be ashamed by the lack of intelligence and reason.

I then mentioned some notable Christians and their inventions. The issue here is the claim that Christians lack 'intelligence and reason'. This is just nonesense, that has been debunked; and agan i stand by my claim that many notable scientific figures were Christian and some of the most important inventions were created by Christians dispite the fact that some regard Christians as lacking intellegence and reason. To make my point clear, i never said that Christians invented 'everything' as you claim.
I stand by my claim that many notable scientific figures were Christian and some of the most important inventions were created by Christians dispite the fact that some regard Christians as lacking intellegence and reason.

That's fair enough, I won't argue with you there.

You were responding to a flame, and you responded with rational facts.

Let's move on guys. :cheers:
Just doing my Saturday PDF drive by (yes, time is such a premium these days ...) But this occasion calls for the emptying of a clip or two from my own rusty AK:

In no particular order:

Why? Will the religion be superior to Christianity?

Christianity will bring China closer to the West.

This statement will be less spiritually "criminal" had the "West" been more of a paragon of Christian virtue - especially lately.

It's not up to me to judge when you turn "Donme" for the sake of survival. After all, I, too, believe in being "harmless as doves and wise as serpents" ...

But to practice "Al-Taqiyya" for material gain is beyond contempt.

Christians are not "假洋鬼子". You'd do well to remember that, sino-so-called-soldier!

Stop posting garbage from this garbage site, Benny! I don't mind a website operated by self-styled "Muslim apostates" or Christian "apostates" - so long as they bring real history and not fake propaganda to the table. Battle of Talas has something to do with "Islamization" of Central Asia. It has nothing to do with the Huis in China. The Huis claim to have descended from Persian zoroastrians predating Buddhists, Persian/Arab traders of all stripes, and even the cavalry sent to the Tangs by Abbasids to quell interal rebellion (安史之乱) ...

And it was the Mongols who brought the greatest number of Muslims to China as soldiers and administrators. Some of the most important generals of the first Ming emperor were Hui muslims ((e.g. 蓝玉, 徐达, etc. ...)

Now that's (generally accepted) history fact.

And stop this "Jihad" everything non-sense.

Number of people killed in China by Christianity: 20 million within past 200 years.
Number of people killed in China by Islam: 200 in the past 200 years.

I don't know about other places, so I do not comment, but in China. Christianity has always led to wars.

Perhaps you could join the above "apostates" in putting up your own "ChristianityWatch" website and peddle your own patented wild statements.

Do they teach you anything in Wuhan? Have you heard of 白彥虎 or 同治陕甘回变 (see here for those who prefer English)?

And later on you claim Taiping Rebellion was a "Christian" movement! Is there no end to your absurdities? Is there nothing but hot air in that space between your ears, if you don't mind me asking?

If you have to attach a group to Taiping Rebellion, then I would attach the Hakka as the "sub-ethnicity/group" behind it.

no they're below prostitutes. prostitutes deserve sympathy and help from the government, christians need to be stamped out like a bug. or at least kept from disturbing others.
Once a 拳匪, always a 拳匪. As I said before, we'll see who gets "stamped out" and when.
I never claimed that, my response was to this:

I then mentioned some notable Christians and their inventions. The issue here is the claim that Christians lack 'intelligence and reason'. This is just nonesense, that has been debunked; and agan i stand by my claim that many notable scientific figures were Christian and some of the most important inventions were created by Christians dispite the fact that some regard Christians as lacking intellegence and reason. To make my point clear, i never said that Christians invented 'everything' as you claim.

I pointed out earlier that these Chrisitians who don't follow what bible said actually share many beliefs with Agnostics, no doubt there are many smart people within this group. But sure other bible freaks are just dumb as hell. :rofl:
Now the less egregious:

Christianity is the single most unpleasant religion in China. No one else is bent on converting others except Christians. Picture the most evangelical fundamentalist, that's what Chinese Christians are like.

Fortunately Christianity in China is mostly a rural/small town affair, with modernization and rapid urbanization, it will eventually be eradicated.

You must be dense or blind. Proselytism is written into the bible. Do you think that Christianity would be the world largest religion if they took no for an answer? I've personally missed being "converted" many times, some of the tricks they pulled especially consider my age then was despicable.

Proselytism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm not against religion IF the practitioners can adapt a live and let live attitude, not be the root of bigotry and conflict, not impede the progress of science, let children choose their own religion when they are mentally mature enough to make the decision.

needless to say, very few religions get my stamp of approval (not that they care)

As much as I regret it, I must say that there is validity to such perceptions regarding the current practice of evangelism.

As a Christian personally, I make no apologies - none whatsoever, for proselytizing. People are free to spread what they consider to be good tidings. And you are free to reject what you think is "bad news".

The key is to do so free of coercion as this sensible post points out.

An equally sensible post is this one where the man (I presume) stresses that "conversion comes from within".

I didn't know Tony Blair's sister converted to Islam btw. But I will say this: if I didn't have "religion" and I have the misfortune of a brother who sold his and his nation's souls to some criminal enterprise all in the name of fighting "gog and magog", I'd be converting to something else, too ...

Praise the Lord I'm an only child, just like the other 500 million me-me-me's in the land of "godless kommunism" ... :azn:
It is perfectly reasonable that China would become the largest Christian Nation. #1, the Chinese are the most intelligent ethnic group on the planet (except , possibly, Jews.). #2, Christianity is the most beneficial religion for human beings to follow for peace and prosperity. #3, because of #1 and #2, China will become the most Christian nation in the world as it rises in both economic and social success, because Christianity is simpatico with Confucianism.
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