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When did I lump Chinese people together I explicitly used the words 'some Chinese members' I did not say all, and my view still stands against those racists fanatics.

OK maybe I misunderstood your posts. Apologies for that, you clearly took the effort to say "some" and I respect that.

The problem is that you live in a Christian dominated nation and you are free to exercise your believes as you wish. However, at the other end of the spectrum you and others like you are rejecting and denouncing Christianity in China, do not tell me that this is fair or just, what if there was 'no place' for people like you in Canada or elsewhere?

I still don't get this. Even IF I wanted to say that Christianity has no place in China (which I clearly don't believe) then what can I do about it? I don't exactly have the authority to relieve anyone of their citizenship...

Plus I can hardly tell my own family members that they should renounce their citizenship, just because they are Christians.

There are plenty of far-right political parties, like the British National Party, and Geert Wilders Freedom party, that believe Muslims should not be in Europe. But what can they do about it?

An example in Russia would be "Russian National Unity". Tell me, do the RNU believe that Chinese people should be allowed to have Russian citizenship? No, they advocate expulsion. Clearly there are people in all countries who share such far-right opinions.
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At least Atheists made your country a dominant Superpower of the 20th century. Now under Christianity, your country has officially became a weakling that has a GDP only 1/10 of the American...ops

And yet the Soviet union was still largely Christian. As for Russia being a 'weakling' the economy has been seeing steady growth since the last decade and when you consider that the collapse of the Soviet Union was three times worse than the great American depression the state of the economy is in a good place.

As if degrading Christianity was not enough now my country gets degraded....stay classy.

Minor correction:

I've always thought that Newton was more of a Deist than a Christian. Galileo, on the on the other hand, was a traditional Catholic through and through. You do have to admit that the Church did interfere with Galileo's works though.

There were many Christian scientis that had views which interfered with the church.
Most modern scientists believe the evolutionary theories, and Christians reject it and believe the creationism.

How can the most successful scientists being those backward minded Christians? :rofl:
Most modern scientists believe the evolutionary theories, and Christians reject it and believe the creationism.

How can the most successful scientists being those backward minded Christians? :rofl:

I agree with you, but you will offend Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, etc on this forum who believe the same.
And yet the Soviet union was still largely Christian. As for Russia being a 'weakling' the economy has been seeing steady growth since the last decade and when you consider that the collapse of the Soviet Union was three times worse than the great American depression the state of the economy is in a good place.

As if degrading Christianity was not enough now my country gets degraded....stay classy.

There were many Christian scientis that had views which interfered with the church.

Those important figures weren't Christians. Lenin and Stalin weren't Christians. Most scientists weren't Christians, only those superstitious peasants lived in rural areas were Christians, who also likely contribute the largest population within the country.
My believe is that most chinese that have trouble with religion do not oppose it for the sake of opposing it but out of concerns for possible impacts it may have on society.

They are more worried that religion will be used as a tool for influencing people who are not well informed. An religion that has a diety and set of codes to follow allows unscrupulus people to tell people what is right and wrong in the name of god. And as god's words are never wrong it has potentials to produce some very dogmatic people. One of the things that made chinese more open to buddhism is the underlying tenet that you should never do anything to harm another person, even if he disagrees with you. (infact even if he went out of his way to cause you trouble) Nowadays there are even chinese who does not like buddhism, as they reasoned that it might make a country weak, it's people meek and unwilling to fight injustice.
I agree with you, but you will offend Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, etc on this forum who believe the same.

I mean those hardcore Christian fanatics, i've met many moderate Christians who can be very agreeable with the Atheists. Each group has its own radical and moderate individuals.
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Going back in history... Buddhism was meant to reform Hinduism which had become dogmatic and the caste system had hardened.

Under Emperor Ashoka it succeeded to an extent, atheistic concepts were injected back into Hindusim and the caste system was diluted, however the reform stopped because of the invasions from central asia which destroyed many Buddhist universities

There is however an interesting twist ;) . Dr Br. Ambedkar, called the 'Father of our constitution' was a Dalit but later converted to Theravada Buddhism. He abolished untouchability, outlawed the caste system and introduced positive discrimination

So in a way Buddhism did reform Indian society :)

Not true...Adi Sankracharya almost singlehandedly converted India from Buddhism back into Hinduism. If he was not born today India would have been a majority Buddhist country.
modern society is incompatible with these beliefs. how can you innovate when the explaination for everything is god did it.

why is energy quantized? god did it. how does DNA store information? DNA doesn't exist, your traits are determined by god. should we be gassing all those vietnamese? yes, because they're godless commies.
Just my five cents:

There are many overseas Chinese who are Christians and the majority are not disagreeable at all and many are very educated people (engineers or faculties in Universities). Most of them are very nice people and will not try to "force convert you" and our family gets along well even with those who are "over-enthusiastic".

Judging from the posts I think a lot of Chinese members here probably had bad experiences with Christians.
Those important figures weren't Christians. Lenin and Stalin weren't Christians. Most scientists weren't Christians, only those superstitious peasants lived in rural areas were Christians, who also likely contribute the largest population within the country.

Stalin was one of the worst things to happen to in the Soviet Union, as for your claim that most scientists were not Christian, that is nothing more than an opionion.
What post?

The one at the top of this page, #241. I'll summarise it here.

What if there was 'no place' for people like you in Canada or elsewhere?

I have listed plenty of organisations that believe there is "no place" for Chinese people in their countries, such as the BNP in Britain, and the RNU in Russia.

What happens, is that I ignore them.... because I realize that there will be such extremist voices in every country.
Stalin was one of the worst things to happen to in the Soviet Union, as for your claim that most scientists were not Christian, that is nothing more than an opionion.

Dude, i am not a big fan of Stalin and he did many harms to China, but as a Russian, you can't deny his contribution to your country. It was under his reign, Russia has achieved her Superpower status. Both Stalin and Tsar were dictators, but i would say that Stalin was a much more brillian dictator, at least he was capable to push his country into path of Superpower, whereas Tsar has bankrupted Russia into a sh!thole.

I'd say that Stalin is about 70% of correctness and 30% of mistake for his country, just like Mao for China.

You can't deny that USSR was fundamentally built by Atheists!
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