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China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

Complete authority, not even corrupt, that's why I love the Chinese way of ruling and dealing with their problems.
The world pointed their fingers at China just before the olympics, but still attended the olympics even when China "violated human rights", bullsh!t, all those European nations used to violate human rights to the maximum extent with their colonisation and all their wars fought in the past history.
Tibet should be thankful to the Chinese government that it's transforming Tibet into another economic powerhouse for China.
Unity is the key to succes, something the Chinese government very well knows.
From what I've read, the Chinese run most of the businesses in Tibet, while the ethnic Tibetans are being pushed aside into menial jobs or to the fringes of society.

This is obviously thanks to the enterprise and hard work of the Chinese migrants, but it doesn't change the fact that Tibet is now for all intents and purposes a Chinese colony.
Complete authority, not even corrupt, that's why I love the Chinese way of ruling and dealing with their problems.
The world pointed their fingers at China just before the olympics, but still attended the olympics even when China "violated human rights", bullsh!t, all those European nations used to violate human rights to the maximum extent with their colonisation and all their wars fought in the past history.
Tibet should be thankful to the Chinese government that it's transforming Tibet into another economic powerhouse for China.
Unity is the key to succes, something the Chinese government very well knows.

Authoritarianism is great as long as you're not the one being crushed by the state.
Authoritarianism is great as long as you're not the one being crushed by the state.

Tibetans are not "crushed" by the state, as long as they blend in as regular Chinese civilians who are willing to work for a better and unified China regardless of their small differences, they have not much to worry about, however, if the Tibetans keep it up the way they've been doing so right before the start of the Olympics in Beijing, they will most likely come to know the definition of the word "crushed" more often.
Those people do not realize that they can tremendously benefit from the economic growth and the prosperity that comes with it.
Tibetans are not "crushed" by the state, as long as they blend in as regular Chinese civilians who are willing to work for a better and unified China regardless of their small differences, they have not much to worry about, however, if the Tibetans keep it up the way they've been doing so right before the start of the Olympics in Beijing, they will most likely come to know the definition of the word "crushed" more often.
Those people do not realize that they can tremendously benefit from the economic growth and the prosperity that comes with it.

No people can prosper if they feel that they are colonized. I'm sure Tibetans would be as hard working and successful as the Chinese if they are allowed to run their own affairs, practice their own religion, and speak their own language.

I'm sure that a few Tibetans will indeed adopt Chinese language and culture in order to get ahead, but even then they will face barriers in the form of racism by Han Chinese, and general distrust towards the natives.
However, most Tibetans will remain stuck in the past because they never got the chance to express themselves in their own terms.

I find it amusing that the same people who fervently oppose Kashmir as a part of India, vehemently support the Chinese colonization of Tibet.
No people can prosper if they feel that they are colonized. I'm sure Tibetans would be as hard working and successful as the Chinese if they are allowed to run their own affairs, practice their own religion, and speak their own language.

I'm sure that a few Tibetans will indeed adopt Chinese language and culture in order to get ahead, but even then they will face barriers in the form of racism by Han Chinese, and general distrust towards the natives.
However, most Tibetans will remain stuck in the past because they never got the chance to express themselves in their own terms.

The issue of religion is not only a "problem" for the people of Tibet, but also for the Chinese Muslims, Christians, Buddhists or whatever.
There will always be differences between people, especially in such a big country like China, from East to West, you'll have people with different habits and traditions and you'll have people who feel slightly different then the rest, but the thing is, they all have the general factors in common that unite a country and its people.
Racism is everywhere, look at the native Indian Americans, they only live in captivity now.
China is a nation that tends to stay united, and it's best if it stays that way because they are much stronger united then divided, and the people + the Chinese government should work on bringing the nation closer and giving Chinese people who feel left out, a much larger sense of unity and love for their country.
I only see benefits for Tibet due to China's immense economy and growth + their future perspectives.
These internal issues should be solved by China, it takes time, patience, and a whole lot of other ingredients, but i'm confident that in the near future, once more and more Chinese people continue to prosper and reach the living standards and luxuries maintained in the west, people will be much more satisfied and won't complain like they used to.
^If Indians took over Pakistan, and settled in huge numbers, made Sanskrit the only language and put strict restrictions on the practice of Islam, how would Pakistanis take it?

Would they try to "get ahead" by doing puja, speaking sanskrit, eating vegetarian food, or will they resist?
The issue of religion is not only a "problem" for the people of Tibet, but also for the Chinese Muslims, Christians, Buddhists or whatever.
There will always be differences between people, especially in such a big country like China, from East to West, you'll have people with different habits and traditions and you'll have people who feel slightly different then the rest, but the thing is, they all have the general factors in common that unite a country and its people.
Racism is everywhere, look at the native Indian Americans, they only live in captivity now.
China is a nation that tends to stay united, and it's best if it stays that way because they are much stronger united then divided, and the people + the Chinese government should work on bringing the nation closer and giving Chinese people who feel left out, a much larger sense of unity and love for their country.
I only see benefits for Tibet due to China's immense economy and growth + their future perspectives.
These internal issues should be solved by China, it takes time, patience, and a whole lot of other ingredients, but i'm confident that in the near future, once more and more Chinese people continue to prosper and reach the living standards and luxuries maintained in the west, people will be much more satisfied and won't complain like they used to.

freedom is beyond anything else in this world, i agree with your point of view that it will be good for Tibet but the oppression of people is not right, every civilization deserve a democracy.
religion is father of all human civilization they cant oppress their religious belief.
what china is doing now is a step in right direction but its long way to go.
thank you
From what I've read, the Chinese run most of the businesses in Tibet, while the ethnic Tibetans are being pushed aside into menial jobs or to the fringes of society.

This is obviously thanks to the enterprise and hard work of the Chinese migrants, but it doesn't change the fact that Tibet is now for all intents and purposes a Chinese colony.

And, by the same token, China is a Western colony. :rofl:
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No people can prosper if they feel that they are colonized. I'm sure Tibetans would be as hard working and successful as the Chinese if they are allowed to run their own affairs, practice their own religion, and speak their own language.

Tibetan Chinese do not feel they are colonized. It is some Indians and other handlful guys think they are colonized. Tibetan Chinese have been successful along the track with the rest of China.

I'm sure that a few Tibetans will indeed adopt Chinese language and culture in order to get ahead, but even then they will face barriers in the form of racism by Han Chinese, and general distrust towards the natives.
However, most Tibetans will remain stuck in the past because they never got the chance to express themselves in their own terms.


If the Han Chinese want to advance themselves, they have to learn from more advanced West; they have to learn Western languages so they can communicate with Westerners. The same applies to Tibetan Chinese. Due to the backwardness of Lama system, Tibetan Chinese were left way behind the rest of China. If they want to move forward, they need to learn from their brothers. To learn from their brothers they have to communicate them with the mainstream language. That doesn’t prevent them from speaking their own language or worship whatever else where. But they can’t compete without mastering Chinese language in a Westernized market economy in China. It is simply the same to me: if I can only speak Chinese, how can I get a decent job in America?

It is a complete amazement that some people even lack such basic and fundamental knowledge of modern world. Or perhaps those people do nurture an evil intention of leaving Tibetan Chinese in a perpetual poverty so they can have more excuses to blame the rest of China. Boo…
And, by the same token, China is a Western colony. :rofl:

No it isn't, because Westerners didn't settle in China in millions and tell the Chinese to speak English, adopt communism and capitalsm - its their own choice
Tibetan Chinese do not feel they are colonized. It is some Indians and other handlful guys think they are colonized. Tibetan Chinese have been successful along the track with the rest of China.

Oh of course not - how could the Chinese media possibly be lying?

If the Han Chinese want to advance themselves, they have to learn from more advanced West; they have to learn Western languages so they can communicate with Westerners. The same applies to Tibetan Chinese. Due to the backwardness of Lama system, Tibetan Chinese were left way behind the rest of China.

Sure, but it has to be a choice, and not something they are forced to do under foreign colonial rule.
There's a reason why colonialism is no longer supported by any well-known thinkers - it destroys more than it creates.

Gosh, if we extend your thinking, The USA should colonize the world and force everyone to speak english. Wouldn't that lead to unbelievable progress?

Infact I think that the Chinese people should invite Obama to set up shop in Beijing and overthrow the Chicom government.
really? I have not even described what kind of life I have in Beijing/Shanghai.

the gap is even bigger than the one we have with the US.

:crazy: next time make sure you go to North Korea, their people believe they have the best system/life, this is so similar to you guys.

fish tank in China

muddy river in india

Lol u're a killer mate!

Hey why was this guy banned? We need Chinese brothers like him! He was a guest who came here trusting in our hospitality. :angry::angry::angry:

Go to any indian forum and u will see any propagandist in the favor of India enjoy a great deal. That was mean.
No it isn't, because Westerners didn't settle in China in millions and tell the Chinese to speak English, adopt communism and capitalsm - its their own choice


Dare you say there are no westerners settled in China?

It is the market economy that forces some of the Chinese, and perhaps you as well, to speak English. This is partially due to the "legacy" left by imperialistic UK. And it is the same force that drives Tibetan Chinese to speak Chinese - it is their own choice: speak Chinese or be left behind; just it is my own choice: speak English or jobless.

There is a very good link given by our forum member where people discuss two kinds of schools where the majority is ethnic minority that minority can preserve their language and tradition. Unfortunately, I don't think you know Chinese or care to know a true China through Chinese.
Sure, but it has to be a choice, and not something they are forced to do under foreign colonial rule.

of course it's choice,not force.who can force somebody learn a language,with his brain doesn't thinking?I learn English because my father think it is useful,and I think it is useful too.if I don't agree with my father,I will seat in class and read novel all days.

Gosh, if we extend your thinking, The USA should colonize the world and force everyone to speak english. Wouldn't that lead to unbelievable progress?
they keep doing that long ago,English were spoken by people of a small island 400 years ago.no one else speak English,no American Indians,nor Indians.

In fact I think that the Chinese people should invite Obama to set up shop in Beijing and overthrow the Chicom government.
in fact,we really had this plan before.but we find that Indian had such kind of democracy government already.which Obama would set up the same one for China if he were invited to overthrow Chincom government.Unfortunately,we are disappointed by the achievement of Indian democracy government.So we think it's not a good idea to overthrow Chincom government for pursue a democracy government like India.

we have more similar points with India,not US. the democracy government may suit US,not India,nor China.
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