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China, the other side

I very much hope that people continue to believe that China will collapse, same as they have believed for the past few decades.

It provides the much needed kick up the butt that the CPC needs, to avoid becoming complacent.
That’s the problem of non-transparent societies. Regardless of this claim going either way _ I would be surprised to hear a Chinese disagree( if they want to be honest!) that speculation, insider information or any such findings of overblown or under reported numbers- are there because of lack of transparency...

at some point you have to go- are these guys for real or they just hustling us...

Transparency is a good idea in general. China definitely needs to increase transparency, especially on economic matters.

However, look what happened to the "transparent" countries in the 2008 Financial Crisis. And even their greatest economic experts did not see it coming, their banks collapsed and they lost their jobs. They couldn't stop their economies from going into recession.
Tranparency doesnt stop corruption. It is law that tries to stop corruption . We have RTI act ( Right to Information). And very soon we will have Lokpal bill. Is there any similar laws in China ?

If every deal in your country is transparent you will not have corruption .
you seriously believe a transparent society will have no such problem? if so how come your so called transparent society couldnt stop corruptions in india, dont be so stupid as to believe your government tell you everything they only tell you thing they want you to know and forget everything else.

Transparency is a good idea in general. China definitely needs to increase transparency, especially on economic matters.

However, look what happened to the "transparent" countries in the 2008 Financial Crisis. And even their greatest economic experts did not see it coming, their banks collapsed and they lost their jobs. They couldn't stop their economies from going into recession.

this is a great example for all to see what happens when you don't have a transparent society. These two don’t even know what it means. Transparency is not about stopping corruption rather about finding out about it. Had India not had RTI act then who would have known about the corruption?

Transparency is not about seeing recessions coming- that was not a govt deal it was private institutions " PRIVATE" get it? Transparency is about finding out who in govt chose to have no regulation and if they knew that it was coming

But providing GDP data is a GOVT responsibility and hence if their books were open to public scrutiny – there would be no more – is china’s numbers for real or…they bs’ing it.
Why are you going on his nationality, i can show you dozens of Pakistani coloumnists/analysts etc who are pro India & Anti Pakistan, example pervaiz hoodbhoy, najam sethi, etc etc.

Great ! We have only one. You guys are great fans of Arundhati Roy by the way !
If every deal in your country is transparent you will not have corruption .
good lord man - you are talking about a police state not transparancy... I feel bad for you guys really. You guys don't even know what it means!
I swear- the chinese have taken over the " racial paranoia" throne from others... everything is white this and that and then they get shocked , shocked I say- when they are designated as being very racist. its white, its brown, its black.. to a chinese it seems the color of ones skin determines the content of their character. Indians disagree with many pakistani writers- but they dont go its " that muslim" or he is beholden to whites...

take a look around many of your women are getting married to whites- how will handle so many mix babies of the " white master"...if you have such racial paranoia?

Oh come of it - don't try to pretend that Indians don't care about skin colour.
The world knows about your "white" Bollywood stars, and how skin lightening cream sells like crazy in India.
Oh come of it - don't try to pretend that Indians don't care about skin colour.
The world knows about your "white" Bollywood stars, and how skin lightening cream sells like crazy in India.

Shed your flags , will you ? There is no way you know about bollywood unless you are a Pakistani who uses ' Fair and Lovely" !!!
China, the other side - Dr Farrukh Saleem

China, the other side

Nearly 15 percent of China’s population is now over 60 years old. China now has 119 million who are over 65 and of the 119 million around 33 million are disabled or partly disabled. By 2014, three years from now, China will be the only country on the face of the planet with 200 million elderly people. By 2050, because of low fertility and high life expectancy, three out of ten Chinese will be 60 or older. China is aging and aging fast-that means a large dependent, economically non-productive population. That’s bad news for future economic growth.

According to the Financial Times, China’s real debt-to-GDP ratio may actually be as high as 160 percent; as bad as Greece and far worse than Portugal, Italy or Ireland (Pakistan’s debt-to-GDP hovers around 65 percent). To be certain, China’s economic model revolves solely around growth not profit. And Chinese growth has been – and continues to be – fuelled by cheap debt not corporate profit.

State owned enterprises have been borrowing like crazy to grow. Profit has never been the primary driver. Local governments have been borrowing like crazy to build, build and build. Feasibility has never been the primary driver. Growth has been the only thing that ever mattered.

State owned enterprises are now heavily indebted. Local governments have built huge ‘ghost towns’ with some 64 million empty houses and thick, vacant ‘forests of skyscrapers’. Dozens of complete cities with no one living in them.

In June, Beijing officially admitted that “local governments had piled up 10.7 trillion yuan ($1.6 trillion)” worth of debt. That figure by itself is 25 percent of China’s GDP. Moody’s, the global credit rating agency, stated that the “debt burden held by local governments could be 3.5 trillion yuan” larger than Beijing’s official auditors had estimated. Credit Suisse, the Swiss financial services giant, says that “loan losses at Chinese banks may climb to levels equivalent to 60 percent of their equity capital as real-estate companies and local governments fail to repay debts.”

According to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of China, China this year will be spending $95 billion on internal security and $91 billion on the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA). That is so because in 2010 there were 180,000 ‘mass incidents’ including strikes, demonstrations and protests (a ‘mass incident’ in China is defined as “at least 15 participants”).

The top five reasons behind 180,000 mass incidents were: “(1) Laid-off workers demanding jobs. (2) Ethnic minorities battling police. (3) Overworked textile workers organising strikes. (4) Farmers staging protests to fight dam projects. (5) Retirees demanding pension payments.”

Historically, China’s five-year plans have had just one focus – economy and not much else. The 12th Five-Year Blueprint emphasises “tighter control over the populace”. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) also plans to put together a nationwide “yingji xitong” or a rapid response police force to handle mass incidents and undertake ‘social management’ and ‘population surveillance’.

China experts believe that “there is a lack of unifying movements such as Poland’s Solidarity” and thus “a lot of small, localised expressions of discontent.” Happiness, they say, is the china shop; love is the bull.

The writer is a columnist based in Islamabad. Email : farrukh15@hotmail.com

I read somewhere that most of the debt is local government debt and private debt. It is kept so like that artificially to boost investor confidence. So me thinks, if one large one support pillar falls, the bridge goes. Unless that trillion dollar forex reserve kicks in.
good lord man - you are talking about a police state not transparancy... I feel bad for you guys really. You guys don't even know what it means!

omg you are either naive or stupid i really dont know where to start with you, so much for yours transpaency you seem to forget the case of lynman brothers and several major america big corperate file for bankrupcy not to mention tax payers have to bail out banks all over europe and in the states. As far as china is concern yes that is right $3 trillion in reserve may not be a true figure we might have another $3 trillion hidden some where in china, the idea behind that is we dont want to draw unnesssary attention in this day and age where every one else is having a bad time and you are not, if you know what i mean?
Apparently, China has been on "the verge of collapse", ever since the Tiananmen incident of 1989.

Every year, for the past 20 years, we have been on the "verge of collapse". :lol:

When people stop predicting that China will collapse, that's when I'll be the most worried. Because that might lead the Chinese leadership into complacency.

I am very glad to hear all these predictions, because they put extra pressure on our leaders, to work hard for the stability and prosperity of China.
Yes! that is true. These predictions are making China stronger day after day. And we are seeing the world's leading super power China. Its all the blessings of Allah SBWT on China to giver her the top position in the world. Alhamdolillah...And we all Pakistanis are very happi about that..:)
Shed your flags , will you ? There is no way you know about bollywood unless you are a Pakistani who uses ' Fair and Lovely" !!!

LOL you can't bear criticism from a Westerner?

And for your information, your special men's cream was very controversial a while back, so most people have heard of it.
Oh come of it - don't try to pretend that Indians don't care about skin colour.
The world knows about your "white" Bollywood stars, and how skin lightening cream sells like crazy in India.

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Rajni is Dark Norris is white.
The more wisely you choose
Chances are you ll see tomorrow's light

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