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China, the other side

LOL you can't bear criticism from a Westerner?

And for your information, your special men's cream was very controversial a while back, so most people have heard of it.

A westerner wouldnt complain about "white" Bollywood stars. So he is actually a easterner !
omg you are either naive or stupid i really dont know where to start with you, so much for yours transpaency you seem to forget the case of lynman brothers and several major america big corperate file for bankrupcy not to mention tax payers have to bail out banks all over europe and in the states. As far as china is concern yes that is right $3 trillion in reserve may not be a true figure we might have another $3 trillion hidden some where in china, the idea behind that is we dont want to draw unnesssary attention in this day and age where every one else is having a bad time and you are not, if you know what i mean?

hmmm- can somebody educate the poor fella in perhaps the local language that transparancy of the govt is what is being talked about here here. Leman brothers was a private entity. the discussion is if your govt has its books( public) open - then all this back forth of we have X dollars and X GDP, blah blah would have no room for speculation.
Oh come of it - don't try to pretend that Indians don't care about skin colour.
The world knows about your "white" Bollywood stars, and how skin lightening cream sells like crazy in India.

for someone who belongs to the land of the queens language- you sure had a tough time comprehending it:). The statement was about of the Chinese need to define arguments on basis of color of the skin.

having whiteing cream is not racist trait
having curly hair straightened is not a racist trait
going to a tanning salon is not a racist trait
putting henna in your hair is not a racist trait

if you pay attention to them even on this board- the " white", the " black" ; " the brown" " the white master" blah blah seems to find its way into their arguments often...thats a racist trait.
China is aging and aging fast-that means a large dependent, economically non-productive population. That’s bad news for future economic growth.
I hate it when people say that those who are above 60 are 'non productive'! My uncle (who lives in France) and is 88 years young, heads the South Asia Foundation and frequently travels to Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka once every two months to promote regional cooperation, Human Rights, Forestry Studies, Journalism, Kashmir Studies, Green Energy Technology, Climate Research, Public Health, Visual Arts, and Water Management!

A guy 50 years younger would find it tough! And there are thousands more above 60 who are contributing to society and the economy of the country. So who say's an aging population is a liability? The trouble is we don't make use of their experience and knowledge and relegate them to dusty backyards instead.
Very serious situation indeed and it will have large effects starting the end of demographic dividend. That is by the year 2015.
hmmm- can somebody educate the poor fella in perhaps the local language that transparancy of the govt is what is being talked about here here. Leman brothers was a private entity. the discussion is if your govt has its books( public) open - then all this back forth of we have X dollars and X GDP, blah blah would have no room for speculation.

Wow if transparency and corruption are not related this people are really wasting their time lol

Transparency International - the global coalition against corruption
Tranparency doesnt stop corruption. It is law that tries to stop corruption . We have RTI act ( Right to Information). And very soon we will have Lokpal bill. Is there any similar laws in China ?

classic clueless indian excuse``lol your country is far way from knowing what is transparency````the more transparent the society is the less corruption which is solid fact````look at those Northen european countries``least corrupted and most transparent`

and India is the worst corrupted country``they just find out more than $1trillion in swiss bank stolen by ur greedy politicans``its almost the same size of your economy, so how transparent is that?
We do have a rather loud and public group of people in our media/journalism circles who earn their income from the west.

Uncle Sam tosses them some $$$, and these people start to make alot of noise. China's bad, India's good, USA's only helping us with it's CIA agents like Raymond Davis snooping around our military installations.

We tolerate these people, even though they're selling Pakistan's collective interests out for their personal gain.

The Najam Sethi character mentioned earlier is notorious for this. Then again, even the Zardari government was "elected" with US patronage, that is the curse of democracy - it's open to manipulation and politicians are willing to be bought for the highest bidder. Even in the west, the oil-multinational lobby, Israeli lobby, defence industry lobby makes huge campaign donations to buy politicians out, and when these politicians get to power, they're happy to return the favor.
classic clueless indian excuse``lol your country is far way from knowing what is transparency````the more transparent the society is the less corruption which is solid fact````look at those Northen european countries``least corrupted and most transparent`

and India is the worst corrupted country``they just find out more than $1trillion in swiss bank stolen by ur greedy politicans``its almost the same size of your economy, so how transparent is that?

You may try to sound like Einstein, but you are actually an imbecile

India's rank is 87 and score is 3.3 on the transparency index. India doesnt even figure in the top ten most corrupt countries list. Go figure !
That is all just speculation.

Our official debt-to-GDP ratio is 17.5%, one of the lowest in the world.

And in any case, we have 3 trillion in currency reserves. So there is no scenario in which we would be unable to pay back our debts.

IndoCarib's reply is to trolls who criticize India's debt to GDP ratio.

Our official debt-to-GDP ratio is 17.5%, one of the lowest in the world.

i don't believe this.

china undertook reforms in 1980s.

but it was working on mega projects like missile program, satellite program from 1950s.

considering chaos between 1966 to 1976 Chinese economy must have had heavy losses.

thus its possible that china's current debt to GDP ratio is between 30 to 37%.

its my speculation.
allow me to summarize:

World - "china is fudging numbers and has a tradition of fudging numbers"
Posters on PDF- "china , simply call for a transparent system where govt books( not private entities) are open to public secrutiny and no more doubt will exist! afterall these are govt produced economic data.
Chinese- "India you have corruption, we are the greatest"

allow me to summarize:

World - "china is fudging numbers and has a tradition of fudging numbers"
Posters on PDF- "china , simply call for a transparent system where govt books( not private entities) are open to public secrutiny and no more doubt will exist! afterall these are govt produced economic data.
Chinese- "India you have corruption, we are the greatest"


:rofl::rofl: good one

when tourists see our worli sea link and Delhi metro they have same expression on their faces

did i mention 26 malls in noida?

did i mention palace on wheels?

did i mention our well planned,luxurious Chandigarh and navi Mumbai?

you have glossy wonders, we have too.

don't troll and happy Diwali
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