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BBC News - Sri Lanka's sinister white van abductions

Almost three years after the end of the civil war, Sri Lanka is still dogged by allegations of human rights violations. Amid fresh moves in the UN's Human Rights Council to hold Sri Lanka to account, the BBC's Charles Haviland in Colombo reports on a rise in sinister abductions by anonymous squads in white vans.

At a small shrine in her home, Shiromani lights a candle and rings a bell, offering prayers to the Hindu deities. She has few consolations now.

Her life has been a nightmare since her husband, Ramasamy Prabagaran, a Tamil businessman, was snatched by eight men outside their front door last month, in front of Shiromani and their three-year-old daughter, and taken away in a white van.

"He was screaming, calling for help, hanging on to the gate," Shiromani said tearfully.

"There were people and vehicles in the street but no-one came to help as they had T56 guns and pistols. They pushed me down. I pleaded: 'Sir, don't do anything'."

But the vehicle disappeared and she was unable to follow in her own car.

Mr Prabagaran was abducted shortly before his case accusing the police of torture was due to be heard. He had been held for two-and-a-half years by them and, he claimed, badly tortured before being released without charge.

Unidentified bodies

Human rights campaigners say there were 32 unexplained abductions between last October and this February, mostly in Colombo or northern Sri Lanka, the victims a mix of Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim.

Lalith Weeraraj campaigned against disappearances, before he too vanished
In addition, 10 mostly unidentified bodies were found in February alone. It's not clear how many of these, if any, are linked to the disappearances - but their discovery has added to a heightened sense of unease here.

Of the kidnappings that were witnessed, most were said to have taken place in white vans - which for years have been the vehicle of shadowy gangs behind enforced disappearances.

One victim was seized right outside the Colombo law courts - snatched from prison guards bringing him for a bail application. Five of the 32 escaped but seven bodies have been found, including a woman in her 60s. The other 20 have simply vanished.

The witnessed disappearances include the case of two young activists, Lalith Weeraraj - half Sinhala and half Tamil - and a Tamil, Kugan Muruganathan. They spent 2011 organising a number of demonstrations, bringing to Colombo people from the former war zone whose family members disappeared as the war ended - mostly, they claim, at the hands of the security forces.

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There are abductions - it happens, we are conducting investigations”
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Ajith Rohana

Police Superintendent

Sri Lanka 'post war abuse' claim

In a sinister development in December, Lalith and Kugan themselves vanished in northern Sri Lanka, seemingly abducted as they prepared another demonstration.

Death squads?

All sorts of people are disappearing, but many of them appear to have been at loggerheads with the authorities.

As well as human rights workers and ordinary businessmen, those who have disappeared include some accused of being part of organised crime networks or the so-called "underworld".

Campaigners are privately pointing the finger at pro-government forces and security personnel. But the government and security forces deny being responsible for disappearances.

In fact the police spokesman, Superintendent Ajith Rohana, says special police teams have been deployed to investigate them.

"There are abductions. It happens. But generally we are conducting investigations into the matter," he told me.

I put it to him that, in effect, death squads are operating in Sri Lanka despite the end of the war.

"No. Not at all," he responded.

"We don't have them. We totally deny that allegation. We don't have any type of squads like that."

Meanwhile, the disappearances continue. At least one more person, a Colombo restaurateur, disappeared this week.

Mr Prabagaran was a successful businessman with an electronics business based in a well-known Colombo mall, Majestic City.

On Saturday, a white van raid was foiled - and filmed
In 2009, he was picked up by police when his name was found in the phone of an army officer accused of links with the Tamil Tigers. He denies any links.

In a report by the Judicial Medical Officer in October 2009, Mr Prabagaran said he had been beaten with a pole all over his body, stripped naked, assaulted on his genitals, immersed up to his neck in a barrel, had his fingernails removed and more.

'Law of the jungle'

One of the few parliamentarians who regularly speaks out on human rights issues is Jayalath Jayawardana of the opposition United National Party.

"The human rights situation in Sri Lanka is deteriorating day by day and there is no rule of law in this country," he told me at his office in Colombo.

"Jungle law is prevailing... Without the protection or blessings of the government in power or the security forces these type of things cannot take place," he said.

And recent days have seen some unexpectedly revealing remarks from within the government.

An unnamed senior police officer in Colombo told a Sinhala-language newspaper that, as a precaution against possible street protests, "we have arranged to bring tear gas, and we have plenty of white vans in Sri Lanka".

And a cabinet minister, Vasudeva Nanayakkara, told the same paper: "The government should answer for this [missing people]. They can't say we don't know about it."

He said the military was getting excessively involved in civil affairs, stopping the country from being democratic and inviting international criticism.

Unusually, last Saturday a man publicly said he had foiled an attempt to abduct him - just weeks after his own brother disappeared.

With the help of a crowd the intended victim, the mayor of a Colombo suburb, Ravindra Udayashantha, confronted the would-be abductors who were in a white van. They were soldiers.

The military denied plans to kidnap anyone.

Whatever the facts behind that incident, the rule of law is being flouted in Sri Lanka and disappearances are continuing.
Dude I'm not wasting my time.

Where did you miss your college admission to...Was it because of reservation ?

I told Im not from TN but have lived there for some years.. I studied junior and college in MH.
To be fair to Sri lankans, when LTTE overran SLA barracks in the past, they left no one alive.

Both sides commited war crimes but the Sri Lankan army were meant to protect the civilians which they failed to do so and instead were given a free hand to rape and murder.
Have you watched the video on the genocide? you know the Tamils i have spoken to told me stories of how the Sri lankan army would kidnap them during the night just for being Tamil so many people have vanished first I thought it was just wild claims until i saw a report on the missing people never to return home.

Sri Lanka's Killing Fields - 4oD - Channel 4
I agre it was unfortunate. Even ordinary sinhalese would disapprove if they saw that. Rajapakse will not win next time.
Even the Tamils I speak to who don't support the LTTE are still behind the Tamil movement but they shun the LTTE.

If you ask me the same question directly I also react in the same way. But most of tamils supporting freedom fighting in SL. TN congress people talking against LTTE becoz their leader assassinated by LTTE ,but what's the reality? no congress man died along with Rajiv everybody was safe during that incident.
I agre it was unfortunate. Even ordinary sinhalese would disapprove if they saw that. Rajapakse will not win next time.

Let's see what the future holds but im not optimistic with Rajapakse still on the throne.
Yeah that's why the area around Nallur Kanthasamy temple is being forcefully occupied by Sinhalese with active help from the Army on the pretext there is a cultural degradation in that area.


No they dont need...Just stay in the South and west and leave the North and east to the Tamils to live peacefully...They really are peaceful people who dont have a problem with Lanka if they are respected and the promises given to them fulfilled.

mate you're just trowing words out here without knowing actually what is going on.
you can visit this Kovil, many Sinhalese do when they visiting Jaffna.

Here's President Mahinda in this Kovil :lol:

Army support for
Nallur festival in Jaffna > Nallur festival in Jaffna
If you ask me the same question directly I also react in the same way. But most of tamils supporting or supported freedom fighting in SL. TN congress people talking against LTTE becoz their leader assassinated by LTTE ,but what's the reality? no congress man died along with Rajiv everybody safe during that incident.

Prabhakar was a sycho. No doubt about it. He did not know to build political consensus and negotiate. He just went about cuting the trees that protected him. by killing tamil political opposition he made a mistake and pushed a bunch of his men to opposite camp. and by his blunder of rajiv gandhi he made india from neutral to against him. He was jsut a foolish man and desrved what he got. yes, non tiger tamils need not have suffered, but this is what happens in war.
If you ask me the same question directly I also react in the same way. But most of tamils supporting or supported freedom fighting in SL. TN congress people talking against LTTE becoz their leader assassinated by LTTE ,but what's the reality? no congress man died along with Rajiv everybody was safe during that incident.

India did nothing but sit and watch while Tamils were being massacred right on it's door step we should have done more to stop the war crimes taking place and held our heads up high.
Prabhakar was a sycho. No doubt about it. He did not know to build political consensus and negotiate. He just went about cuting the trees that protected him. by killing tamil political opposition he made a mistake and pushed a bunch of his men to opposite camp. and by his blunder of rajiv gandhi he made india from neutral to against him. He was jsut a foolish man and desrved what he got. yes, non tiger tamils need not have suffered, but this is what happens in war.

If you don't knw stay calm. Wat Anton balasingham and Norway did those are not peace negotiation.
If you don't knw stay calm. Wat Anton balasingham and Norway did those are not peace negotiation.

LTTE was in a position in strength throughout 90s and early 2000s, but his arrogance ultimately led to his downfall. Also you are forgetting how he alienated Col. karuna who was effectively #02 in the organization.
If you don't knw stay calm. Wat Anton balasingham and Norway did those are not peace negotiation.

I know.. and i understand.. VP was a kller. nothing short of it. heck he killd Rajiv Gandhi, dont you care about that?VP killd all moderate tamil leadrs. is that right? He had to go. I support what happend to him, but not hi family. there were 101 peace nego in 90s when SL were prepared to meet most of what he wanted , but he did not accpet, so dont cry when he lost. It is like a gambler staying on and on after winning, ultimately losing everything. thats what happened here.
I know.. and i understand.. VP was a kller. nothing short of it. heck he killd Rajiv Gandhi, dont you care about that?VP killd all moderate tamil leadrs. is that right? He had to go. I support what happend to him, but not hi family. there were 101 peace nego in 90s when SL were prepared to meet most of what he wanted , but he did not accpet, so dont cry when he lost. It is like a gambler staying on and on after winning, ultimately losing everything. thats what happened here.

He was running a defacto country until 2008. He could have used this to his advantage, but sadly he gambled and lost.
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