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China Squashes Attempted Tunisia-Style Revolt the JASMINE REVOLUTION

Because Indians have vision they will succeed?

Look hard work and smart decisions lead to success. Imagining crap won't make it happen.

Nah they just imagine that they have moral superiority and that makes ok to fail time and again.

I think his "vision" meant something like this:
My vision for India, 2020


On the occasion of President A P J Abdul Kalam's 73rd birthday, rediff.com invited readers' views on how the President's vision to make India a superpower by the year 2020 can be achieved. Here are some of the best received so far...
Reform the youth

Wish you a very happy birthday sir!

Rediff.com has invited people to write to you to help you realise your dream to make India a superpower by 2020.

And its from 2004:lol:
such personal attacks , oh my. Geneva declaration is not a " number" that I citied in my post. I know us stupid people are such sticklers for " paying the $%#^ attention" :D before replying to a post Yes Capitalism- who disagreed? Capitalism is not part of communism , which is what I was saying- that all your growth was not because communism. I think you need to read before you a reply to stupid people :d :cheers:

The Geneva Declaration is the source that I provided to back my claims to your question #1.

And that's all for today's lesson on how to use sources to answer questions.

You obviously don't understand the concept of either capitalism or communism. No country is truly communist. There will be rich-poor gaps between the citizens.
Today, only the government itself is calling itself "communist". Everything else is mostly under private control, hence capitalism.

You obviously didn't understand what I just said, so I would tell you to please do your homework and look up China's current economic structure.

Want me to read your crap? Then at least make it understandable and mature enough for the sane human.
Here's where the fallacy resides about communism and China.

Fallacy 1- Crime is low in china- all of those western type of crimes do not happen in china - like a man on killing spree of babies in a nursery in china.

Fallacy 2- that communist china is the reason for china's success -WRONG. if so then for last 10's of decades they would have been the no1 or no2 on GDP. Its because they used western free market policies that they picked themselves from the crapper so as to speak

Fallacy 3- China is going to be a super power. Wrong. To be a superpower you have to own not just a good GDP ( USSR was a super power, but not a good GDP so as to speak), but also military bases and lead a NATO like alliance. If all you needed was no 1 or 2 GDP to be superpower- Japan would be called a super power. Ya get what I'm saying?

Fallacy 4- corruption is far more limited under communism. Wrong- if anything govt corruption is at the highest because it also controls all media. accountability does not come to light as much without a free press

Fallacy 5- Chinese children and people don't starve in numbers like in India- Wrong again. If you look at some basic facts , like the govt's record on SARS, earthquake victims, T square massacre, 30 million who died of starvation couple of decades ago- and paranoid censorship- you know they fudge stats, and brainwash their citizenry with revisionist history, plus they been caught fudging stats ... so any comparison is moot.

Any country that needs to hire its citizens to promote propaganda to its own citizens and others on line( see my signature) , has very little credibility in the world stage.

all opinions stated above are mine and that of the sane citizenry of the world ;) j/k

1. Check crime rates yourself.
2. Check how great India's doing compared to China
3. We don't want to be nor need to be a superpower. We just need enough nukes to nuke any 5 aggressive countries off the map and the military to protect them. A very defensive strategy.
4. Swiss bank statistics don't lie. Indian politicians steal 10 times more.
5. Yeah, World Bank, IMF, CIA, WHO, WTO, they're all liars, and China's statistics are all fake. India's statistics are all real. Well, I agree. India's starvation, disease death, AIDS, corruption and insurgency statistics are all real. As for GDP growth? Well, 10% inflation+2% population growth means per capita GDP is shrinking at 3% per year. How much longer till the average Indian can't afford to live?
1. Check crime rates yourself.
2. Check how great India's doing compared to China
3. We don't want to be nor need to be a superpower. We just need enough nukes to nuke any 5 aggressive countries off the map and the military to protect them. A very defensive strategy.
4. Swiss bank statistics don't lie. Indian politicians steal 10 times more.
5. Yeah, World Bank, IMF, CIA, WHO, WTO, they're all liars, and China's statistics are all fake. India's statistics are all real. Well, I agree. India's starvation, disease death, AIDS, corruption and insurgency statistics are all real. As for GDP growth? Well, 10% inflation+2% population growth means per capita GDP is shrinking at 3% per year. How much longer till the average Indian can't afford to live?

Don't you ever have a single post to make without India in it? Why can't you compare yourself with another country? Better still, why can't you just focus on your own country and leave india alone?

And regarding Swiss Bank statistics, do you have a proof for those or are you just talking out of your a** as usual?
One thing I have learned is that when your enemy tells you to do some for your own goods, it usually means for his own good and not yours.

America considers China the enemy, many of American have a deep racist view of Chinese since the Transcontinental railroads. Now America wants China to do what they suggest.

Even a dumb Chinese would sense something is wrong with the picture.
Don't you ever have a single post to make without India in it? Why can't you compare yourself with another country? Better still, why can't you just focus on your own country and leave india alone?

And regarding Swiss Bank statistics, do you have a proof for those or are you just talking out of your a** as usual?

Is India a poor Country- Revelation on Swiss bank accounts | MillionFace

Top five
India—- $1,456 billion
Russia —$ 470 billion
UK ——-$390 billion
Ukraine - $100 billion
China —–$ 96 billion

Sorry, my numbers were inaccurate. Indian politicians do not steal 10x more. They steal 15x more.


Here's another link. In this, Indians only steal 9x more, but that was from 2008.
Is India a poor Country- Revelation on Swiss bank accounts | MillionFace

Top five
India—- $1,456 billion
Russia —$ 470 billion
UK ——-$390 billion
Ukraine - $100 billion
China —–$ 96 billion

Sorry, my numbers were inaccurate. Indian politicians do not steal 10x more. They steal 15x more.


Here's another link. In this, Indians only steal 9x more, but that was from 2008.

Did the swiss government personally write to you that all these amount are deposited by politicians only ???:what:

Now i wonder where the genuine depositors and the thousands of businessmen who gets plenty of black money deposit it to?? cayman islands.. probably..
The UN estimates that 2.1 million Indian children die before reaching the age of 5 every year – four every minute - mostly from preventable illnesses such as diarrhoea, typhoid, malaria, measles and pneumonia. Every day, 1,000 Indian children die because of diarrhoea alone.

India - Malnutrition - Mother, Infant and Young Child Nutrition & Malnutrition - Feeding practices including micronutrient deficiencies prevention, control of wasting, stunting and underweight

Rising starvation deaths in Shining India - Instablogs

India has less population but more infants suffering from malnutrition.
Is India a poor Country- Revelation on Swiss bank accounts | MillionFace

Top five
India—- $1,456 billion
Russia —$ 470 billion
UK ——-$390 billion
Ukraine - $100 billion
China —–$ 96 billion

Sorry, my numbers were inaccurate. Indian politicians do not steal 10x more. They steal 15x more.
Holy cow!!! That's almost enough money to finance China style infrastructure in India. That's more money than India's entire annual GDP. I find this hard to believe, there's no way corruption can be that bad in India. Are these figures for real or estimates?
Holy cow!!! That's almost enough money to finance China style infrastructure in India. That's more money than India's entire annual GDP. I find this hard to believe, there's no way corruption can be that bad in India. Are these figures for real or estimates?

swiss banks confirmed it.
Did the swiss government personally write to you that all these amount are deposited by politicians only ???:what:

Now i wonder where the genuine depositors and the thousands of businessmen who gets plenty of black money deposit it to?? cayman islands.. probably..

Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Andorra, Leichenstein, etc. Even Hong Kong used to be a tax haven and center of black money but now that we're in charge the government has been cracking down hard.
Holy cow!!! That's almost enough money to finance China style infrastructure in India. This is even more money than India's entire annual GDP. I find this hard to believe, there's no way corruption can be that bad in India. Are these figures for real or estimates?

Estimates, very wild estimates 400-500 bill is where it is at
Indian Govt. is working on getting it back:):)
Estimates, very wild estimates 400-500 bill is where it is at
Indian Govt. is working on getting it back:):)
Why doesn't the Indian government demand Swiss banks release information on the Indian nationals holding this obviously stolen money? This is an out and out crime of Humanity given the developmental level of India. Can you imagine half a trillion dollars flooding into India's coffers? This could be used to buy resources all over the world and ensure India's future prosperity. On the other hand, if this money is mostly held in American dollars, well....it will be devalued along with the ongoing American financial drama and upcoming crisis. Time is getting short, so if this is true, India must get to this money ASAP.

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