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China speaks better English than India, says study

We are proud speaking in our mother tongues as well, but almost Pakistanis are very fluent in our national language as well, which holds great pride for us. For example: as a Bihari, I speak Bhojpuri with my parents & grandparents, & speak Urdu with the rest of the Pakistani people I know with great pride. Punjabis will speak in Punjabi with one another, Balochis will speak Balochi/Persian with each other, Pakhtuns will speak Paktho with each other, Sindhis will speak in Sindhi with one another, Gujaratis will speak in Gujarati with one another, people from Chitral speak in Chitrali with one another, as well as many other languages. Pakistan is very diverse as well in many ways my friend. However, when different ethnic groups speak to each other, we are fluent enough to communicate with each other in Urdu, & take great pride in using Urdu with one another. Urdu is a great source of pride for all of us, & almost all Pakistanis are very fluent at speaking it.

When Indians go to Western countries, they are divided amongst each other, in terms of Gujaratis, Maharashtrians, Punjabis, Southies etc. Every Pakistani calls themselves "Pakistanis" in the West, no one refers to themselves in terms of their ethnic groups. Indians belonging from different states have problems in communicating with one another if they are poor in both Hindi & English, & this is the case found with Indians that come from smaller cities in India.

Seems we have a member here who fancies himself as a budding cultural anthropologist...
Your observations are extremely biased and have no value as far as projecting even a semblance of reality....

If you have stats that can back up your claim or a study that says so, please feel free to share so we can know about our own behavioral patterns....
I can see you can't stop lying. People in Ahmedabad speak better Hindi than the people in Baroda, Rajkot or Surat. It depends what state you're from. For example: if you belong to Madhya Pradesh or UP where Hindi is spoken as a mother language by many people, there is a good chance people in the villages will speak good Hindi as well. I am talking about the states where Hindi is NOT the mother tongue of the people, such as Gujarat, Maharashtra & most other Indian states. There, the Hindi spoken by the people from the smaller cities will not as good as the people in the big cities, as people in Ahmedabad have more exposure to Hindi speakers from all over the country from a young age in classrooms & everyday lives, as compared to the people who live in the villages. So your 2 cents are nothing but jack crap. Now sod off.

Its really laughable how you consider yourself an expert on a nation and people that you have never lived in, nor have you interacted with except in a limited environment such as a university or at an office (former is the case I think)....

So your generalization is nothing more than your view of Indians as a Pakistani living in the US (Obviously biased by the fact that you're Pakistani)...

Now instead of telling me to Push off on a topic where my observations hold more credibility (being an Indian and having lived in several parts of India), please stop making baseless statements...or prove your worth with some solid evidence to back up your observations
Have to agree the Indian accent is a massive turn off and makes it hard to understand what an Indian is saying in English.

From personal experience nothing is more hilarious and infuriating than being put through to an Indian call centre, you are welcomed by a guy on the other line whose adamant his name is Tony, i called once due to me wanting to change a service and i asked the Indian to stop bluffing with me and inform me of his real identity he replied, " Sir, you are being quite rude, my name is Tony." Then i asked him what his father name was, he said "Kunal, oh sh1t!" For 20 seconds i was in stitches just laughing at him while he was trying his upmost to try and get me to respond to him. Man, honestly Indians are good to laugh at, they can be truly golden at times.
Have to agree the Indian accent is a massive turn off and makes it hard to understand what an Indian is saying in English.

From personal experience nothing is more hilarious and infuriating than being put through to an Indian call centre, you are welcomed by a guy on the other line whose adamant his name is Tony, i called once due to me wanting to change a service and i asked the Indian to stop bluffing with me and inform me of his real identity he replied, " Sir, you are being quite rude, my name is Tony." Then i asked him what his father name was, he said "Kunal, oh sh1t!" For 20 seconds i was in stitches just laughing at him while he was trying his upmost to try and get me to respond to him. Man, honestly Indians are good to laugh at, they can be truly golden at times.

must hurt to see that despite the ridiculous accent and ugly faces, those damn Indians are taking away your jobs and trashing your economy
how are the budget cuts and layoffs coming along mate??
Hahahha..What a honor, although i speak much better than most of my Indian mates, koreans and chinese because of large travelling background..But i hate Angrejiiiii:guns:

Its okay,
It happenes so don`t worry. :sniper:
Have to agree the Indian accent is a massive turn off and makes it hard to understand what an Indian is saying in English.

From personal experience nothing is more hilarious and infuriating than being put through to an Indian call centre, you are welcomed by a guy on the other line whose adamant his name is Tony, i called once due to me wanting to change a service and i asked the Indian to stop bluffing with me and inform me of his real identity he replied, " Sir, you are being quite rude, my name is Tony." Then i asked him what his father name was, he said "Kunal, oh sh1t!" For 20 seconds i was in stitches just laughing at him while he was trying his upmost to try and get me to respond to him. Man, honestly Indians are good to laugh at, they can be truly golden at times.

I would love to hear your accent as your post suggests English is unlikely to be your first language (those in glass houses etc)
Have to agree the Indian accent is a massive turn off and makes it hard to understand what an Indian is saying in English.

From personal experience nothing is more hilarious and infuriating than being put through to an Indian call centre, you are welcomed by a guy on the other line whose adamant his name is Tony, i called once due to me wanting to change a service and i asked the Indian to stop bluffing with me and inform me of his real identity he replied, " Sir, you are being quite rude, my name is Tony." Then i asked him what his father name was, he said "Kunal, oh sh1t!" For 20 seconds i was in stitches just laughing at him while he was trying his upmost to try and get me to respond to him. Man, honestly Indians are good to laugh at, they can be truly golden at times.

Another Pakistani member with the "Angrez ki aulad" complex...

Do tell us "P*kis" how to sound more like yourself.....
Its funny that Pakistanis here are making fun of Indian English when they can't form a English sentence properly.
I would love to hear your accent as your post suggests English is unlikely to be your first language (those in glass houses etc)

It's funny when an Indian intends to act as grammar police when he himself can't even form a sentence. *facepalm* Nonetheless I neither care nor do I intend to waste time to make sure all my post are grammatically correct on a military forum as long as my message is conveyed as you so kindly have shown to be the case I have no desire to proofread my comment but you are more than welcome to correct them as we go along but judging by your own ability on not being able to form a sentence I would opt out if i was you.

Sorry, please come again!
It's funny when an Indian intends to act as grammar police when he himself can't even form a sentence. *facepalm* Nonetheless I neither care nor do I intend to waste time to make sure all my post are grammatically correct on a military forum as long as my message is conveyed as you so kindly have shown to be the case I have no desire to proofread my comment but you are more than welcome to correct them as we go along but judging by your own ability on not being able to form a sentence I would opt out if i was you.

Sorry, please come again!

Improved effort. But you still need to find some space for coma & full stop!!:D
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